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Finding Sean's Voice- Amazing Technology


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Well, I’ve been somewhat absent from OFC and friends for a while due to being fully engaged and immersed in Sean’s ongoing recovery and therapy. He’s been involved in a McMaster Neurological Study over the past year and through various testing and observations, he has been diagnosed with “locked in syndrome”. Basically what this translates to is that he is aware and cognizant of his surroundings and is able to understand verbal communication but he is only able to respond via simple yes or no eye blinks.

Long story short, after much research and consultations with speech therapists as well as reaching out directly to the manufacturer, we’ve decided to move forward with this amazing technology and software developed by Tobii Dynavox. I’ll let the following videos look after the description:

How it works;

If we can get a “Hello Mum”, the investment is priceless;

And this is just way to0 cute not to share;

Initially we are just starting with software that trains for ‘eye gazing’ and moving on to communication software. If Sean is able to manage and navigate the technology, he will be able to communicate via Facebook & Skype, browse the internet, turn on his TV or iPod, and control his environment (lighting & HVAC).

He still has a long road but his 28 yrs young and has science and technology on his side :)

Edited to repair links. Can't seem to get the final two links to embed??

Edited by pikeslayer
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Thanks for posting Simon. Im sure it,s not easy for you. Sean like you said, is young and Im sure he will come along well. Todays technology is not only going to help Sean, but it is also an awakening for others to understand and learn from. I for one. Great educating videos.


All the best to Sean and your family bud.

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I can't bring myself to watch the last video. I hope and pray that Sean's quality of life can be enhanced by this new technology. It is amazing what they can do today. When a store's clerk asks "would you like to donate to X,Y or Z today" think of Sean. I know it can become a pain but without public money technology like this might never happen. It is so important for us here to actively participate or donate to the winter Fish-a-thon. Correct me if the name is wrong but I'm sure it is for our big buddy Sean.


Lets see if we can all raise a record number this year for this tough guy. I challenge all members here to raise a record number for Sean and his family.


Some time ago someone said to me after pointing out this body builder type that this so and so over there is one of the toughest guys in Hamilton. I asked him why? Apparently he could empty a bar and paddy stack anyone that wanted to fight him and do the same with all the bouncers and anyone including the Heat when they arrived. A typical Hamilton definition of a tough guy. I said I knew many more tough guys than he will ever be. He said "impossible, never". I said a tough guy is someone that crawls out of bed at 5 AM everyday, scrapes the ice off the windshield and punches a clock at 06:00 to relieve someone on the Cast House floor or a rolling mill, maybe even a building to clean someone's offices. Works a 12 hour shaft plus night shafts and does the same thing over and over for 30 plus years. And he or her doesn't love it they have to do it and never complains to his family, that my friends is a tough guy.


The absolute toughest guy around is in a nursing home bed for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week working his or her ass off to be able to talk let alone walk and the next toughest guy is the parent of these kids that walks into the room with a smile on their face after working that 12 hour shift. Now how tough must that be?


I'll put up my tough guy against that so called tough guy any day, any time.


What do you say we all get together this year and up 5 bucks each for this family regardless if we attend the Fish-a-thon or not. Less than 2 coffees for 1 day. We will figure out how to get the money together and to them latter. 5 bucks, come on all! I volunteer to organize it but may need some help. Can you help me please?


Please tell me why we can't? I dare you.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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You can help then Rick. I never thought about a Go fund me page. Out of the loop for too long. That would be easy, just need to get the word out that's the hard part. That's a lot of PM's. How does one pay on gofundme? As an old fart I refuse to give my banking info on the internet. I am in the minority but I know there are other old farts that think like me.

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You can help then Rick. I never thought about a Go fund me page. Out of the loop for too long. That would be easy, just need to get the word out that's the hard part. That's a lot of PM's. How does one pay on gofundme? As an old fart I refuse to give my banking info on the internet. I am in the minority but I know there are other old farts that think like me.

Its super easy. You dont need to give banking info.


Once its set up you just do a money transfer from your bank account. Its totally anonimous if you choose that way.


We dont need pms either, we just start a thread that im sure the mods of OFC would "stickie" to the top of the page.


I work at new gold and the money is flowing. I could easily spread the word and have co workers and possibly even companies donate.


I have alot of big contacts and ive done this before. Every year they donate to my family day "elvis debungee memorial family fishing derby:


Its a write off for them and it looks good on the company(s).


If I get the go ahead Ill do it in a heartbeat.


Like you said even $5 bucks can make a difference and it adds up quick!


Ill personally up the ante and pledge $100 up front just to get the ball rolling.


Again, its all up to pikeslayer so you say the word and Ill make it happen.


Anything to help a brother out especially a strong family man with real issues do deal with.

Edited by manitoubass2
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Hey All,

Thx for the PM's (working my way through these), best wishes and encouragement for Sean.

For those of you who may not be familiar with his situation & circumstances posted in older threads, heres some background.


In February of 2013, Sean & his foreman were travelling from Edmonton to Fort McMurray. A solo driver was travelling southbound & crossed the centre line on Hwy 63 west of Lac la Biche. Two F350's collide head on :( Sean's foreman was VSA & pronounced at the scene. SB driver was transported by ambulance to LLB & Sean was airlifted by STARS to Edmonton on life support. Comatose for two months and emerged slowly over the next six months. Traumatic brain injury & paraplegia define his current condition to this day & forever more :(


If there is a 'saving grace' in this tragedy, it is this: Sean & Ken were in a company vehicle & on company 'time' when the accident occurred. WCB AB 'catastrophic event benefits' program is above & beyond any other known workers compensation plan or automobile insurance benefits. If this occurred under any other circumstances or God forbid, Ontario, Sean would have been 'written off' & forgotten in some god foresaken long term care facility. And I would likely be in jail. Ken's family was extremely well looked after & Sean will continue to recover in a private neurological facility without rehabilitation limits or spending caps. Basically, whatever his therapy team & family require to enhance his recovery and quality of life, WCB provides for Sean's lifetime.

Further but most regrettably :( Sean is a very wealthy young man through various 'settlements' and an annual tax free lifetime income via WCB. Our duties as his court appointed guardians is to ensure his assets are invested to assure he wants for nothing. Given his love of cottage life & fishing, a 'kick ass' 100% accessible cottage' "Seanshine", is in the near future :) :)


So long story short.........

@ Rick & Johnny D,

Your concerns & intentions are beyond generous, gracious & noble. Thank you from our families to yours. Please know your intentions are truly & sincerely appreciated. However, we must graciously decline as there are countless families who are in much more need. We see and converse with families in similar situations that rely on WSIB (Ontario), OHIP or automobile liability insurance. It's a dammed shame how they are treated :(

God bless you both :) Assuming the devil don't get ya first ;)


@ Spincast,

Bang on! It's a hunch, but we're confident that this is a game changer :)


Et al,

Thank you for best wishes and kind words.





ps. I recently 'counselled' a family who lost a husband/father to a workplace fatality recently. Besides a truly personal & rewarding experience, I've found my new 'calling'. If any members have family/friends dealing with a 'catastrophic event' involving WSIB, I have a very thorough knowledge of WSIB/WCB legislation. Feel free to contact me via PM. I'm paying it forward :)

Edited by pikeslayer
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Hey All,

Thx for the PM's (working my way through these), best wishes and encouragement for Sean.

For those of you who may not be familiar with his situation & circumstances posted in older threads, heres some background.


In February of 2013, Sean & his foreman were travelling from Edmonton to Fort McMurray. A solo driver was travelling southbound & crossed the centre line on Hwy 63 west of Lac la Biche. Two F350's collide head on :( Sean's foreman was VSA & pronounced at the scene. SB driver was transported by ambulance to LLB & Sean was airlifted by STARS to Edmonton on life support. Comatose for two months and emerged slowly over the next six months. Traumatic brain injury & paraplegia define his current condition to this day & forever more :(


If there is a 'saving grace' in this tragedy, it is this: Sean & Ken were in a company vehicle & on company 'time' when the accident occurred. WCB AB 'catastrophic event benefits' program is above & beyond any other known workers compensation plan or automobile insurance benefits. If this occurred under any other circumstances or God forbid, Ontario, Sean would have been 'written off' & forgotten in some god foresaken long term care facility. And I would likely be in jail. Ken's family was extremely well looked after & Sean will continue to recover in a private neurological facility without rehabilitation limits or spending caps. Basically, whatever his therapy team & family require to enhance his recovery and quality of life, WCB provides for Sean's lifetime.

Further but most regrettably :( Sean is a very wealthy young man through various 'settlements' and an annual tax free lifetime income via WCB. Our duties as his court appointed guardians is to ensure his assets are invested to assure he wants for nothing. Given his love of cottage life & fishing, a 'kick ass' 100% accessible cottage' "Seanshine", is in the near future :) :)


So long story short.........

@ Rick & Johnny D,

Your concerns & intentions are beyond generous, gracious & noble. Thank you from our families to yours. Please know your intentions are truly & sincerely appreciated. However, we must graciously decline as there are countless families who are in much more need. We see and converse with families in similar situations that rely on WSIB (Ontario), OHIP or automobile liability insurance. It's a dammed shame how they are treated :(

God bless you both :) Assuming the devil don't get ya first ;)


@ Spincast,

Bang on! It's a hunch, but we're confident that this is a game changer :)


Et al,

Thank you for best wishes and kind words.





ps. I recently 'counselled' a family who lost a husband/father to a workplace fatality recently. Besides a truly personal & rewarding experience, I've found my new 'calling'. If any members have family/friends dealing with a 'catastrophic event' involving WSIB, I have a very thorough knowledge of WSIB/WCB legislation. Feel free to contact me via PM. I'm paying it forward :)

I tried to help without knowing the whole situation.


God bless you guys!


Im very pleased at the progress and the financial stability. I jumped to conclusion, my bad


What a humble family. My hats off to you and yours.

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Sometimes I go off half cocked before getting all the info. I confused Sean with Tyler. The annual ice fishing tourney is a fund raiser for Tyler now that I think about it, right?. Perhaps what I proposed for Sean can be done for Tyler and more members can be reached that can't or don't attend the derby.


I am happy to hear Sean is getting the best care available.



Thanks Rick.

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Im not as tech savy as i thought???


I went through the process then stopped short of officially launching the gofundme page.


Or so I thought.


I checked my email and the page is already a go???


I cant figure out how to cancel/delete it???


Can a member here try to search on gofundme "findingseansvoice"?


I dont want to deceive anyone and after a talk with his dad the gofundme is not needed.


Hopefully nobody has donated

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We are so much alike M2B2 it s scary. If there is any light at the end of this dark tunnel for Simon and his family it is that Sean is getting the best care available and will be cared for life. Simon you are so right, if this tragedy had happened here in Ontario our comp system here would not come close to that of Alberta's.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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We are so much alike M2B2 it s scary. If there is any light at the end of this dark tunnel for Simon and his family it is that Sean is getting the best care available and will be cared for life. Simon you are so right, if this tragedy had happened here in Ontario our comp system here would not come close to that of Alberta's.

Backed 100%


Simon is on top of it and one heck of a father!!!

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