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Health issue, Sinusitis, any help please

Old Ironmaker

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I have been dealing what was a just the occasional stuffy nose for a dozen years and finally went to see a Dr Greenbaum . in Hamilton 5 years ago because it was worse and worse every year. He did an in office Ultra Sound and an allergy test, gave me a script for a nasal spray AVAMIS and said use it once a day or twice max and see me in 5 years. This last year I would give my left nut and bolt to be able to breath well. I went to see him another allergy prick test and he said here's another script for 5 more years, use it more see you in 5 years, bye, bye,,,,,,, next patient please. I realized now he is an Allergist and I don't have an allergy. I will see my Family guy asap and go from there. I am not sleeping. that affects my Diabetes and that effects everything else. I wake every 30 minutes to wet my mouth because it's so dry from breathing through it wakes me. The snot gathers in the back of my throat that I can't breath through my nose or mouth. Breathing is important, you never think about it until you can't. I take something called Helexia a sinus med for diabetics, also a pot of steaming water with a few drops of Eucalyptus helps a bit, a tiny bit. I go through a Vicks inhaler every few weeks. Last night was the 3rd night this week I finally got to sleep at 05:00 then a few hours and up because I'm stuffed up 100%, zero air through my nasal passages. Sun, Mon and Tue. Today it didn't start breathing through my nose unto 5PM.


Guys I know this isn't the life and death things poor souls go through daily, some our friends here but any experience with this that someone can help with I really would appreciate it. I do need your help from our OFC community.




Mr. Al Stuffedup.

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I have had my snozola broken a few times too. I don't know why I have waited so long to address this. That's what I was going to suggest to my Doc. to see a Ear, Nose and Throat guy. I Googled to find one in Hamilton and not 1 came up, just TO. I'll drive to Kingdom Come for a good Dr.

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Do a sleep study and rule out sleep apnea. I was diagnosed when I was 44...9 years ago. My life is 1,000,000 times better now that I was diagnosed and have it under control. Very similar syptoms to ones you mentioned and others as well.


Not sleeping properly really messes with a lot of things.


Pm me if you wanna discuss or trade symptom stories.

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Have you tried a Neti Pot? I know, it looks weird and all. It doesn't do so much as to unclog your nasals, but it does a good job cleaning out any mucous/phlegm, dust, etc from your sinuses. It's better to use it when you're not stuffed up so the irrigation has a path to travel.


You should be able to get them at Shoppers and aren't expensive. It includes 50 packets of saline solution to use with it.


You can find out more info with the link below and decide whether or not it's worth a try:



Hope you find some long term relief!

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Not sleep apnea CPH, I was tested. When I do sleep I have full REM. Other things like knees, hips, shoulder, neuropathic and back pain wake me and dry mouth from being plugged up in the snozz but other than that I sleep great. I have been offered sleep meds and tried some that are supposed to be non addictive but they don't help. I've tried them all. I won't take narcos.


I won't say he is a quack Dara because I used his name and his Lawyer is better than the one I can afford. But yes he isn't very good in my opinion. It's not his fault I have let this get out of control. I never considered a plugged sinuses were a big issue but it is now.


I just received a PM from a member that has dealt with it and it was a symptom to a much more serious cause. Heart disease. I will be on the phone as soon as the office opens to see my Dr. I have been with the same GP since he got out of Medical school, 1980. He just retired and now see a guy that is 30, maybe. Need to give him a chance.


I have something similar Frank, Nasa Mist. The saline solution comes pre loaded in an aerosol can. I have to be careful because just last night when I used it I could feel tremendous pressure in my ear as that was probably the path of least resistance my passages were so plugged. I blew my ear drum out a few years back from an infection from swimming in the lake and my ear is sore today a bit. If it's not under pressure I'll have my wife pick some up, she works at SDM., discounts I love, my allowance too!


I am a mess eh?


Thanks for all the help, I knew I would get it here. This ain't just no stinkin' fishin' forum we got here.


Johnny D

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Try low dose ephedrine for a short term fix.


Then work on your darn health ya quack.


Undenatured whey protein isolate

High dose fish oil

B complex

Multi enzyme


Some npp or hylauraunic acid for the joints


Maybe some testosterone


Dnp because its cool to take a supplement thats an ingredient in dynamite


A few of those are serious, a few, well yeah dont use those

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I still have a few hundred bucks of stuff you told me to take! I can't remember exactly what but my GP told me to throw it out, it would have adverse effects or render some meds useless. Please no disrespect I know you were helping. I'll see if I can find it. I'll feed it to her cat.


I have a years supply of Testosterone gel, Expired in 14'. Is it really expired or is it like food, they want you to throw it out and buy more?


I won't ingest anything I can't pronounce Rick.

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I know you are only looking after and old guy and I appreciate it. You at work Rick?

Of course bud? just pokin some fun


No im at home. Im off to meet my new employers tomorrow at 9am


And of course my wife is out cold and karsten is wide awake lol

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Like Frank said try a Neti Pot, there is no pressure involved, just an awkward position over the sink. I used to have sinus infections once or twice a year. Now as soon as I feel my sinuses getting stuffed up a bit I use the Neti Pot. Haven't had an infection in 4-5 years. They say to use distilled water?? I've always used tap water ( boil a few pints of water and that should last you a while.) I just zap the water for a few seconds in the microwave before using it, i find that the warm water cleans out better.

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Like Frank said try a Neti Pot, there is no pressure involved, just an awkward position over the sink. I used to have sinus infections once or twice a year. Now as soon as I feel my sinuses getting stuffed up a bit I use the Neti Pot. Haven't had an infection in 4-5 years. They say to use distilled water?? I've always used tap water ( boil a few pints of water and that should last you a while.) I just zap the water for a few seconds in the microwave before using it, i find that the warm water cleans out better.


I second this suggestion. I have sinusitis myself, and last year was determined to rid myself of the Bull.

I use the Neti-pot, but there are several variations. I'm currently using the squeeze bottle type. Awesome for daily use, and totally clear the sinuses. I even have my 6 yr old using it once in a while, when he comes home sniffling.

Aside from that, I went for the allergy prick test, and have been on shots for almost a year now. I can't believe the difference. And it's only gonna improve from here on in.

So, Ironmaker, get the squeeze style Neti-pot, follow the directions, and see how that works.

Nevermind the Bull OTC crap you buy. Theres also a nasal spray I was prescribed that you may want to inquire about. It's called OMNARIS, and I use it INFREQUENTLY, when I feel a slight sniffle.

Good luck ny man! I feel (felt) your pain once.

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Here's a ODD one for you. My uncle has had problems like your for as long as I can remember. Here's where is get's odd... He went to his dentist and they said he had to have a few teeth pulled... Well since doing that he can breath with zero issues (he's a big guy too and those that know the chip truck at Island Rd and 7 in Port Perry know him - Rick). It turns out he had a few teeth that the roots were so LONG they were blocking his sinuses. No harm in next time you see a dentist you get them to do those x-rays to see as well... Good luck!

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Try Dr Jason Archibald at St Joe's.. they have an ENT clinic in the hospital.. he didn't really help me with my vertigo but it's a crap shoot dealing with stuff like that.. you should have better luck..

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Interesting thread. I'm not even 30 but already have issues breathing. Minor problems mind you - I can't imagine having to deal with that severe a breathing problem Old Ironmaker, I really feel for you here.


Agreed with ruling out sleep apnea as well. Sleep apnea is more like when you CAN breathe but don't.


You may require surgery if your nose was busted up or if you have family history or a weird nose.


Try this; it's gross, but grab the outside edge of your nostrils (pinch both sides, one with the left and right) and pull out and to the side a bit. If this allows you to breathe well, your nose may be the direct cause of breathing problems.


Considering you have mucus problems etc, surgery might not be the solution, but others here might find this helpful.


Good luck!

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Your sugar medications can also cause dry mouth and dry eyes. Dry mouth can hasten tooth decay. I use Clin Pro 5000 tooth paste and Biotene mouth wash to help. If you have dry mouth then you likely suffer dry eyes as well and you should see your Optometrist for the proper drops as your sugar diabetes can cause serious eye problems.

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I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those that have taken the time and passed on their experiences and what has and hasn't worked for them to combat this sinus disease both here and in several PM's. I never realized how many people suffer from this thing. It was so bad yesterday when we were in Hamilton moving my parents to a new retirement place my wife took me to our local hospital emerg in Hagersville, great folks too. They couldn't do much but more than an Xray that showed they were plugged 90% and did insert a O2 line down my nose and I could actually breath as my throat was plugged up with infection too. A antihistamine just in case it was an allergy thing and flushed my sinuses with a saline solution. We stopped at Shoppers and got another saline wash kit, Medi Pot as suggested through a PM by a member here and the emerg. MD said that is a good product. I have an appointment booked for Monday AM with my GP in Hamilton. They gave me a calm down pill and I slept well from 8PM until 11 AM. I'm sorry if I can't remember all the names of those that have helped so far as I'm still out of it a bit from that wonder pill. Oh and a script for antibiotics, finally.


I never realized so many go through this crap with sinus problems. My 85 year old Mom says it's from all the chemicals in the air. Can't argue with Mummy. Breathing all that crap in the plant didn't help I bet.


Thanks again guys. It's funny if something was wrong with my truck or boat I would be on it immediately, my health and I put it off for over 11 years.


Thanks again guys


Johnny D

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Had similar issues years ago, doc finally sent me in to see a nose specialist. He took one look and said''so when did you break your nose?'' I had no clue. When i was 4 i took a spill in the kitchen and landed on the bottom of the stove and smashed 4 teeth out. Well apparently i broke my nose at the same time, just didnt know it till 25 years later. Took a month off work and doctor had to re break it in 6 places and rebuild it. Still not 100% but I can breath allot better than i can ever remember

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