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Got a text this morning from 1-705-493-1735 indicating they were sending me money.  Click on www.etransfer-interac.ml to receive your refund.  .ml is Mali, somewhere out there in the jungle.  Bunch of baboons thinking I pull my pants up with vice grips.

Edited by Fisherman
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I just get " Window's Technical Dept" saying there is a problem with my computer,  some chick with important info about my present credit card balance ( never says which card :rofl2:) and our daily air duct cleaning services with an AngloSaxon name and a heavy Punjabi accent :rolleyes: 

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10 hours ago, SirCranksalot said:

Just watched a Marketplace episode about ducts etc and how "effective" the "Do Not Call List" is!!(Doesn't really qualify as news, though!)


Quite the episode, the do not call list is pretty much a waste of time.  I'm sure the duct monkeys have us all on speed call via Pakistan or India.  Every day it's a different number.

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Yeah I get those emails all the time. I also have a next door neighbour that is, well just say sketchy; with his conduct. The last email i got for duct cleaning, I replied but gave his address and sat back to watch the fun. A day or two later a truck shows up and pulls into his driveway. After a few minutes there's a bunch of yelling and he's (neighbour) is  chasing the guy back to the truck. I have no idea what he was yelling; it was all in Lebanese. But I know for sure it wasn't inshallah (God willing) Unless he was asking god to help kill the poor sales man. LOL


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8 hours ago, Fisherman said:

Quite the episode, the do not call list is pretty much a waste of time.  I'm sure the duct monkeys have us all on speed call via Pakistan or India.  Every day it's a different number.

Would agree with  (pretty much a waste of time).   Something like our Senate and our CRTC. 

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22 hours ago, mukluk said:

Would agree with  (pretty much a waste of time).   Something like our Senate and our CRTC. 

The Canadian "do not call" thing is a private endeavor, not a Gov. mandated thing like the US. It has been talked about here before. And they know that.

I am constantly bombarded by someone with a thick accent that says his name is Bob telling me I have a problem with my computer. I tell him I don't own one, I have fun with these people. If you waste enough of their time they will put you on their "No call list."

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