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Help with baby sleep issues, NF


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I say welcome to parenthood. Been there done that with both my boys. 1st had chollic (sp?) and cried for hours. 2nd was breastfed and always hungry. didn't sleep through the night for 3 years I kid you not! Then when we decided to put them in the same room, they slept while we lied awake wondering when he would wake up! LOL!!

I don't know who coined the phrase "sleep like a baby", but that person was wrong.

Edited by BigJack1
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Hi Chris,


Read Dr. Ferber's 2006 edition of his book Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems. Dr. Ferber explains a method of self-soothing and "progressive waiting" which encourages you to frequently comfort your child during the sleep training process.


There is some controversy about the method as people who oppose don't agree with letting your baby cry for any period of time. There is also a lot of misconceptions. It is at least worth a read (get it at the Library). I learned a lot by reading it (even about my own sleeping pattern).


Good luck!

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No need for that. You're not the first who's suggested that, even if it was a joke...


There's maybe 8 people on this entire board I'd feel comfortable making that comment to without fear of reprisal. You are one.


Anyhow, yeah it was a joke, my apologies.


Now if you'll excuse me I'm babysitting my 2 year old nephew and he won't stop wailing. According to research from leading scientists who used orphan toddlers from Mongolia in a clinical trial, a tiny amount of cannabis oil added to the formula REALLY settles them down! I'm going to give it a shot.

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This is cool, a baby advice thread may get locked, I like it! Fidel, your rebuttal to Rick and Mike??? :)





If you want some of the methods that our doula gave us, shoot me a PM and save yourself the money for useful things like a nice new ice auger or fish finder. :)


Too late, the money is gone. Very generous though, thanks.


If anyone reading this is considering a sleep consultant (doula), PM me, I'll just copy and paste you the whole program to you.


Someone else mentioned this, and I agree, the parents hire doulas because they get an actual person they can talk to, that will support them and hold their hand through the whole process.



Thanks everyone, we (my wife read all this too) learned a lot, but the feeling of being in the same boat and the positive comments are huge.

Edited by chris.brock
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Well Chris I am only going to add this, as it,s been 33 years since we had our last one. Both boys were the same. Being new to parenting, we kust wanted to hold them and cuddle them when they would cry. We were told to let them cry. It,s was a, cry wolf sort a thing, attention thing, so we were told. I stood by it,but the mrs,s would go and pick up the child. It took a bit to get her to leave the boys to cry. After about 15 -20 minutes,the sound of silence was there. This is where I got nervous at times and would go to look in on them. A sneak peak in the room,listening for breathing, I could hear they were sound a sleep from a wee snoring. Thats me boys. I dont remember how many times we went through this, but , it seemed to work well. I still caught myself checking in with them, but it all ended well.


There seems to be a common thing here. SUPPORT. That goes both ways.


Good luck bud.

Edited by Brian B
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enjoy it. doesn't last long.

then there will be the next thing to enjoy. :)


Best comment here. Look at the bright side. Pain, hunger and the need for comfort is the trifecta and the more kids you have the better you get at figuring out what to do and when to do it.

Edited by moxie
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Hi Chris.


We are at 6 month and 2 weeks now. No formula so far, only breast milk with some cereal and veggies. We do not want to push him to sleep entire night since breastfeeding at night stimulates milk production. Fed 2-3 times during the night in average, more often not long time ago :) Just some small things we believe may help him to wake more often. We celebrated 6 month, wife ate some cake, man, what a night we had, crying after every 30min - do not mess up with sugar, avoid. Wife dreams when she can drink coffee again. But same with tea, if she drinks it in the evening - be ready for a worse sleep. Perhaps try tea with camomile around 6pm. With our older son who refused breastfeeding from the day 1 we gave him a bit of water during the night. Water is not good for the first few months but when cereal and veggies introduced it may be ok in small amounts. We think water may help stomach to rest at night while giving a feeling it is full, eventually brain sees no sense in waking up just for water :) Make sure the room is not too chilly and well ventilated, he may just need to get warm.

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I feel your pain brother, we had the same thing with the 2nd baby. WE tried all the 'tricks' here - but rum (dark) worked better than Scotch for some reason...


Seriously though, as far as i'm concerned, there is no way to make a baby sleep (are boy is a savage) - I feel like those expensive sleep coaches 'work' because the child grows out of that habit - it will happen eventually with or without them. For us it was about 9 months of garbage sleep. the baby is now 1.5 and sleeps a solid 11-12 hours and gets himself back to sleep when he wakes up (90% of the time anyway).


Wish I had a better answer!

Edited by Fishing Fury
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I think he needs an oil change!


Great! Could use a brain transplant too while you're at it..


Maybe our personalities clash.. or maybe, it's my crass, dry, british humour...


I must remember to insert an emoticon next time I make a remark, so just you know I'm being sarcastic.




There. LOLOL

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Four pages of replies and not a single mention of teeth? Incoming teeth can turn the best little angel of a baby into a devil, especially if there are multiple teeth coming in. Our oldest is 2 1/2 years old and the baby is nearly 8 months. The exact same thing you're talking about happened with the first and is currently happening with the second. The only thing you can do about it is mommy and daddy need to nap during the day until you're out of this stage.


As for supplementing with cereals and formulas, nothing is better for baby than breast milk. The foods you're feeding could also be the culprit. I've never understood why some parents are in such a rush to get their kids eating food and it's almost as if some think it'll result in a bigger, better or smarter baby when it couldn't be farther from the truth. Many from across the pond will give nothing but breast milk for the first couple years.


Breast fed babies wake up more often during the night, especially while teething. Everything is normal and I would fire the sleep consultant.





I'm getting neutered in March. Now she's trying to convince me to get her knocked up before then....





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My son did that for about a year. Soft music (Puff the magic dragon was my favourite), a snuggle and many sleepless night for me worked most times. I found that a lot of active time with my son got him to sleep better at night most days. Sometimes a long ride in the 4 runner would work. Got stopped by the cops a few times at 3:00am, funny they all seemed to understand and sympathise with me. Wouldn't trade those times for a million bucks. Eventually buddy started to sleep through the night. At 17 (years) now I can't seen to get him up in the morning. Gonna try" Puff the magic dragon" in the mornings (lol).


I even enjoyed changing drapers. It would take about an hour and I usually was a mess afterwards. We'd giggle and laugh at everything for hours. Didn't get much done those days, but what a blast.


Enjoy every bit of the kid as he grows. Before you know it there grown up and gone. It's not such a big deal, part of parenting.


Just my 2 cents.......muddler

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