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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Got out for some walleye yesterday afternoon, not much happened for 3 hours until a brief window of opportunity opened as the sun hit the tree line, beautiful sunny day, only around -3C and despite a fairly stiff wind I was well sheltered on my chosen spot. Bite lasted 20 minutes or so before it switched off ass quickly as it started.
    4 points
  2. Nothing better then fresh
    3 points
  3. Career con can’t stay out of trouble https://www.wfmj.com/story/48341843/suspect-in-fishing-tourney-scandal-now-charged-in-hermitage-counterfeiting-probe
    3 points
  4. I’m not sure where the top piece came from. Did you drop an eel into the batter?
    2 points
  5. Misfish; you gotta quit doing this, you are always making me hungry. I'm trying to lose weight and I'm running out of fish. Cheers.
    2 points
  6. I know im long long longggg overdue for a report, but planning a wedding, renovating a house, work and of course fishing get in the way. Welcome to the thread where you can complain about the ice conditions on your local water hole. This fish may be one of only a handful of laketrout caught through a hole in the ice on the great lakes this year. You would think -31 degree temperatures would freeze water, instead we managed to lose ice this past weekend due to the intense wind, breaking up about 300 yards of ice, while also flooding the ice that I was fishing on with 6+inches of water. All i can say is, thank god for my (now defunct) Kast steelhead gloves that allowed for me to pull my tent's pegs out of the ice while they were under 4 inches of water in -22 with dry warm hands. The walk home through that knee deep snow and water was absolute hell, the slush instantly freezing to the bottom of my sled making a 300 meter walk back to the truck taking over half an hour. I actually started laughing maniacly at one point while trying to pack up my already busted up tent, the broken pole within managed to twist itself inside of another set of poles making it effectively impossible to fold away entirely without entirely re-deploying the tent, which was now impossible due to the 60kmh winds and water on the ice. I gave up, folded it best as i could into a pile on the sled and strapped it down. I found ice that ranged in depth from 8 inches to 2 50 meters apart from one spot to the next...at this rate we will be boating in no time.
    1 point
  7. I grew up with a guy who’s dad was a con man…needless to say the kids were much like their father. If you are raised by someone with no moral compass how are you expected to have one
    1 point
  8. Timing is everything lol... nice feed.
    1 point
  9. Hope the book gets thrown at him for all the charges. Sounds like a complete loser. And to make matters worse, that's how he is raising his son. Poor kids probably never had a chance since he was born.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. We run a similar system on our fly in trips. So much easier than brining in that much water. We still bring a bunch in 1L jugs, but the filter would make the bulk of it. Bring an extra filter. We had one stop working one year. We would usually fill the bag from an open, deep spot in the lake, and let it filter out into one of those collapsible water jugs. I think the one we use is made by katadyn
    1 point
  12. You forgot the most important part “repeat”
    1 point
  13. Way to go bro glad you caught some. We spent the day yesterday looking down a empty hole. Looking at you supper, I have to open a can of Sardines. 😀
    1 point
  14. I'd suggest the large refillable bags that you let drip filter, by hanging it from a tree etc. depending on the body of water you're on, going out into the middle of the lake *can* be safe to drink straight from the lake. Did this on my last Quetico trip and no problems. This was a trip with park wardens and was their suggestion. For filtering, I'd be looking at Katadyn or MSR. Fwiw, friends have caught trophy pike and muskie on flies up there. Good waters for pickerel as well.
    1 point
  15. The rating standards for this product is NSF P231 NSF P231 certified water filters deliver up to a six-factor purification of cysts, bacteria and viruses, which they remove at the following rates: 99.9999 percent of bacteria 99.99 percent of viruses 99.9 percent of cysts This does not remove chemicals such as petroleum or other types of chemicals that could be in the water. This being said the best filtration is distillation rather than filtration. A reverse osmosis system would be my second choice to produce drinking water. The issue with filtration is it takes the easiest path of resistance and as you use the filter it will develop a path through the carbon and the contact time is minimal. Since the penalty of bad water and the distance from medical help should be weighed in what is the best path for you to consider. Art
    1 point
  16. Can we guess that it succumbed to a Loony Bin offering! Just thinking of a sale offer 😂 not that you want to push it. great dinner B
    1 point
  17. After reading the specs, it appears to remove most of the bad things that would give you Montezuma's revenge.
    1 point
  18. Like.. i wasnt hungry enough before.
    1 point
  19. We moved from a city house to a lot that is two thirds forest. I bought a lot of electric tools and can comment on them. Snow blower - We have a 60ft double driveway. It was only challenged when we had 15inches of snow. The opening of the mouth is smaller than that but it got the job done. It just took longer and I couldn’t complete it all in one go. You could buy a bigger two stage model. Pole saw - I'd never buy a gas one. Weed wacker - I'd never buy a gas one hedge trimmer - I'd never buy a gas one Chain saw - it is limited by the length of the blade. I think they top out around 18 inches. The batteries would wear down quickly with say oak that is 3ft thick and you are constantly cutting. I live on ravine and it does 95% of my jobs well. If I have really big stuff I call my brother and we use his gas saw. Lawn mower - for most lawns it’s great. It’s not economical to cut your grass when it is really long. It will do the job but burn through the battery quickly. So best is regular cutting. I can usually get both my front and back done on one battery. That is about 70 minutes of cutting. Leaf blower - if you got a really big lawn and there are lots of leaves gas would be better. There are variable settings for the leave blower. Mostly I don't have it on high. On high I could run it for an hour. Gas would blow harder. My basic rule of thumb for electric tools is that if you will use the tool consistently for really big jobs gas is better.
    1 point
  20. We seem to have gone from arguing facts to pressing our opinions. Everyone can have their own opinion. The one you hold works for you so it is the correct answer for you. Others have different life styles and need that are directly opposite of what works for you. So either we respect others views without condoning them or we lock the thread. Art
    1 point
  21. Its a complicated issue to which I don't think anyone has a real grasp on how to solve. What I do know is if Canada was to emit 0-C02 emissions .. there would still be 98.5% of the problem to sort out. Have the real heavy hitters make significant progress and maybe then we can fine tune some stuff on our end. Until then... I feel like I am doing enough already. Needs to be curtailed? Yikes. Do you really need a Truck? do you really need that boat? Do you really need to burn wood? Do you really need to mow your lawn 5 times a week? Do you really need to keep your house 25 in the winter?... Where does that end? Until Private Jet travel is looked at... please leave me alone. But anyway... we are way off topic here... sorry to the OP.
    1 point
  22. OPPS!!!!! Dumb mistake. We've all made them. Well maybe not as bad as this one but school does costs money... Dan...
    1 point
  23. mmmmmmmm..is it wrong I wanna dip this in tartar sauce ?
    0 points
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