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Another Massacre in the US

Old Ironmaker

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Canada has a huuuuge arms trading agreemenent with saudi arabia as well. (Some ally, some of the worst human rights/violations in the world/ oh and now heading;beheading the human rights of the UN)


Pres obama is a war mongering idiot.


Cant even read his own teleprompter...


Russia just called his bluff in syria and i believe thats probably what aplumma is talking about.


Obama & Hillary clinton are on record, stating they are arming isis to destabilize syria, and clinton is on record about the US creating al queda to fight the soviets



Edited by manitoubass2
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Canada has a huuuuge arms trading agreemenent with saudi arabia as well. (Some ally, some of the worst human rights/violations in the world/ oh and now heading;beheading the human rights of the UN)


Pres obama is a war mongering idiot.


Cant even read his own teleprompter...


Russia just called his bluff in syria and i believe thats probably what aplumma is talking about.


Obama & Hillary clinton are on record, stating they are arming isis to destabilize syria, and clinton is on record about the US creating al queda to fight the soviets




There's the tinfoil hat again.

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There is no way that these kind of shootings can be completely stopped - no different than trying to stop people from getting killed in auto accidents where close to 30,000 to 40,000 die each year - accidents, mistakes, dealing with evil etc. are all part of living on this planet - do away with handguns then the crazies will use rifles or whatever -


At one time it was easier to commit someone to a mental hospital but that was changed years ago - so even if someone acts or looks a little strange not much can be done - and if he wants a gun bad enough he will get it


If you notice most if not all of these shootings have taken place in so called gun free zones - one killer even said that he was going to first shoot up a place but then realized that armed guards were there so he chose another place to do his dirty work - we put armed guards in our banks, in our social security offices, in our court houses but somehow we can't put armed guards in our schools because they are gun free zones - doesn't make sense - if some nut wants to shoot people he knows that there will be no guns in a gun free zone so these schools are his first choice -


Many of these shootings could have been stopped or made less tragic if others with guns were present - the way it is now when someone starts shooting up the place people have to call for help that is often miles away and in the meantime the shooter has time to do much more damage - the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is - with a good guy with a gun -



No, Joe. You are just plain wrong!! It's not just a matter of opinion. Do you think the fact that the US have more guns per capita than other Western nations and also have the highest incidence of gun deaths is a COINCIDENCE????? Give your head a shake!! There's more evidence that the moon is made of green cheese than for contentions! Open your eyes!

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Never went to Wiki Art, - in fact I intentionally refused to . And lowering to personal insults in response to a statement you don't agree with, as opposed to the message is well.... let's say disappointing.

I have not once passed comment on you, or any of your peers who support the notion of arm the masses, I have merely challenged the position, with empirical data, that more guns result in fewer deaths from guns. I provided statistical proof documented by US scientists, or quoting US governmental agencies.


If there is something in Mr Obama's statement that is factually incorrect, please, I am open to hearing it, provided it is supported by some type of empirical evidence.

I'm sorry I was not inferring that your info is not factual or incorrect it is that Obama is 3 steps below the junk tabloids and Wiki in my eyes. I have never nor will I hold someones opinions or views against them because reality is in the eyes you look thru and the path you travel thru life.



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More guns = more safe! I think the US is a perfect example of that not working.

I feel pretty safe Bill I have no fear that the country will be over run internally or externally. It is the hands and the mind that make guns evil. I can show you 10 ways to kill with a pencil video if you want.



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I love how obummer has said that gun free zones and tough gun laws reduce gun crime.... Illinois has some of the toughest gun laws in the U.S. And Chicago is a gun free zone yet the neighbourhood that obummer has done most of his work has the most shooting in the country... Seems to be working

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I can show you 10 ways to kill with a pencil video if you want.


But nobody is going through your schools, churches & theaters and slaughtering all your children with pencils Art, their ALL using guns.

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I love how obummer has said that gun free zones and tough gun laws reduce gun crime.... Illinois has some of the toughest gun laws in the U.S. And Chicago is a gun free zone yet the neighbourhood that obummer has done most of his work has the most shooting in the country... Seems to be working

You seem to forget the fact that the city and the state is surrounded by other states that have guns galore.

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But nobody is going through your schools, churches & theaters and slaughtering all your children with pencils Art, their ALL using guns.

Lew, I think the point is if someone wants to harm you, they will find a way



A gun just happens to be a more effective tool to do so than a pencil

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I feel for the families grieving at the loss of their children...... They are the victims here. Do not make a martyr of this coward.


Seems to be a lot of us vs. them, in regards to Americans and Canadians.


I did not see our American friends boast about their guns or our gun control during the recent tragedy in Ottawa. Nor have I seen them bring up the Montreal massacre.


It happens here too folks. Let's leave disdain checked at the door. As it's happened within our own borders.



This is a global issue.


Now is not the time to air grievances about a different country and their culture. We all have different views and we all defend them based on personal beliefs.


Lunatics are just that. Lunatics. If someone has the mindset to slaughter people, borders or politics will not change that. Perhaps what we should be asking is why mental illness is pushed under the rug, we close mental care hospitals and just expect people to cope...... It's not working.



I pray that the families of those murdered can find some solace.



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Lew, I think the point is if someone wants to harm you, they will find a way



A gun just happens to be a more effective tool to do so than a pencil


I understand exactly what the point is but with guns being more difficult to get up here why don't we have mass murderers running around killing dozens of people on a regular basis with other items ?


It just seems to be something with the United States that make so many of them so violent, so often, whether their using guns, bombs or pencils.

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Lew, I think the point is if someone wants to harm you, they will find a way



A gun just happens to be a more effective tool to do so than a pencil


Sadly in situations like this, guns are EASIER and FASTER to use to destroy human life... especially with the extended clips that are all the rage with these maniacs who do these mass shootings.


How anybody could bring up a pencil..... seriously? With a pencil you might kill one or two victims max before 10 other people could grab something to bash your frigging brains in. Against a gun that isn't going to happen as easily despite what American TV shows/movies would have us believe. I would wager is pretty hard to shoot straight when you are crapping your pants at the same time as firing...


What will the NRA say when all the teachers, custodians and other school employees are armed and it happens again. Or heaven forbid one of the employees snaps and starts spraying bullets?


I know all the gun bans/registering won't stop it from ever happening again, because criminals don't register their guns... However, arming more people hasn't worked so far as gun sales have sky rocketed after every shooting, from fear that the government will take away guns or stop the sales...

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I’ve heard some crazy stuff from the more guns = less guns crowd, but I never thought I would actually hear (read) someone actually admit that they've become numb or complacent with mass murder in the US. Joepa and his friend Donald are just going to give up trying to fix this?


We know it's not going to be easy, but isn't that why Americans do things? Because they're hard? Come on, America. Get it together.

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Canada can be just as violent with or without guns.



We do have a different demographic, less gangs, less poverty, better education, etc.


The US has all sort of issues(as do we but much less significant)


This is obviously a huge problem but there is no easy answers. Its a complicated issue thats for sure.


Tragic loss and i wish the best for all the families involved

Edited by manitoubass2
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Just curious who the Americans pick as there president. If it's a Republican then they can expect more of this. Actually it won't matter cause they have dug themselves so deep in a hole it's always going to happen. If these college students belong to every senator in congress I can guarantee there would be changes overnight. I said the same when the Sandy Hook shootings happened. Its becoming the norm in the states.

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Canada has a huuuuge arms trading agreemenent with saudi arabia as well. (Some ally, some of the worst human rights/violations in the world/ oh and now heading;beheading the human rights of the UN)


Pres obama is a war mongering idiot.


Cant even read his own teleprompter...


Russia just called his bluff in syria and i believe thats probably what aplumma is talking about.


Obama & Hillary clinton are on record, stating they are arming isis to destabilize syria, and clinton is on record about the US creating al queda to fight the soviets




I'm starting to get why I see negative opinions of your posts...WOW!

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