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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. My co-worker has a 2012 ram 1500 and his has been in 3 times for wiring harness failure it keeps burning out one of his heaflights and just a few weeks ago the dealer replaced I believe the whole harness as well as his power seat module and a few other things too !!! And they made him pay over $50 to cover something and he was quite mad as it's been an ongoing problem with the wiring harnessss something about a clip not joining correctly and corrosion getting in is what they told him and that's at a dealer in Lindsay
  2. Ya it looks pretty cool !!! Seen it on Facebook and they got a biologist to explain it too ....I'm suprised it didn't get eaten when it was small not good to be sticking out of the crowd that's for sure Lol
  3. michelin LTX MS put 150,000km on them on my ranger truck and passed safety no problem...awesome tire,and when i need tires on my silverado thats whats going on it too
  4. I do use the okuma roller rods 9ft and they work awesome as well !!! No issues with any roller rods for my dipseys
  5. Ya the traditional way way of his ancestors with an airboat and all the mechanical equiptment just like they used to use !!! There is video of h doing his harvesting taken by cottagers not sure if it's on YouTube but it's there somewhere makes quite the mess as well
  6. It was great to see lots of rememberence posts on social media about it as well as pics & stories as we lost many Canadians there as well !!! There was even a story about the last remaining service dog who was there and even he got recognized for the job they all performed
  7. Awesome !!!! Seen a few lifts this summer up north but not like that !!!!! Amazing light show up there
  8. I fish senkos a lot and rig them several different ways and always always have a senko rod ready to go for a thowback bit and it still produces for me HUGE !!!! One of the easiest baits to use in many different situations and most years always produces some of my biggest bass of the season as a few members on this board know that have been fishing with me !! They are so versatile and can be used in just about any situations shallow deep logs rocks docks and yes for wacky style I use the rubber O ring on them as well as several diff styles of hooks From weedless to Texas rig hooks and ya I go through senkos sometimes a pack per outing but with the quality of bass I catch with them I don't mind one bit !!! But to each their own I guess Cheers & fish-on And I acually need some more of my fav color as the crayfish molt bite has been insane and I went through several packs of that color ......
  9. Yes they are sure spreading fast and the MNR can't keep up with the reported sightings all over Ontario sad and very alarming ......
  10. It's been getting choaked out more & more every year ..... Emily creek is almost blocked out it had taken over in many many spots !!!! Brutal
  11. Yup boat buckle gets my approval I have been using one form or another of them for years & years !!! Just put a new set on this summer !!! Good for another 3-5yrs !!!! They stay tight and don't fail but cause of the many miles I do every year they just wear out eventually but that's ok !!! Just like tires they are a wear item but Are well made and last along time. Cheers
  12. I think the threat from these Asian carp that they have known about for years and that shipping canal in Chicago and the slow response from both sides of the border is "a day late & a dollar short ". It's just a matter of time and our fisheries as we know them now won't exist .... Not good that's for sure
  13. I used 6 gauge wire from my 29 series battery then a 60amp minn Kota breaker then to my plug it's not a marine co as I had that and the adapter broke 2 times so now I have a proper 6 guage plug and works fine no issues mine is 12 volt as well 55lb thrust .... Gonna switch to cable drive for next year tho ... Cheers
  14. wow >>>>> awesome man some huge fish....all donkeys too
  15. . This is how I usually do it but google earth is what I use now !!!!! I usually make up my mind at 2:30am where I go fishing ..... Not to often a plan I just drive a few hours and it's either a left or a right ...... Many many new lakes & water I have found that way over the years and yes lots of fish .... October is big big fish time so seeing how by then weather starts to get a bit worse so decide what you want to fish for the most and plan it on that to up your odds and according to your boat size and capability !!!! If you have a smaller boat and go to big water if the weather turns for a crap you don't want to be stuck on shore .... If you have a decent boat you will ok it's something to keep in mind as a planning tool you want to make the most of the time on the water at that time of the year as it's big fish time ..... Cheers
  16. Well I have been getting some fat tanks in both the north kawarthas & Haliburton and some are getting very fat just like footballs ..... For weeks now they have been puking up crayfish and baby perch the molt seemed to last longer this year up north so I think it was a bumper crop of crayfish this year and right very shortly will be switching back to chasing baitfish and depending what that is will be packing on the poundage real quick .... Have been having a blast with the brown fish this summer ......nice fish brian ...
  17. It was the demand from the US probly won't see many up here and ya my ultimate choice would still be a big PROV but if money were not an issue I would gladly have one at my dock !!! I'm just curious as to the price seeing how our dollar had taken a nose dive it's probly mega bucks for that rig .....
  18. Blacks releases are great been using them for many many years !!! Lots of adjustment it pays to have great releases as they are NOT all the same and yes offshore ones work great too and it's good to change the pads sometimes too there is so eh tricks to help depending on line type
  19. That Lund is insane !!!!! Wow ..... A few hundred small monthly payments .... Lol
  20. Same with my dropshot weights a small snap or cross lock swivel and I can change out my weight in a second and helps for line twist too ... As I put a micro ballet swivel above on my braid where it joins to my floro
  21. I just use a cross lock swivel tied to my braid then I can change out my bouncer to heavier or lighter and no re tie involved !!!!! Been doing this for many many years
  22. the wild rice has doubled in the last 20yrs easily.....emily creek on sturgeon lake is almost chocked right off now,and there hardly used to be any years ago,it was just bullrushes,but not now the lakes sure are in bad shape thats for sure....
  23. Worm harnesses and bottom bouncers will catch walleyes anywhere you use them !!! North south east or west !!! And the best part is bass pike & muskies even lake trout love them too !!!! Def take a few with you 1oz to 2oz bouncers & braid will cover you too about 30-35ft no problem ....
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