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Roy last won the day on January 21 2020

Roy had the most liked content!

About Roy

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Boucherville, QC.

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Imperial Angler

Imperial Angler (10/10)



  1. Contrats to you, Nick! Don't forget to answer my email. Thanks.
  2. And we have a "wiener" ! Naw got the draw. So Nick, I'll email you and you can return your address, postal code and such by return email. Congrats Bud.
  3. And a warm hello to Gordon, Paul, Connie, the Boss, Gino, Ironmaker, Loonietoon, John Bacon, Vance, John Payne, Joe, Mamona, Cando (yes, you were here), Ketchenany, Grimsbylander, Chuck Enwinde, Nick, Sinker, Lexxington, Rizzo, Cisco, Brian Storkey and Hometown. Looking forward to yakking with all y'all.
  4. Welcome aboard. Looking forward to hearing your input as well.
  5. Thanks for the posts Weeds, Glen, Dutch and Cliff. Yes Glen. I remember and Cliff nice to see you here. Nice of Norm to send you the pics.
  6. Thanks Wayne, Brian and Norm. Catch y'all soon.
  7. Yes, and I have zander and dore as well.
  8. Thanks Paul, Art, Terry and Mr. Warwick. We'll all get to yak more in the future. WOOOHOO!
  9. Thanks Dave. I still watch your "living on the edge" video, especially at this time of the year. It's so well done.
  10. Thanks Lew. I've missed you and Diane as well.
  11. Wow! It IS so nice to be home again. I've missed you guys. Things are good here and I hope that all's well with everyone. I've been scanning the board the last two days or so. The last thread I read was the walleye comb-over and I was going to make J an attractive supper but I'm going with rainbow filets and I don't know anyone important that thin. Looking forward to hearing from you guys. On Saturday, the 25th at 8 pm, I'll draw a name of a person who posted to this thread and send that person a batch of walleye baits. It really IS great to be back.
  12. Made these quails for J. She likes them and so do I actually. They weren't half bad. Have a great evening!
  13. Not chemtrails....he was having his crops sprayed. Air Canada did it for him last year but he wasn't too happy with the wait times.
  14. Ya know, the last few years seemed to have been a lot more windy than usual. I'm not a great fan of fishing in winds of 25k or more and I know that a lot of my friends feel the same way. It would be great if someone could chime in with some advice. The only advice I could offer is that perhaps we should never speak of wind. Wind would be unheard of. It's a crazy idea I know.... caught wind of it yesterday.
  15. How you doing Bud? Been fishing much this winter?
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