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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Well ,no that’s your choice if you decide not to go or only go for one weekend Closing the access is the municipalities doing and you have no say or choice imagine if they like how quite it is around there and decide to make it permanent ok maybe silly but when is it ok. One month, one summer, one year, two years, five years. The government is giving money to help businesses they made close. Money to people they made not work. So why the hell not people who can not access their very expensive high mortgage cottages.
    2 points
  2. Are you saying my wife may have gotten infected elsewhere, then went to work with it? I sure as hell hope not. She got it at work. As did 23 other people she works with. The nurse and i are not saying that its all a scam, just questioning how threatening the virus really is and how many people have died of other ailments, that covid is being listed as the cause of the death. I can speak from experience as i am amazed neither me or our 2 sons did not get it as well, living with someone who was quite ill for 8 days. Makes one think differently thats for sure. But part of the video message is, if hospitals arent swamped with cases, why not open elective surgery for people who so desparately need it for ailments that are just, if not more life threatening than covid. I get caution, but its time to start treating people for other things now, resources are being wasted waiting around for something that apparently isnt coming.
    2 points
  3. Hey for those of you who are interested in the science behind fishing and are on Facebook, come join me next Tues. April 28th at 7:30 PM on the "EVERYTHING You Wanted to Know About FISHING but were afraid 2 ask..." group page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1421921441322251/ as I will be talking with Dr. Bruce Tufts, Professor of Fisheries & Conservation from Queen's University in Kingston! Dr. Tufts is one of the foremost experts on Smallmouth Bass behaviour, populations and biology in the world. He is also the person behind the practices of the Shimano Live Release System that most tournaments' live release are based on. Most recently, he helped put forward a proposal to create a "Early Season Catch & Release Season" in FMZ 20 along with a delayed opener for Smallies out there! Please join us and bring your questions and we'll try to answer as many as possible.
    1 point
  4. Was out Monday Crappie fishing and had a honey hole all to myself and a friend and of course some happy camper came walking to his dock screaming and shouting obscenity at us about being in his area blah blah blah said he wanted to fish called me more names of course it was tough not to beat his azzz but then he cast over our lines ripped it and broke it walked to parking lot and started pitching rocks at my boat so I called opp after a bunch of Bull frpmmgiy saying we were blocking his dock and stole his bobber cops were giving me a hard time with every excuse social distance inessential travel ,, that I could go somewhere else ect I showed him the go pro and attitudes changed in hurry . So after review of video evidence person is being charged today by opp today
    1 point
  5. I post this every spring I think. We had our 1st bug attack here on the shore of Erie today. I do this every year for 10 years and it works. When the bugs are out by the billions they can turn the front of your vehicles jhet black. I slather the front of my vehicles with Pam oil spray. Everything including some of the hood. You just wipe off the dead critters with a clean micro cloth then wash or respray. In years gone by I was picking black bugs out of the grill etc. in July. Not any longer.
    1 point
  6. I like to think noon is more a state of mind.
    1 point
  7. I think you don’t like people who have money i had a business renting out houses. I was not living above my means I was trying to better myself that would mean anyone who buys a house or rents a house and loses their job or their spouse dies or gets sick and can’t afford to pay their rent/ mortgage is living above their means is they get what they deserve I'm glad I don’t see it that way
    1 point
  8. Again water level is an act of god not the municipalities and they are off work So no money coming in so much for can afford it . And who says they can afford it I have friend that has to rent their cottage out for a month or two just to pay for some of costs money just because someone has a cottage doesn’t make them rich and money to burn
    1 point
  9. nlpaintballer you are misinterpreting that old April 2nd statement. Your very insulting and misinformed. Here the statement is more completely... "As for Toronto, the latest numbers show that out of at least 818 total known cases to date, at least 31 front-line workers have contracted the virus so far — including 12 physicians, 13 nurses and six other health-care workers. Earlier data suggested a higher count, but public health officials are now reporting only patient care roles. "The majority of these cases of COVID-19 are travel-related," noted Toronto Public Health spokesperson Lenore Bromley." So the wayyy back April 2nd number of 818 is what he is referring to re most are from travel. Not just HC workers. Makes sense if properly read. Also in Toronto where most international travel originated/returned to less than 4% (31) of the reported 818 infections were from HC workers. Oh and if 10% are HC workers traveling then why and where are the HC workers traveling to where such a large number are catching it? It should be assumed that HC travelers are catching it at the same rate as other travelers. In fact they'd be less likely to catch it since they generally have a better understanding of hygiene precautions. At the start which was just before April 2nd the hospital HC workers were being told how to deal with Covid-19. All were following orders, learning and adapting. Many got it while treating patients. To imply they got it traveling and brought it into Homers or hospitals is both wrong and a bit insulting.
    1 point
  10. Thank you for the invite and the effort you put into conservation of the fishing resources we have available. Art
    1 point
  11. Cool. I will have to look into it
    1 point
  12. Saw him in Midland a few months ago. Also saw him at a pub in TO about 15 yrs ago, no cover. Puts on a good show.
    1 point
  13. Actually, it was very likely a resident that transferred there from toronto, unscreened and was one of the first 3 residents with it, before my wife got sick.
    1 point
  14. Of course it is less likely to get the virus when you and perhaps a spouse is the only people in a few hundred acres or more of space. The Gov discourages people traveling from highly densely populated cities to rural areas as they are more likely to pass it on up in God's country. Also the more vehicles on the road the more likely accidents will occur then the accident victims are going to need 1st responders and the resources associated with an accident. This is how I understand the no travel ban advice, it isn't law, yet. Our property is listed as "Seasonal Residential." No one including our politicians can tell us what exactly seasonal residential really means. There was a time about 12 years ago someone started the rumour that the Real Estate Police dressed in black riot garb were going to take you from your warm beds in the middle of the night and throw you out to the Coywolves. Our town councilor assured everyone no one is getting tossed from their cottages or homes. What the definition for a cottage isn't even clear. Some of the new cottages being built out here are 3500 sqft or larger McMansions not Grandma and Grandpas little 2 bedroom cottage with a little woodstove. In our neighbourhood 80% of the seasonal residential homes are lived in year round. Some go to warmer climates for the winter, some like us are away only a month during the winter, sometimes. I would love to be in court when that $750.00 ticket is brought forward. The guy can call Premier Doug Ford as a witness. Johnny D/hunkered down in Selkirk ON. 9 days no smoking so far. We are actually going to stop counting. That is a good thing. Feel pretty good to, not great but good.
    1 point
  15. Hey irishfield did you hear the newest from the Municipality of Temagami? All municipal boat launches and parking area's closed to recreational and non fulltime residents.
    1 point
  16. Kind of a vague question but one I'm sure has many different answers. I enjoyed fishing as a young child but never spent a lot of time doing it. When I did though it made me pretty happy and I didn't have to be catching anything to feel that way. I watched fishing shows and read fishing magazines as I got older, I learnt a bit from my dad and also friends, especially a neighbour who was a great fisherman. I grew up and in my teenage years my dad bought an aluminum boat and we would do some walleye and bass fishing mostly. That was short lived, sometimes teens have other priorities than fishing and soon after that the boat was sold. I can remember in my early 20s I would kind of nudge my dad once in a while and tell him about a good deal on a boat hoping we could spend some time out on the water again. I was also getting the itch to really get back into fishing. Unfortunately my dads health declined and he just didnt have the motivation to want to get back into fishing. He passed away in 2011 and I did what he wasn't able to do with some money he left me, I bought a boat. I did it because I wanted to get back into fishing and it was also an homage to my dad. I feel that's what he would have wanted me to do. I've been back fishing pretty steadily since 2012 and I can't believe how much I've learned and how much I still don't know. It's amazing to me how some anglers can be so confident yet so new to the sport and how some people can fish for 30 years and still feel like they don't know what they are doing. Do some of you feel that there are true "naturals" in the sport of fishing or do you feel hard work will always take precedence? Figured this is a topic that comes around every once in a while. This might be as good of a time as ever with a few extra ppl on their computers.
    1 point
  17. Not a sin, just that thinking needs to start changing now, start focusing on other things that are just as important.
    1 point
  18. Sorry Big Guy.. but you admittedly have a wife that tested postive early into this, possibly took this into a home unknowingly where many residents are now deceased and you're buying into this nonsense that it's a scam...
    1 point
  19. I didn't see any ripping. I personally do not miss any hip hop hippy pants hanging down below the arse crack, backward hat wearin' hooligan music. I actually can't miss something I just ignore. If someone dislikes something just ignore it and move on.
    1 point
  20. lol once had a guy tell me that "theres no fish in the entire area" when i was fishing in a small cove near his cottage, sure enough as he finished his sentence a 3lb smallmouth crushed my topwater lol
    1 point
  21. Plus the wide angle lens makes fish look HUGE !
    1 point
  22. That's why I live where there are virtually no people. I hate people!!!! People SUCK!!!!! 😜
    1 point
  23. Remember my, I,LL MAKE YOU FAMOUS VID ? Never seen those guys again . Others said they seen and had the same guys move in on them too. LOL
    1 point
  24. Nice a camera has saved me a few times
    1 point
  25. I talked to a cottage neighbor, from a distance, he got pulled over on the 400, the cop asked where you headed?, it was obvious the way the car was packed and the kids in the back, he said going to the cottage the cop said no, turn around, head back home he said, we have all our supplies, there's no travel ban, sorry but I'm going the cop said here's a $750 ticket, have a good weekend, lol
    1 point
  26. I see the word "casualty" and read the word "tragic". It's not easy being me sometimes guys. Nor is it easy being the partner of my wife. Just task him. I'm sore she will have an answer for your.
    1 point
  27. I'm still here guys. Thanks for the well wishes
    1 point
  28. What happened? I got a pretty good idea what happened There's been lots of great Ontario outdoors people here, great anglers and great characters, people who have done lots of crazy trips with crazy experiences because of their obsession with fishing, they fish 24/7, who have found this site and then have been pushed away by the old boys club group of guys that treat this forum like their own personal blog and shun anyone who isn't in the original club. that's my take on it, if you scroll through the list of members you'll probably wonder- what ever happened to that guy, and that guy? where did they all go? Ric's alive and well, I see him on FB, I've got lots of friends on FB and I don't really know who they are because they left here and didn't keep their handle and sent me a friend request because of our interaction here I'm not calling you out Dax, quite the opposite, I liked how you guys butted heads, it was entertaining, it was the bullying, pile on, you're not one of us boys club mentality that killed a bunch of good posters here it is what it is, a personal blog for a small circle of friends, outsiders not welcome
    1 point
  29. Along with akrisoner, this is now the new hip hop thread
    0 points
  30. I like this, you dont have to
    0 points
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