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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2020 in all areas

  1. I have decided to switch career paths a little bit. Currently working at a large machine and welding shop, which also has a large automation department, stamping press install and repair, Hydro and Nuclear re-build and repairs, etc... etc..... Unfortunately there are way to many politics here for me to hit me career growth goals. So I made the hard choice to leave this company (which I love), and enter an entirely new field. I am making a switch from metal to wood! I start a new job working at a company that makes log homes, cottages, bridges and large scale mass wooden beam trusses. Big ones. 100' long, 6 x 4 foot fabricated wooden beams with tie rod re-enforcement. And we will do all of the installation as well! My end goal is to be assisting with sales, project management, and operations in general. Not just engineering like I am currently doing. Small company. 25 employees. WAY less politics then my current employer. I'll be going from a company that has already peaked and is starting to slide downhill. To a company that is on the rise in a somewhat niche market. Fingers crossed it all works out!! All of the being said. I have the current liberty to use the internet for my personal use during day at work. And that will end as of today. So I won't be posting much for a while!! AND, i have tomorrow and Friday off to go fishing!! SO i'll be checked out for a while until I can figure out the dynamic of my new employer. Wish me luck!!
    5 points
  2. Seafood for the taking! Fishing has been slow ever since that cold front moved in last week, the water temperature dropped from 57°F to 50F in three days and the catching became almost non existent. A few whitings and crabs but nothing like it was. A friend and I had been talking about going digging for clams and oysters so I decided this would be a perfect time to give it a try. Unfortunately Bruce couldn't go with me today but I decided to go on my own anyway. Went and got my South Carolina salt water fishing license ($35.00 for a year) bought a clam rake $45.00 and headed out to see what I could find. I had never dug for clams before or harvested oysters so I was kind of flying blind here but the sun was shining, it was 18° and I had checked the tide charts and would be at my selected spot just before low tide; perfect! It turns out digging clams is hard work, you are walking through this black mud that will suck the boots right off your feet then you start trying to find these clams which it seems like to bury themselves several inches below the surface of the mud. It took me a bit of practice but after about half an hour of trying to figure out how and what to do I started to get the hang of it pretty well. Oysters are a lot easier; well you still have to walk through that darn mud to get to where the oysters are but they are sitting right out in the open (amid a plethora of old oyster shells) all you have to do is pick them up, perhaps break off a few old shells, wash a bit of mud off them and you are good to go. Now shucking them is a whole different story, that is an art form in itself but I've had a bit of practice now and it's getting easier. I spent three hours out there this afternoon and came home with a five gallon pail of oysters and about 1/4 bushel of the most beautiful clams. If you like fresh seafood it doesn't get any fresher than this! Today's catch: about 1/4 bushel of little neck clams Oysters About a bushel (5 gal pail) of the freshest oysters you could ever get. Considering the clams sell for about $8.00 a lb and the oysters sell for about $50.00 per 1/2 bushel I think I've already recovered my initial cost and I'm going back again tomorrow . 🙂 One last picture, this guy is called a "spot", I caught it yesterday, apparently they are excellent eating and quite abundant in these waters. They don't get very big, I believe the record is only about 2.5 lbs, a quick picture and this guy went back to grow a bit bigger. Anyway, tight lines and stay safe!
    2 points
  3. Hi all, Got out to my favourite convenient walleye spot, always a nice ride from the house, they even groomed the trail on the lake this year! Its been really mild here, averaging around -6℃ for the last couple of weeks. Only been getting out the last few days as I got my rear end kicked by a killer bout off flu or what ever, more like the plague if you ask me. Anyways, loving the mild temps at the moment, and the fish are plentiful too, pike, walleye and whitefish. Might try for trout somewhere next week, but I've got 12 days straight at work coming up, so unlikely....lol.
    2 points
  4. Best of luck in the new venture, nothing worse than working somewhere your not happy.
    2 points
  5. I went to the rock for the 1st time for a wedding too, lol. I fell in love with it and have been back again and again. I wouldn't spend too much time concentrating on fishing, I'd just enjoy the whole vibe of the place, it's a totally unique part of Canada, try to get off the beaten path and onto the less travelled tourist roads. I've caught Atlantic Salmon on crazy, gorgeous rivers, but that's not what draws me back to NFLD.
    2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. good luck Nick hopefully the new job affords you the mental stability you are looking for. Im sure your kids and SO will appreciate it! Hopefully it affords you a bit more time to fish too!
    1 point
  8. I hear ya Nick, and know many that do and have, worked there. It can get trying at times. All the best buddy.
    1 point
  9. Good luck fishing oh and the new job too
    1 point
  10. Yes it is i know you have been in love with her since she was on the Flintstones or was it bye bye birdy
    1 point
  11. OI I had that issue a few years back with my BBQ. Some trouble shooting stuff I found somewhere told me to clean out the pin hole on the regulator. Could be clogged with crap or even ice...which I think was my case because it happened in the winter. Brought the BBQ in the house....let it thaw out and cleaned the pinhole and it worked like a charm. I was also told to make sure that when I shut off and turn on the tank crank it slow. Apparently if you do it too fast you can cause a pressure lock and the propane will not flow properly. Good luck.
    1 point
  12. So am I right to assume you were bottom fishing? In 400 ft?😲
    1 point
  13. I'm sure the 50' of snow will be gone by then!!!! 😂 😂 😂
    1 point
  14. I've told this story before, but it's been awhile so... Fished Quinte a ton back in the 90's, mostly from November until ice up. We arrived early, in the dark and proceeded to the launch in Picton. Temps were somewhere south of minus 10C. Back the boat down the launch, me holding the rope. Trailer is all the way in the water, but the boat looks wrong in the water. The trailer is frozen to the boat! Just hanging there. the thinking at the time, let's just let it come off in the water. Fifteen minutes later, no luck. We pull the boat out, still on the trailer and make a run to the power-wash car wash in Picton, and hit the bunks with the hot water, race back to the launch and the boat floats off the bunks. HH
    1 point
  15. This is my kinda thread, i could literally sit and look at boats all day. Keep em coming guys! This thread is really giving me the feels. This year on the ice has really had an impact on my psyche. Fishing really is my therapy, it dominates most of my thought patterns, i work during the week thinking about what kinda adventure on what lake will I get up to each weekend and this winter has not allowed that at all. I've managed to somewhat scrape some time together, but its never been good, I was only able to access one of my more preferred fishing spots for the first time this past weekend only to have the weather completely throw a stick in my spokes. I sit and think...man what I would give to be able to go out to my honey hole in my boat...Only 3 more months.... I realize i havent snapped a photo in a while need to get some new ones this year! Especially after I put new seats and a centre storage/step in! 98 Skeeter 140SS with a 130 Yamaha 2 stroke I recently have really been longing for one of those sunny quiet weekdays out on the lake. She can be a little temperamental in her old age lol. The Musky Rig and old faithful "Tinner Magic" 14 Foot Starcraft with a 1988 Suzuki 15
    1 point
  16. Awesome thanks for sharing I was there (near Liberia) last march w the family ut couldn't justify the cost to fish on my own. Glad you hooked up! We loved our trip though, one of my favourites so far
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Make them out of wood for that smokey flavour ?
    1 point
  19. LONG time ago my buddy Bob and his father wanted to go fishing with the rest of us.....since the one boat my friend Dan had wasn't big enough for all of us Bob, his father and I rented a boat......long story short we traveled a long ways to the crappie fishing grounds and by the time we wanted to head back the winds were blowing a LOT....... So to shorten the trip we decided to borrow Dan's car and trailer because he launched MUCH closer to where we were........making the boating trip back to shore less then half. My buddies father known as JP was a older man with a peg leg from birth......so on the way in he knelt in the small 16' rental and used a rain jacket to ward off waves/spray in order to stay dry.......believe it not he stayed 100% dry while we got WET on the way in. So I back down Dan's trailer at the launch we never used and it was quite steep to say the least...... JP decided to just stay in the boat because of his peg leg while we cranked the boat onto the trailer....... Now this is where is got hilarious (now) as Bob held the boat straight for the borrowed trailer and I just kept cranking it to his orders...... Well JP was at the back of the boat with his weight holding down the transom as the bow kept rising up the trailer. Before we knew it water started to POUR into the boat over the transom completely soaking a once dry JP to the knees.......the boat took in so much water that the 3 gallon gas tank and cooler started to float away.........LOL We had to get JP out of the boat and drain it because the car would not pull the boat up the steep ramp with all the extra weight. Every time I think of JP staying dry for over an hour while fighting the waves only to get completely soaked to his knees just makes me laugh even more. I hope JP is laughing as much in heaven as I'm laughing down here.
    1 point
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