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Is touching boats too close?


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I know why, because average joe can only take so much before he snaps, if you are at the bar and some goon gets on ya and you walk away, when your driving and someone near runs you off the road and you leave it alone, when your boss or coworker is on your ass about something and you bite your lip, sooner or later its going to come out.

And what better time then when you are spending your small amount of free time trying to relax and do what you love only to be run around by a bunch of idiots on the water.

A man can only take so much and eventually he will bare his teeth, maybe some of the saints among us can hold it in forever but not me.

Edited by Gallie
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Im not saying i advocate violence or other questionable responses but i sure understand why they happen, for far too long the idiots the ignorant the bullies and the general bottom of the food chain have been allowed to run rampant doing what they like without recourse because normal upstanding citizens allow it, we walk away we try to be the better man and the result is more of these idiots doing whatever they want, maybe if some of these people were taught some respect and manners we wouldnt see it every day all around us.

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Gallie, I understand where you're coming from. A drunk goon at the bar can be dealt with by embarrassing them most of the time. That boss or co-worker, have a conversation. Failing that, depending on how much you like/need your job, escalate things. If someone nearly runs you off the road, get their license plate and report them, then be happy you weren't hurt.


The worst thing to do is to hold it all in, then you get an internal pressure that builds and builds, only to be set off by a situation which requires absolutely zero violence. Not only that, the violent reaction will likely be out of whack with the situation and with the potential for bodily harm, could result in serious legal trouble for the person being violent. Do you really want to go to jail when yonge just out trying to enjoy your leisure time...? If you want to exercise a violent streak, join the armed forces or take up any number of fighting sports. But please don't passing the rest of us anglers with the brush of someone who chooses to deal with a very minor situation in an inappropriate manner.

Edited by adam lancia
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Im not saying i advocate violence or other questionable responses but i sure understand why they happen, for far too long the idiots the ignorant the bullies and the general bottom of the food chain have been allowed to run rampant doing what they like without recourse because normal upstanding citizens allow it, we walk away we try to be the better man and the result is more of these idiots doing whatever they want, maybe if some of these people were taught some respect and manners we wouldnt see it every day all around us.




We try to do the right thing, but there comes a time, when it,s time for the game to stop.

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For sure we all have our moments.


Ive had one fishing related fight(it was americans that pushed) and they ended up on the wrong side of the fight, and in jail for landing illegally on candian soil.


Im no saint myself. I just know now that although a funny story at the time now im embarrased about it.


I try to keep my cool. Nothin wrong with speaking tour mind imo


Myself id just move on and enjoy my day

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Im not saying i advocate violence or other questionable responses but i sure understand why they happen, for far too long the idiots the ignorant the bullies and the general bottom of the food chain have been allowed to run rampant doing what they like without recourse because normal upstanding citizens allow it, we walk away we try to be the better man and the result is more of these idiots doing whatever they want, maybe if some of these people were taught some respect and manners we wouldnt see it every day all around us.

Very well said. Couldn't agree more.



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I certainly would not be keeping my mouth shut. Its one thing to move in on a good spot someone else is on, but to actually hit their boat.....your not getting away with that without a good ear full at the very least.....if it escalates, they need a good lesson.


Im a very easy going guy, a lover, not a fighter, but pure ignorance like that, I will not tolerate.



Now, if they appologized, and moved off, I would calm down.....if the ignorance continued, we'd have a problem.


The guys that hit my dad and I were so ignorant, they claimed we didnt own the lake, and they could fish wherever the f---- they want. We were anchored on that spot for hours.....it escalated. Quick!



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Thanks guys, I'm not the violent type...way to passive most would say. I honestly was in shock at the moment it happened. It wasn't like there was any damage done other then making my lovely outing a lil off kilter. The only thing other then yelling i could do was pull my cell outa my pocket and snap this pic...I mean who would ever believe me that this could actually happen?


Thanks for all the comments.


I won't dare post the pic of the second group of guys....rolled up past me fairly to find there spot. 3 guys 4 lines in the water. Yelled at them to get extra line in. Guy told me it was "only a short line" after i told them I'd hate to see them fined one guy quickly jump up and reeled the line in.


On the other hand the fishing was decent.

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10 or 12 years ago my daughter and I were out on the water before sunrise casting a small stand of pencil reeds for musky. We were the only boat on the lake until off in the distance I hear a boat coming. We watch as he goes along the far shore then makes a 90 and comes right towards us, 3 guys in a bassboat. They pull directly in front of me, not 30' away, and the driver says good morning.


I didn't answer him but threw my next cast right at his fancy boat and bounced a very large spinnerbait of the side of it. He yelled at me to be carefull and I said I couldn't help hitting him as he parked right on the spot I was casting at. I fired my next cast and scored another bullseye.


He mumbled something about me being a jerk as he fired up his motor and they left to go harrass someone else.


Most guys you meet on the water are good but every now and then we have to put up with morons.

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I'd squrit Hog Tonic Garlic scent on there motor and back carpet...dam can't seem to hit my bait as I lean over the bow of the boat :P.


Never had guys fish this close to me, I'm not violent but verbal and a smartass. I carry a foghorn and would empty it as they made casts...perhaps circle them with the outboard...50lb braid and a crank bait, collect there lines take your scissors to theirs :)

Edited by MikeTheBassFisher
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