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Dodge XWRP warranty scam?


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Bought  an extended warranty back in 2013. Initially adamantly refused to even listen to the sale pitch. Lady (and I use this term loosely) convinces me to listen...she swears up and down "don't use the warranty you get all the money back" Stupid me. I buy it to the tune of $2500. Now I am fighting tooth and nail  with Waterloo Dodge to get my money back and nobody willing to pay up. And no, I did not use the warranty. Dodge is refusing to help, Saying the problem is with the insurer (xwrp). I have already jumped thru the hoops XWRP is sending my way and they keep looking for loopholes. Sad thing is, I sat with a Dodge rep,,  gave my money to Dodge rep, signed a contract with a Dodge rep,... and what does this same sales person tell me now? Hire a lawyer, Apparently her unhappy customers hire lawyers to get back the money they were promised. Craziest thing? That employee is now the manger. Do car dealerships reward dishonest actions with promotions? Has anyone else heard of this or am I the only one being poorly treated by Dodge refusing to stand by their word?

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After a few mins of searching,  you apply for the refund directly with XWRP.   XWRP gets confirmation from Dodge that you did in fact have no warranty claims and mails you the cheque.

What part of this are they saying that you haven't fullfilled?

Edited by BillM
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Exactly. We did everything they asked... there are 4 or 5 things they ask you to send in...so we did. Then they send me a letter saying we are declined because we did not provide all service records. Of course, they never asked for these service records to be sent in the first place! Just instant decline. So now I am left trying to track down all service records for a 5 year old van. This isn't the easiest...one place we used is out of business, etc etc. Pain in butt. Having a hard time getting all the records...one of our oil changes was in Myrtle Beach! All Dodge said when they convinced me was "don't use the warranty, you get your money back". 

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Oil changes aren't under warranty though..   Why are they asking for receipts for oil changes?

Read this, apparently from a dealer.  All Dodge has to send them is a statement saying you haven't had any warranty claims.  The fact that they're asking for service records makes no sense.



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...and out of that $2500, Dodge actually got the bulk of it is my understanding...xwrp only a few hundred (I have been fighting this for weeks now, probably 40-50 calls and emails to both xwrp and Dodge)Yet this Dodge employee is basically saying, yes I took your money, yes I told you don't use the warranty you get your money back, no I am not going to help you get it back you are on your own I got my commission

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Bill I sent that statement in that we had no warranty work, that was one of the initial 4 or 5 things we knew we had to send. Why do you think I am so ticked and posting it here! I told them the same thing...oil changes have nothing to do with it. If I WANTED warranty work, then I can understand why they need proof I maintained the vehicle. All I want is "you don't use the warranty you get your money back"

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Bill I am pursuing both relentlessly. XWRP has no right not to refund my money so of course I continue to fight with them, and Dodge has been lying to me so the fight continues there. But why should I have to fight? Dodge never told me this would happen, and now that it is, they are doing nothing to help. You DO NOT just get your money back when you send in the documents they request. If you did, I would have my money by now! 

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Thanks Chris. I actually did look into that option a week or two ago. The site I looked it up on said there are court fees but it didn't say they were only $75! Here I figured it was gonna be hundreds to file a claim. This is a great idea if they don't eventually relent and give me my money. This has been a massive headache, has caused me stress and lack of sleep.  I have documented 40-50 emails /phonecalls. Will I only be able to go after them for the $2500 they owe me? Or because of how this is eating me alive can I go for more? I never get angry, very mild mannered, but in the last three weeks I have yelled in anger at several employees at both xwrp and Dodge.  This is clearly having a very negative effect on me

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35 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

Bill I am pursuing both relentlessly. XWRP has no right not to refund my money so of course I continue to fight with them, and Dodge has been lying to me so the fight continues there. But why should I have to fight? Dodge never told me this would happen, and now that it is, they are doing nothing to help. You DO NOT just get your money back when you send in the documents they request. If you did, I would have my money by now! 

I'm in agreement with you 100% man.  You shouldn't have to go through all this Bull if you've never had a warranty claim.   Should be a 10min deal.

Keep us posted!

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$75 to file the claim, you get a pre-trial discussion thing with all parties and a mediator (it's usually solved by then), another $75 if it goes to trial, total $150 but the judge can make the other guys pay that 150.

Sure, throw in a figure for stress and aggravation, worse case scenario the judge denies it.

I bet they would buckle shortly after you served them the papers.

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I've been dealing with these aftermarket warrantee companies for years. Most all require that proof of maintenance is supplied every three months or 5000k. I usually fax it in for my customers, so they don't forget. I'd be very surprised that its not stated on your contract somewhere. Likely in the most inconspicuous tiny text; mixed in with all the legal Bull. I had one lady's claim declined, on a blown transmission; because the vehicle was 1000klms over the oil change interval. I asked the adjuster what the hell does an engine oil change have to do with the transmission?  His reply was that during the oil change, an issue with the trans could have been seen and prevented it from burning out. It's Bull but that requirement was in the contract, she signed.


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30 minutes ago, DanD said:

I've been dealing with these aftermarket warrantee companies for years. Most all require that proof of maintenance is supplied every three months or 5000k. I usually fax it in for my customers, so they don't forget. I'd be very surprised that its not stated on your contract somewhere. Likely in the most inconspicuous tiny text; mixed in with all the legal Bull. I had one lady's claim declined, on a blown transmission; because the vehicle was 1000klms over the oil change interval. I asked the adjuster what the hell does an engine oil change have to do with the transmission?  His reply was that during the oil change, an issue with the trans could have been seen and prevented it from burning out. It's Bull but that requirement was in the contract, she signed.


nothing on the contract I signed. I can understand if I wanted warranty work done they would require proof of maintenance, but this is about "don't use the warranty, you get all your money back"

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10 hours ago, Rizzo said:

Then they send me a letter saying we are declined because we did not provide all service records. Of course, they never asked for these service records to be sent in the first place! Just instant decline.

I don't want to argue; but that right there tells me that, that clause must be in the contract somewhere? It may be worded in a way, that it'll take a lawyer to decipher??? If it is and I'm only saying IF it is; then they can claim you're in breach of contract.


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Joe beat me to it, but yes send my distant relative a message. He already did a full piece / undercover set up on revealing Dodge dealerships in the GTA selling customers parts they don't need (because the service counter is on commission). New spark plugs etc on 3000km vehicles..

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3 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

another victim of FCA

Yesterday i brought my truck in because the cab keeps filling with exhaust fumes every time the engine is running and the vehicle is not moving..."we checked the system its fine"....

They dont call em stealerships for nothing.

You've probably got a crack in one of the hard EGR hoses.   Common problem on a lot of diesels which leads to some nasty smells in the cabin if your system isn't set on recirc.

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3 minutes ago, jimmer said:

What the heck do maintenance records have to do with whether you used any of the extended warranty????

What a joke.  I can see why you are so frustrated.

Nothing at all; it's an escape route for these cash thieves to crawl through. Sorry if it sounded like I was defending them, in my other post; because I wasn't. I hate dealing with them and there are some, I will not deal with.


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34 minutes ago, DanD said:

Nothing at all; it's an escape route for these cash thieves to crawl through. Sorry if it sounded like I was defending them, in my other post; because I wasn't. I hate dealing with them and there are some, I will not deal with.


I didn't think you were defending them. These stories make it tough to put any trust in dealerships and garages though.

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50 minutes ago, jimmer said:

These stories make it tough to put any trust in dealerships and garages though.

Dealership yes, 75% of the work force are sales people and most of them don't know the difference between a headlight or a tail light. They're there working on commission and are trained on how to sell crap. Independent garages that are not also used car lots, generally are fair (if they are competent to do the repairs); but like in any other service industry; there's always a few bad apples that make us all look bad.

Not to brag (yes I am) but I've been in business running my garage for 33 year. There's only the three of us here and we're all licensed. (I trained my two mechanics right from their apprenticeships) I also have an active customer base of over 4800; I'm quite proud of keeping that many customers happy and coming back year after year.


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