We rent Pottageville Pavilion, Kettelby Ontario for family functions. It has all do the facilities anyone could ever need. The park is yours from 10:00 am to 7 pm. It has a stream and a pond full of Blue gill. We had 10 kids under 8 and had never seen or caught a fish. I had 5 ultra lite rods and some parents brought others. I got there a bit early and dropped a worm and Bammm got one and another, small, but for kids they would have a great time.
When they arrived they were in heaven, it was non-stop adrenalin. They were too young to cast, I would cast for them and teach them how to reel them in.
also there were turtles that would follow and one child actually caught one!
The most enjoyable day was had by all. Two of my grandsons ( 4 and 3) now each have a fishing rod and memories.
There are pictures but on other cameras as I was doing all of the "work" and no time for pics.
The smiles and energy was amazing.