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Another super day perching on Simco

Big Cliff

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The Beaverton harbour is blown wide open but there is still plenty of ice out on the lake and even the beach was better than I expected, no problems at all.


Because of the short notice I couldn't find a fishing partner for today but that's ok, I had plenty of company anyway.


I had anticipated that with the warm front coming in the perch would be active, boy did I call that one right! It started slow, not a bite for the first 1/2 hour then all H broke loose. First fish was a solid 12+" and from there the action just got better, by 10:30 I had already landed 37 fish.


Sinker and his beautiful bride Lori were out on the white fish grounds and we started texting, they weren't having much luck, mine was continuing and I was getting some really nice jumbos. A texted photo and an update and Sinker and Lori headed in to where I was.


Some smiles, filtered try again please chat, and they decided to set up a short distance away. Well my luck continued and theirs improved, plenty of fish and some really nice keepers, I only brought home 13 (not a lucky number for the last one I decided to keep LOL).


Lori came over for a visit about 3:30, we had a wonderful chat, she is one smart well grounded young lady, I really enjoyed her company. I think Sinker might have been getting jealous because of all the laughing (or perhaps he just knows better than to trust this old man with a pretty young lady LOL) :whistling: , next thinh we know, he's a knocking (I didn't want to let him in but Lori said we'd better, the door isn't that thick) :rofl2:


I think she said they figured they had caught about 100 at that point, not sure how many they kept, I was kind of enamored by the company at that point. Anyway I digress, total count for me was 107, the people I talked to in the other huts around me had similar success with really good counts and and some really nice fish.


All in all another fantastic day of fishing Simco :clapping:


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Nice! I can't believe you counted all the way to 107. After a couple I've already forgotten how many I got.


I wish I could have joined you fine sir.

Edited by GBW
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Nice! I can't believe you counted all the way to 107. After a couple I've already forgotten how many I got.

I actually mark it down as I'm catching them, got tired of coming home saying "I must have caught 100 or more" LOL

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Great day for sure. Always a pleasure to have a visit! We kept 33. I got home and collected 130 litres of sap, got that boiling and cleaned my fish. It was a long day!


I cant thank you enough for the buckets, they are great, and will get lots of use!!!



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Surprised the ice is still good. Even the Simcoe area has been hit with tons of warm weather and rain.

There was at least a foot of solid ice on the perch grounds (I AM NOT SAYING IT IS SAFE!!!!!) But that is why I only go out with an operator especially this time of the year.


Great day for sure. Always a pleasure to have a visit! We kept 33. I got home and collected 130 litres of sap, got that boiling and cleaned my fish. It was a long day!


I cant thank you enough for the buckets, they are great, and will get lots of use!!!



You remind me of me when I was your age, always on the go and doing something, Like I told you; "if I can ever help you all you have to do is say what you need"! The buckets; well all I did was take a drive to visit a friend, he supplied the buckets (and a few treats). Looking forward to seeing you and Lori soon again.


~~~~Wow 107 didn't know you had that many digits to use to count that high, this thung call work gets in my way from phishen during the week

Well, I use the special one cause it takes care of everything above twenty, see it goes 1,2,3,.....22, 23, 24 stroke. Each stroke = 25. Now if a stroke = 25 and 25 = 1" then enough strokes to = 4" must = 100. See, it's the new math, I really like it :rofl2:


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Haven't got that far yet my friend but that jar of mushrooms..... OMG The wife almost promised me (can't say that here) if I would give her some more of it! That is some good stuff. The wine I am saving for a very special friend to come for a visit and the red sauce, well I am thinking that will be my secret ingredient in my next batch of spaghetti with meat balls for our next pot luck. ( I got three proposals from ladies here in the park after I took my Newfi date squares to the last one) :w00t:

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Those mushrooms were mixed with carrots, peppers (all colours), cauliflower, eggplants, small amounts of finely diced red onions/ a little garlic and spices. Olive oil and red wine vinegar to taste. THe eggplants came out of a jar and had heat in them.


The secret ingredient is anchovies YES anchovies. I buy a can in salt and then clean them and diced them, they disappear after a day or so. THis is an 'eye' recipe I make it and taste and add and taste.

The mushrooms were blanched in vinegar and water for 5 min.


When I know you are coming again I'll make another batch!


As for the wine it came out of the pails. Great idea on the sauce venture. IT'S all natural I made it last Aug.

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