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Ontario to spend $7-billion on sweeping climate change plan


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You offered a false choice. Black / white thinking. I responded appropriately. Let's not pretend otherwise.

I'm the asker. I get to frame the question.


You could decline to answer. You chose instead to answer a question I didn't ask. I didn't ask "does Wynne do a good job". I asked "do you believe air pollution is a hoax, and if not do you believe we should do something". Nothing more.


This is because I continually get a bunch of hate about Wynne, which I never asked about or for. A person I've repeatedly condemned then get told I'm "hitting on her like a school boy". I had to simplify the question because apparently it was a tough one.


Now that at least one person has agreed "we should do something" (and it only took us 384 replies to get there), we can talk about what that something is.


I have ideas. I don't claim to have answers.


I'm at work and have to actually get something done now, but I will come back later on to discuss the something, if anyone still cares.

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If a lawn mower pollutes more than a car but is = to about 1 to 1.5 K miles a year on a car. A subsidy of $14,000 at 12.5% of cost would get you 272 electric lawn mowers taking about the = of 418K car miles of the road each year at the = of subsidizing one electric car.Ms. Wynne should be subsidizing lawn mowers not cars.

I can agree with this - good idea!


What we need is to discuss what we should be doing, not sit and commiserate about what someone else isn't doing.


Wynne sucks. I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone on this board who doesn't agree with that statement.


She'll be gone in a few years (hope, hope, hope!) so let's talk about what we think her replacement should do.


The one thing I notice from my Son and his friends is their positivity. When I see them talk about a problem, they don't sit around and moan about it like old men. They talk about ideas and how to fix it. Let's take a page from their book.

Edited by Dutch01
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Here's an idea. I'm retired and we have only one vehicle, a 2006 Liberty with 72,000 kms, what's that, 7200 kms a year but I just renewed my plates at $108, same as a high mileage driver :wallbash: . Let's take this as the base amount and for everytime you multiply my mileage you multiply your license fee by a corresponding amount, so if you drive 5 X 7200 km. in a year, your license fee would be 5 X $108 dollars. Sounds fair to me. penalize those with a large carbon footprint.

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Here's an idea. I'm retired and we have only one vehicle, a 2006 Liberty with 72,000 kms, what's that, 7200 kms a year but I just renewed my plates at $108, same as a high mileage driver :wallbash: . Let's take this as the base amount and for everytime you multiply my mileage you multiply your license fee by a corresponding amount, so if you drive 5 X 7200 km. in a year, your license fee would be 5 X $108 dollars. Sounds fair to me. penalize those with a large carbon footprint.

I have no objection to the biggest contributors the the problem being made to be the biggest contributors to the solution.

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Here's an idea. I'm retired and we have only one vehicle, a 2006 Liberty with 72,000 kms, what's that, 7200 kms a year but I just renewed my plates at $108, same as a high mileage driver :wallbash: . Let's take this as the base amount and for everytime you multiply my mileage you multiply your license fee by a corresponding amount, so if you drive 5 X 7200 km. in a year, your license fee would be 5 X $108 dollars. Sounds fair to me. penalize those with a large carbon footprint.


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I think most of you guys are NUTS and need to go fishing once in while...... :Gonefishing:

Hey, when its about fishing, we get serious...this stuff is just kidding around and killing time


edit...$108 for plates...wow, what kind of rip off is that, ours are only 40

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I re-read my question and didn't see anything about Wynne in it. I suggest you re-read it. It was not about Wynne or global warming or even climate change. It was about air pollution.


The options were do something or do nothing.

Do something maybe. Do Wynnes plan? Not a chance. We have achieved enormous pollution reduction overt the last 40 years. It was done at a pace that took advantage to technology as it evolved. It's has worked and will continue to work.


For a non supporter of Wynne you seem to align with her policies and those of the Federal liberals as well an awful lot. I do respect a lot of your posts and views (not all, clearly) but you are not going to convince me you don't put a Liberal sign on your lawn election time.


Efficient, honest and effective government is what we need. We don't have it in Ontario with this liberal majority or the last one.

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Do something maybe. Do Wynnes plan? Not a chance. We have achieved enormous pollution reduction overt the last 40 years. It was done at a pace that took advantage to technology as it evolved. It's has worked and will continue to work.


For a non supporter of Wynne you seem to align with her policies and those of the Federal liberals as well an awful lot. I do respect a lot of your posts and views (not all, clearly) but you are not going to convince me you don't put a Liberal sign on your lawn election time.


Efficient, honest and effective government is what we need. We don't have it in Ontario with this liberal majority or the last one.

I put no sign on my lawn. I don't have a lawn, but even if I did I'm affiliated with no party.


I voted for Hudak. It was pathetic that he's the best anyone could come up with, and he's the reason Wynne got back in.


Federally, I did vote for Trudeau. Harper had become a detriment to Canada and to the concept of democracy.


My policies/ideas are mine because I've given them a lot of thought. I also don't believe they line up very well with Wynne at all. I'd like to see any example of my supporting a policy of hers, or proposing a policy that is anything like hers. I do not think you'll find one comment in my entire post history along those lines.


A few people made a mistaken assumption and the hive mind here has taken it to be fact. It isn't.


I believe in live and let live. She believes she knows what's good for me (us). That's a gulf that cannot be bridged.

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Is $14000 enough for a down payment on a 600 to 800 horse hybrid supercar and how long will I have before they reposes it. No @#$ it I'd still have to deal with Ontario's insurance.

Skip collision. Just get liability

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I'm guessing Justin is really beginning to hate coming to Ontario!

Every time he has a public appearance here, he then loses a few hours afterwards having Katie removed from his rectum.



I don't understand why his people don't install a butt plug before he comes to Ontario to stop that from happening. :whistling:

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I actually understand where you're coming from there. I'm just not that cynical. Yet.


Seems I'm not the only person that feels this way. ;)






David Attenborough - Humans are plague on Earth


Humans are a plague on the Earth that need to be controlled by limiting population growth, according to Sir David Attenborough.


Sir David said commentary from presenters like himself is becoming less necessary as camera work is able to tell a story Photo: PA


By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent

12:01AM GMT 22 Jan 2013


The television presenter said that humans are threatening their own existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources.

He said the only way to save the planet from famine and species extinction is to limit human population growth.

“We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now,” he told the Radio Times.

Sir David, who is a patron of the Population Matters, has spoken out before about the “frightening explosion in human numbers” and the need for investment in sex education and other voluntary means of limiting population in developing countries.

“We keep putting on programmes about famine in Ethiopia; that’s what’s happening. Too many people there. They can’t support themselves — and it’s not an inhuman thing to say. It’s the case. Until humanity manages to sort itself out and get a coordinated view about the planet it’s going to get worse and worse.”

Sir David, whose landmark series are repeated from Monday on BBC2, starting with Life on Earth, has also spoken out about the change in wildlife documentaries during his lifetime.

The 86-year-old said commentary from presenters like himself are becoming less necessary as camera work is able to tell a story.

“I’m not sure there’s any need for a new Attenborough,” he said. “The more you go on, the less you need people standing between you and the animal and the camera waving their arms about.

“It’s much cheaper to get someone in front of a camera describing animal behaviour than actually showing you [the behaviour]. That takes a much longer time. But the kind of carefully tailored programmes in which you really work at the commentary, you really match pictures to words, is a bit out of fashion now … regarded as old hat.”

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The Liberal party needs to be abolished!


Given the number of scandals that have been connected to the Wynne/McGuilty Liberals and the Martin/Chretien gang in Ottawa before them (adscam, etc) you could probably argue that the LIberal party qualifies as a criminal organization. Every time the Liberals form a government, it seems to end the same say - with police investigations and people going to jail. I'll never understand why fools continue to vote for them.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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Given the number of scandals that have been connected to the Wynne/McGuilty Liberals and the Martin/Chretien gang in Ottawa before them (adscam, etc) you could probably argue that the LIberal party qualifies as a criminal organization. Every time the Liberals form a government, it seems to end the same say - with police investigations and people going to jail. I'll never understand why fools continue to vote for them.

Because the cons are crooks too. There's no accountability and when there is it gets brushed off like with Duffy, big long trial waste of taxpayers money only to say he was innocent because there's no written rule he broke... but come on he knew it wasn't right, even the judge said it was being taken advantage of

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Climate change is not a hoax, we have in fact be getting warmer for several hundred years, long before any CO2 emissions from human activity could add to the trend, there is data out there that suggests that over the last few millennia that climate change and CO2 levels don't even track together.. Lots of other factors can contribute to warming .


LOL...show me the graph that CO2 and climate don't track together.

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LOL...show me the graph that CO2 and climate don't track together.


The fanatics at Greenpeace don't seem to be onboard, pay particular attention starting at the 11 minute mark


edit: It appears the earth will get a hell of a lot warmer over the next thousands of years and here we are trying to micro manage the next 100 years for our children and grankids. I can't believe man is so vain that he believe he has control over many factors like solar activity, polar shift and even the earth's orbit, going to happen no matter how much money we throw/waste at it, we are coming out of an ice age , it's going to get warmer DUH :wallbash:


Edited by dave524
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