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defending your property in ontario...


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The one thing I take away from this thread is there are a bunch of people on here who don't know how to live and let live.


Don't want to carry a gun? Then don't. It shouldn't matter to you if someone else wants to, so long as they meet the legal requirements and are otherwise law abiding. You're not going to change anyone's way of thinking by insulting them and being condescending.


I'm going to go smoke some trees and chill out. Some of you ought to do the same.

Edited by Dutch01
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The one thing I take away from this thread is there are a bunch of people on here who don't know how to live and let live.


Don't want to carry a gun? Then don't. It shouldn't matter to you if someone else wants to, so long as they meet the legal requirements and are otherwise law abiding. You're not going to change anyone's way of thinking by insulting them and being condescending.


I'm going to go smoke some trees and chill out. Some of you ought to do the same.


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Kind of after the fact I do not carry a gun while fishing, All of my firearms stay on the property unless i am going to a place to hunt or shoot. That said it is not a matter of being afraid to go out it is a matter of common sense that keeps me from carrying. The element of the unknown is a strong control on human nature you do not go ripping thru a strange part of a lake if you think there is a shoal around because it is the unknown. You stop and look around a blind corner before pulling out into an intersection. This thought of what if he has a gun has the power to stop someone from becoming causally stupid. Up North you have a luxury that we will never have the very low percentage of legally owned handguns. If someone is in your house the odds of it being a gun fight is rare it is usually you with your trusty hand bludgeon or the horror a knife. That is not the scenario down here it is most likely and needs to be thought of as a life or death situation where as I have said first one to shoot wins. This is not a casual act and has life changing repercussions you don't hesitate in this nor any other time you bring maximum violence to end the conflict with a minimum amount of damage to yourself. This is a strange thing to most unless you have had either military training or other tactical schooling but it is the way I was taught and it has served me well over the years. I am not trying to justify or convert anyone to this way of thinking it i just a snapshot of the reason that shows that this is effective in one country but not in another.



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And that might be the root of it. Who is blind and who has vision.


The title is: Defending your property in Ontario.

Exactly and we both will walk away feeling we are both correct in the way we have reached our own logical decisions.



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It was JoPa I think that said he carried a gun to protect himself fishing. I can't quote here. It wasn't Art. I should have been more clear, please don't shoot.


I went back and read his post. He said he often finds himself in a dark parking lot alone after fishing and it makes him feel safer having a gun. That tells me he takes his gun fishing to protect himself.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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The amusing thing about this thread is it is like trying to explain sight to a blind person. The USA has pistols so deeply entrenched in our culture and our rights that Canadian can not see the long term effects it has on shaping our Nation. We have never had the privilege nor can we have the privilege of knowing that a pistol will not appear in a disagreement or worse a home invasion. I find that if the possibility of a gun being called in to play people will think twice before they create a situation where it is "needed". I had an incident up North where an elderly Frenchman cussed me out because I was tagged by my boats decal as an American for going past him in a narrow bridge channel. No reason at all for his cussing and also no reason I should have cussed back but he then threatened me with a sinker across my head. Now I think that if there was a chance of it escalating to something that could be life changing he would have held his tongue and we would have enjoyed the day without the incident. I also took comfort in the fact that if he did sail a sinker at me I would be on the shore beating his ass knowing the worst case scenario would be he pulls a knife. It is a strange situation that most people who haven't seen both sides can grasp much less convey to someone who has been taught something so foreign that neither has a common ground to grasp.



My biggest issue with all of this is that either one of you thought that a potential solution to this situation would be pulling a gun and at the very least threatening someones life. Holy crap talk about escalating. Sure, someone was being an idiot but that doesn't mean they deserve to die.


Maybe instead of thinking that if you had a gun this wouldn't have happened, but rather that thank god neither of you had a gun because that could have got ugly fast. In my experience, people are going to be idiots no matter what. And from reading your subsequent posts it's likely if anyone was armed it only would have been the other guy.


This right here is exactly the cowboy mentality that scares me about everyday people carrying guns. Sure there could be 100 responsible gun owners (and for the benefit of the doubt I'll include you with them :) ), but there's always that one sketchy guy who might be carrying too.

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Yes - it was me who often takes a gun when going fishing at night - sometimes during the day also - well let me give you a little back ground - I've have on two occasions in my life pulled out a gun I was carrying - both times occurred in Newark, New Jersey during the 60s when I was going to night school - if I didn't have the gun God only knows what would have happened to me - just showing the gun ended in the other guys leaving


I was born and raised in a coal mining town in northeast Pa. - after coming out of the Army(I'm a Korean combat veteran) I went to school, got a job in Jersey and began going to night school in Newark for advanced degrees in engineering - there wasn't adequate parking around the school which was located in the middle of the city - so night students parked along the street in areas that were mainly occupied by factories - when school let out at 11pm there was a lot of traffic and guys walking around but after about 10 minutes it was quiet and dark - this was an all black neighborhood - one night when I got to my car I noticed that I had a flat - so I opened the trunk and got the spare out to change the tire - the first thing I noticed was that I was alone and only person around - then I noticed two black guys standing in the doorway of one of the buildings


As I was jacking up the car these guys came over and wanted to know if they could help - told them no thanks - then they asked me for some money - said that they just came up from the south and were broke - told them I didn't have any and was kinda lean myself - I got up and put my back to the car - the one guy says to the other guy - lets take him - they started coming at me real fast - I pull out a small 25 caliber browning semiauto I was carrying and pointed it at them - they stopped in their tracks and took off -


Now if I didn't have that gun I don't know what would have happened - I had the tire iron to defend myself but who knows what the outcome would have been - I could have ended up dead on that dark street with no one around - at the time I was carrying that gun illegally but because of the race riots that just happened in Newark I felt that I better have a gun with me - legal or not -


The big difference between Canada and the U.S. is that down here there are millions of handguns around - most in the hands of law bidding citizens but some in the hands of criminals - so you never know what you might be faced with - sure most crimes happed in the big cities but criminals often leave the city to commit crime in other areas - when law bidding citizens have guns the criminals take a bigger chance that they may wind up on the short end of the stick - I hope I never have to use the gun that I carry but if the situation occurs I at least want a chance - someone once said - if you trade liberty and freedom for security you will end up with neither of them - have a nice day everyone - Joe



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Lew that last sentence is what art is saying.


Me personally, id love concealed carry here in canada(ive mentioned it many times).


But is it necessity? No, im doing fine without it. But I would like that option.


And its not fear or anything ludacris, I just feel it should be our right


But thats just my opinion.


Maybe its because I was born in america? A mere 500 yards from Canada??


Now, with rifles/shotguns. If the government tries to take those away ive got very serious issues with that.

....if they outlaw guns ..the outlaws will still have guns I don't understand the reasoning for this crap unless our government is afraid of a revoulution
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....if they outlaw guns ..the outlaws will still have guns I don't understand the reasoning for this crap unless our government is afraid of a revoulution

If the govt keeps up with thier crap they're going to get one!!



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I can go on for pages discussing the pros and cons with real life experiences concerning handguns. What I will say, then I'll bow out, is that if I lived south of the border I would carry and conceal a handgun, legal or not. Living where we do I have no need to. I don't go to neighbourhoods here in Ontario where it would be prudent to have a weapon such as many neighbourhoods in Toronto and Hamilton. I know where not to be so I don't go there. I guess it is my right to go to any neighbourhood I wish but the reality is that there are places here I have no business to be.


Just like here I don't drive around certain neighbourhoods in Gary Indiana, Miami, Detroit, Youngstown Pa. or Niagara Falls NY. If I am stupid enough or naïve enough to do so I may find myself in trouble. The same goes for Finch and Jane area in T.O.so I don't go there, period.


JD out.

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I agree.


And thats why my stance on gun ownership is so strong.


But hey, im just the tinfoil hat guy???

Don't get me wrong, I am 100% PRO guns, and I will support any gun related issue, I just don't feel I need one for protection. I have guns, and you, or anyone else won't be taking them from me without a major battle any time soon.


Your tinfoil hat is a totally different issue lol



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My biggest issue with all of this is that either one of you thought that a potential solution to this situation would be pulling a gun and at the very least threatening someones life. Holy crap talk about escalating. Sure, someone was being an idiot but that doesn't mean they deserve to die.


Maybe instead of thinking that if you had a gun this wouldn't have happened, but rather that thank god neither of you had a gun because that could have got ugly fast. In my experience, people are going to be idiots no matter what. And from reading your subsequent posts it's likely if anyone was armed it only would have been the other guy.


This right here is exactly the cowboy mentality that scares me about everyday people carrying guns. Sure there could be 100 responsible gun owners (and for the benefit of the doubt I'll include you with them :) ), but there's always that one sketchy guy who might be carrying too.

There is nothing more devastating than finding you brought a knife to a gun fight. I am tactically trained as well as ex-special forces. I don't think like you do I am the one who will be the first one to apologize and try to walk away from a fight. I will also be the one who when cornered and yes it has happened release maximum force to put down anyone who threatens me. I have not pulled a gun in public however I have used force to neutralize an opponent when they pressed the issue. fighting or pulling a gun is not something that is pleasant far from it. The mindset has to be maximum force to keep minimum damage to ones self at all times. Arm me with a baseball bat and it will have the same outcome I don't hit you in the leg and you will not get back up off the ground. Violence is the last resort I would rather give you the shirt off my back if you are cold. As far as outlawing handguns it just isn't possible down here they are everywhere and the only ones who would turn them in is the law abiding citizens surely you do not thing that the criminals would become disarmed in the same numbers that lawful citizens would be. For Canada my advise is never open Pandoras box keep handguns outlawed allow people to keep all of the guns that can be used for sporting and hunting applications. Having protection that matches the level that a criminial has is just plain good sense. When you go off into the bush you carry the items that you think you need to go there have fun and make it back without damage to oneself. You take the tools available to get the job done easily as well as a mindset and skills to be safe. As I said before I am not trying to change your mind nor justify what we do down South just point out we will never see this eye to eye.



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Don't get me wrong, I am 100% PRO guns, and I will support any gun related issue, I just don't feel I need one for protection. I have guns, and you, or anyone else won't be taking them from me without a major battle any time soon.


Your tinfoil hat is a totally different issue lol





So why am i the tinfoil hat guy again? I forget?


Good post dood

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i have been reading this topic and i find myself needing to join in

over the years i have lived in some questionable area

i lived in east L.A in spanish harlem new york and just across the tracks from overtown in miami

i never felt the need to have a gun at home or on my hip

but i was young agile and could run fast

i am now 50 years old and have a very bad back and use a mobility scooter to get around

i am canadian i now live in scarborough and i wish sometimes to have one on my hip

i go fishing alot at night and early evening this summer i was approached by two young men while i was fishing

who were very nervous acting and asked me if they could use my phone to call a cab

i found this troubling

i was sitting in my mobility scooter so i thought it would be prudent to stand up it was a bad vibe i got the scooter between them and my and i reached for my cane

they then made some kinda silly excuse about changing their mind and they left

now maybe they were innocent but i have to wonder what might have happened if i could not of stood up and shown them i wasnt so helpless

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