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  1. The only area where fishing is not allowed is in the marinas. Other than that the city encourages fishing along the waterfront....
  2. We have to be diligent with all development these days...Nothing wrong with making a profit but they take the resources out of the ground for almost nothing in royalties, the main benefit being jobs etc. I wouldn't trust the government on anything these days...Look at Samsung.lots of sweetheart deals with the Ontario gov that guarantees big profit. Six nations got a sweet deal giving them $55 million for building wind turbines...most of which aren't even on the reserve. Due diligence is needed so we will have something to be proud of that makes Ontario a lot of money...Fail and we will have an environmental mess and big profits that leave the province without really benefitting any of us...
  3. The natives need the infrastructure but at what cost? The ones who want to train in Engineering or even a mechanic should have the opportunity to do so. The jobs have to be meaningful and worth something in order to foster pride and to encourage them to keep showing up. Cliffs only wants the money so anything they offer is for public relations...not because they are responsible corporate citizens. If they had their way there would be no smelter in Ontario...just imagine how much virgin forest will be opened up with the new railway or highway. This could be good for fishermen or hunters but in the long term it will diminish those far off wilderness places most of us love. As a southerner maybe I have a romantic view of the North but my favorite place in the world is the boreal forest north of Jellico...might sound silly to a Northerner..... you can't go back once the water and land are destroyed by greed.
  4. Cliffs have to be closely watched..they want people to work for free or close to it...Last year the camp workers walked out over wages and working conditions. They were offered what would have been $140 take home per 12 hr day. No employment insurance, no isolation pay, poor safety...basically they thought they were in Brazil not Canada....Camp workers got a $1000 bonus for moving 200 tons of chromite by hand in half the allotted time while the office managers reportedly got $50 000.... It's about money!! Investors want maximum return without a care for the environment or workers...If the oil patch can pay the big wages than cliffs can too.........
  5. If these guys were from out of the country they may not know how to properly tie off in the first place and their employer was more interested in profit than safety. He just wanted the job done as fast as possible...Our right to a safe workplace is diminishing in the name of profits. The guys who refuse unsafe work where I am tend to get fired for"other reasons" eventually...
  6. Shouldn't you be in your parents basement playing video games and texting your friends? What kind of example are you to your buddies?..... Keep fishing and get some of your friends hooked as well...It will keep you out of trouble(maybe)...lol Every year we bring a big group of kids from the inner city of Hamilton to Binbrook to introduce them to fishing and thanks to fishing world we provide them with a rod and tackle to go home with. Even if only a couple of them get hooked on fishing then we have done what we set out to do.....Better your parents are ticked at you for coming home late( "one more cast" )than the alternative...
  7. I happened to be in goderich at the Maitland River(not fishing-out for a drive). What a zoo! Judging by the full stringers of bass the fishing was good. Too bad guys were keeping fish around 12 inches. I wish they would stick to the 2-3 lb fish and let the bigger and smaller fish go...
  8. Sounds all too firmiliar to me...laid off for 10 months in 08, locked out for a year in 2010,...back to work but in a crappy area of the plant(GLAD TO BE WORKING THOUGH)... AND wife recently lost her job... so we are hanging on by a thread right now. You will quickly learn to be frugal. It sucks when you can't even spare the cash for gas to go fishing.....food and shelter first..then fun..
  9. Migrant workers? Lots of people out of work and they need migrants?...Oh yea, Canadians don't want to work under dangerous conditions for minimum wage.....plus they have the nerve to question safety and refuse unsafe work which causes the bosses to lose money and bonuses.....how can you buy the wife a new Mercedes every year when pesky workers take your money???
  10. Trying to sleep after nights this weekend was tough....didn't hear the snowbirds but when the lancaster, the b25, and the b29 superfortress went over my house in formation I thought the house was falling down.....
  11. The fish around wellandport have much higher levels of pollutants than the lake has. Further study is needed but its proving to be nearly impossible just to get someone to admit responsibility. A class action may be the only way...
  12. You and Harvey both deserve kudos!!!
  13. Grackles are very smart birds...kill one or two and they get the message pretty quick....starlings tick me off more, emptying the bird feeder in record time...needless to say they stick to the feeder next door and leave mine alone...
  14. And here I thought this thread had to do with banks taking bailout money and doling it out to the execs in the form of big bonuses....and still losing billions....
  15. I agree, Nipigon....the northern part of the lake is much quieter if you can find a place to stay up that way and the scenery is second to none. Even if the trout aren't biting, the pike will be... Day trips are a possibility depending on the boat size. There are some great drive-to lakes...If you find one with fish keep it quite..lol.. I fished last year with a retired bait dealer/camp owner and he wouldn't let us have a gps or even tell us where we were going but we caught a ton of fish. If any of the camp owners find out where the fish are biting they send all of their clients there...Won't take long to fish it down...
  16. Why didn't the swat team come in and shoot it??....lol
  17. My buddy is on his way to nip right now staying in a small cabin on the lake...sadly I had to turn down the invite due to several factors...last year was my first trip there and it was the most amazing vacation I've ever had...hopefully next year my job and health situation improves enough to say yes......
  18. Besides the gun registry, I see nothing good with the current government...if you are blue collar, look out....
  19. Lots of midweek fishing means no traffic to fight either...trouble with that is finding a buddy with the same days off.....
  20. Working nights all weekend.....argh..scheduled in every long weekend this summer.....
  21. That's why heart doctors in the states drive ferrarri's........
  22. You might have better luck out of crystal beach. Go west past point abino and fish in front of shekston in 60-65 feet...fish with the pack and move with the fish....
  23. Mine is the same make and yes they are hard to pull because you are moving all of the blades which are heavy.....
  24. Pike are closed on Niapenco until May 12.....
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