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Posted (edited)



Any idea what it is? It was about 5 feet long. Swam like a fish. It wasn't that aggressive, Iwhen I got close it gingerly left, but kept coming back. I think it might have been gaurding a nest, so i left it alone. Not before a nice smallie took my spinner though :-)


The markings look like a massasauga, but I was told they dont grow this big. This is near where I live, and have never seen anything like this in 42 years.

Edited by Creek.Jumper
  On 7/8/2016 at 8:26 PM, Brettiop said:

I think its a northern water snake?



That's what I would also think as well.


My friend picked one up a few years ago. The snake defecated and oozed stinky musk on his hand and eventually did bite him. They are not venomous but the saliva will keep you bleeding if you get bit (like a mosquito)


I LOL'd so much that day :rofl2:

Posted (edited)

I think you guys are right. It looks more like that, and the tail didnt look like it had a rattle. Damn it was big. I think I was under -estimating when I say 5 feet, it may have been longer. Kind of neat to see up close. No way I was touching that thing...

Edited by Creek.Jumper

Wow crazy cool, who'd have known we had monsters like that here, I thought they were reserved for the outback, or Amazon!:P


I had one slither it's way into my boat in upper NY state a few years back. It was about 4' long. I put it in my net and put it in the water and it swam away. You could tell it was comfortable in the water. That was the morning I decided I would never sleep in my boat again. I was freaking inside but didn't want to show that to the guys there. Otherwise I would have woken up with one in my sleeping bag with me. Americans are really funny guys you know.


Was fishing out and around Brighton area when I was walking down a slope with dry grass and I heard a rattling noise. It was a snake that was coiled up rattling its tail. I didn't think we had rattle snakes and I certainly did need to take a closer look. lol I walked by it several times, from a distance, to double and triple check that I wasn't just seeing/hearing things. It was my first time coming across one. Anyone else?

Posted (edited)

here's a massassauga rattler, their 'rattle' is more of a high frequency buzz sort of like a cicada. i've never heard of any sightings other than east gbay coast and bruce peninsula.







Edited by Raf
  On 7/8/2016 at 10:22 PM, Sinker said:

Yup, water snake. A beauty. I've seen them up to 6 ft and as big around as a pop can.




As a kid I used to catch them down @ the credit.

Caught em that big as well.

Used to catch tons and then release them unharmed.

Was smart enough to wear thick leather gloves cause those big boys can really latch on to ya!!! :D

  On 7/9/2016 at 1:39 AM, Raf said:

here's a massassauga rattler, their 'rattle' is more of a high frequency buzz sort of like a cicada. i've never heard of any sightings other than east gbay coast and bruce peninsula.







Ahhhh ok. That looks like what I came across and ur right, it does remind me of a cicada, come to think of it. Thanks for the clarification. ?


They take up residence in my cellar in the fall when they're bedding down for the winter (our place is just off the marsh). Gotta admit it was quite a shock to move a paint can and find 3 snakes on the shelf. Then a big guy warming on a radiator pipe. Here's a couple videos and pics



  On 7/9/2016 at 1:39 AM, Raf said:

here's a massassauga rattler, their 'rattle' is more of a high frequency buzz sort of like a cicada. i've never heard of any sightings other than east gbay coast and bruce peninsula.







I have seen them at Pointe Au Baril, and right in camps, it has been years ago, and none were quite that big, their rattle is unforgettable!


The other is a common water snake, not dangerous, but can be aggressive if cornered or surprised, like any wild critter bite there maybe a risk of infection from a bite. They maybe lighter or darker in color, they tend to get darker closer to their next skin shedding time.


While fishing with a friend around Middle Bass Island on Lake Erie he got a strange hit, " I got something, it feels weird " he snagged one about 3-4 feet long right in the side! A wriggling mass of motion! We cut the line!

  On 7/9/2016 at 3:36 AM, TbayBoy said:

They take up residence in my cellar in the fall when they're bedding down for the winter (our place is just off the marsh). Gotta admit it was quite a shock to move a paint can and find 3 snakes on the shelf. Then a big guy warming on a radiator pipe. Here's a couple videos and pics



That's crazy!

  On 7/9/2016 at 1:32 AM, FrankTheRabbit said:

Was fishing out and around Brighton area when I was walking down a slope with dry grass and I heard a rattling noise. It was a snake that was coiled up rattling its tail. I didn't think we had rattle snakes and I certainly did need to take a closer look. lol I walked by it several times, from a distance, to double and triple check that I wasn't just seeing/hearing things. It was my first time coming across one. Anyone else?


Could have been a hog-nosed snake, Heterodon platirhinos. They frequently vibrate their tail as a defensive tactic. If that fails, they roll on their backs and play dead.

  On 7/9/2016 at 2:25 PM, Creek.Jumper said:

That's crazy!


Well I figure they'll help with the mice :). Seriously other than the terrible stink the let loose if you frighten/touch them they're harmless so I'm ok with them being down there (its a 150 your old farmhouse - critters come with the deed of ownership). Of course if they make their way up to the bedrooms there may be an issue.


Agree with northern water snake id.


Here is a video I took of a Massassauga Rattlesnake in 2014. It was beside a portage trail near Parry Sound. Heard it before we saw it.




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