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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2021 in all areas

  1. I live alone, have been tested several times for covid because of medical appointments, always negitive. I have a piece of property in French River, fully serviced lot and a motor coach. I can literly leave here not have to interact with anyone and stay there for the whole summer without having to go into town but under the current guidelines I am not alowed to do that. I might just risk the fine because at my age who knows how many more summers I might have.
    5 points
  2. Basically every police precinct has said they won’t be enforcing that rule of stoping people and asking where they are going. I’m sorry how is golf a super spreader? Or a kids playground.
    4 points
  3. Well 15lbs of brisket and two lbs of salmon just went into the smoker now the waiting begins 😊
    3 points
  4. Back when I was younger in a time long, long ago I was sitting at a red light waiting for it to change. On the other side waiting was a blown small block Chevy Vega and behind him a cop. When the light turned green the cop lit him up. Dude in the Vega was 3 blocks away before the cop made it through the intersection. Cop turned off his lights and went home with his tail between his legs. 🤣😂🤣
    3 points
  5. So the last time I smoked a whole brisket I didn't trim the fat and I found that I had a lot of grease when I took it out of the foil. This tome I decided to remove some of the fat and render it down. Now if you have ever had scrunchions you know how wonderful they are, well this is what I ended up with. Now I am going to make a big pot of baked beans but instead of pork I am going to use some of this. 😊
    2 points
  6. Tell the cops you are going to the grocery store...aka the lake to fish. Enough said
    2 points
  7. I just call Parker Plastics here in London. With the little info I was able to give the guy; he thinks they can fabricate the windshield for you? I've dealt with these people before and they are very easy to work with. Parker Plastics Their location is not that far from me and my shop. If there's anything I can help with this; all you need to do is ask. Dan.
    2 points
  8. Actually first and second posts, obviously he can't be bothered to put in any leg work like most folks do. On one FB fishing group I'm in asking that or giving away spots gets you booted.
    2 points
  9. Good stuff WB.. take the Astra and save the Pfizer for the younger and pregnant ones..
    1 point
  10. A man after my heart.
    1 point
  11. well the jab was much better than the flu jab or blood draw haha. and the pharmacist was wonderful. hope the next 20 days fly by with no probs was really hoping for Pfizer, but with the cases in Ontario going ballistic, and not being able to get it until late May/June.. well AstraZeneca was the better choice. don't really wanna be hospitalized, or on a hi flow nasal canula...or worse. fwiw, recall has plots of doses and some places are even walk in. don't play the game and wait for Pfizer, get whatever you can.
    1 point
  12. Almost every precinct has said they will not be pulling people over just because.
    1 point
  13. Yes, as a nation we were stupid to become dependent on other nations for vaccinations. Most people don't know that our Pfizer and Monderna supply comes from Europe because the American plants will give us none of their created supply. It has led to delays in our contracted totals. If you wonder why the Europeans are cheesed it's because both the US and GB expect that Canada and other nations get supplied from their European plants. In England's case it is insisting that the Astra Zenca produced in Europe only go to the UK first till they are fully vaccinated. So you can rightly blame our government for many things but not supply issues.
    1 point
  14. Our infection rate has now surpassed the US infection rate. This is strong evidence that vaccinations work. Our death rate is still way below the US death rate. I do agree that all the outdoor restrictions are counter productive, on the other hand the alternative of no lockdown to curb outbreaks has been proven time and time again around the world to boost your death rate within hospitals to about 10% and lead to many other deaths from other conditions.
    1 point
  15. Congratulations on getting your AZ, I know what a challange it is and now the fun really starts. Started driving trucks at 15 on a twin stick Mack 😊, I finally gave it up five years ago when Sue got sick and Young and Eglington construction sites were not what I wanted to do anymore. I do still miss it though but not the long days or idiots. Stay safe both on the road and off !
    1 point
  16. Interviews with regional police forces on the TV today indicate that they have no intention of pulling people over, whether driving, riding or walking. In fact, many of them have not even seen the legislation to which they are charged with enforcing. HH
    1 point
  17. I'm not sure if it's allowed now. I think if you bring your dog and say you're walking it it might be ok but not sure. I hope so because thats next weeks plan but the police can stop you and ask where you're going. Thats another problem because I don't want to tell them my secret fishing spots...jeez
    1 point
  18. Trudeau wants to sit in a circle and hold hands singing songs, useless twit. It's his screw ups that has causes all of this hardship. Also, lockdowns don't work but lets keep trying them again and again and again.
    1 point
  19. We don't have 10 times the population of Canada, but more than 20 times the deaths? They can't be screwing things up too badly?
    1 point
  20. When worlds collide. So, two good friends who have never met or spoken to each other brought together my dinner last night. The first friend provided a boneless skinless wild Turkey breast. The second (HeadHunter, thanks Buddy) gave me his homemade marinade recipe for domestic boneless skinless Turkey breasts. Queue the light bulb in my head.... The marinade was made and as instructed by my friend combined with the wild T breast meat and allowed to marinade for 48 hours. Today was the day to BBQ it, between rain showers. The marinade HH allowed me to share here is as follows (and it is delicious*)........ Boneless turkey breast, stabbed to death with a serving fork. Marinade: ¼ cup of the following; -white wine -orange juice -apple juice -oil… not olive! -Soya -teriyaki -crushed garlic -pepper… no need to add salt with the soya and teriyaki Overnight will work well, two days is better in the fridge. I have also frozen it in the marinade, defrosted overnight in the fridge with great results. Brown all sides on an extremely hot grill. Once browned, place on the cool side of the BBQ and brush with hoisin sauce every ten minutes until the turkey is done. Wrap and let sit for ten minutes before cutting into slices,, against the grain. J The noodle side dish sauce is as follows.......... 1/4 cup soy sauce 2 tbsp sugar 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp rice vinegar 3 tbsp pure sesame oil 1/2 tsp hot chili oil 4 tbsp Peanut oil * I double this sauce recipe and keep it in the fridge for convenience. I'll let the pictures take over from here.
    1 point
  21. Thx guy, will inquire now. Only 1hr drive, perfect.
    1 point
  22. I'm guessing the "blanket" no you can't is thanks to the 100's of RV's that gathered in certain spots on Crown land. Generally the old gravel pit area on Rabbit Lake Rd South of Temagami has one or two trailers parked on it in a Summer. Last year there was close to a 100 jammed into the one spot like a small village. We were strictly flying back and forth last Summer, so we had no requirement to stop anywhere. Leah and I spotted MANY such places on Crown land down trails and logging roads, from Parry Sound to Temagami. Dozens and dozens of trailers congregated together where we'd never seen a single one in 16 years of flying the same route..
    1 point
  23. Classic first post “give me your spots”
    1 point
  24. Yes you can still get it. Chances greatly reduced of that happening. Never going to be perfect. Knowing that i'm probably not going to catch it and if I do chances of getting deathly ill are slim , is good enough reason for me to start living my life again. If countries would concentrate on getting their own people vaccinated this would reach tolerable levels very quickly. Always going to be a group that will not get vaccinated and that's their prerogative. But obviously that group will be doing most of the suffering going forward.
    1 point
  25. Elect a clown, expect a circus. 🙄
    1 point
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