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They're not good enough to be "pretty bad". The Jays are sending a message to the Rangers and they are trying to slam the door on them. Jays in 5.


Opps, Rangers just got a couple.




Can't wait till Wednesday.

Edited by muddler
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Price looked like they had his number for a bit, glad they worked their way to the end but dickey was pitching a gem I think they shoulda left him in another inning or two

Edited by Lucas F
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While I think Dickie could have pitched longer, you have to love his class. He said something like when you don't care who takes credit, it's amazing what a team can do. He also said when you see a guy like David Price running in to take the ball, you have to feel good about that.


Gibby explained that he made the change because of Choo coming up and Price being a better matchup. Also, in order to avoid the lineup seeing Dickie for another round. While not put a guy who throws mid 90's to their order after coming from a knuckle baller?


At any rate, they won....there is a game 5. I'm happy with that!

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Nice win by the Jays! It was aggravating reading Simmons recap, over at the Toronto Sun, when they were down 2-0. He already wrote down the Jays saying they were lacking in depth in both pitching and hitting and pretty much insinuated that they were going to get swept.


Man, I really hope the Jays win and shove it his face. How is that guy able to write in the Sports column???

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Nice win by the Jays! It was aggravating reading Simmons recap, over at the Toronto Sun, when they were down 2-0. He already wrote down the Jays saying they were lacking in depth in both pitching and hitting and pretty much insinuated that they were going to get swept.


Man, I really hope the Jays win and shove it his face. How is that guy able to write in the Sports column???

If I ever see the article I'm about to read is one of his I promptly close it, guy has no morals and just seems to want to hate on everything for no apparent reason other than to throw fuel on the fire

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If I ever see the article I'm about to read is one of his I promptly close it, guy has no morals and just seems to want to hate on everything for no apparent reason other than to throw fuel on the fire

I know. But it's just too tempting to confirm that I think he's a tool when he writes about sports in Toronto. Lol.


I thought that the first two games, the Jays didn't execute to their potential. Even their win in Game 3, they left the bases loaded two times.


Today's game was definitely a different story and a game played that we've all seen before. Getting on base and hitting HRs.


These playoffs are all about momentum and right now, the Rangers have no answer to our bullpen.

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Nice win by the Jays! It was aggravating reading Simmons recap, over at the Toronto Sun, when they were down 2-0. He already wrote down the Jays saying they were lacking in depth in both pitching and hitting and pretty much insinuated that they were going to get swept.


Man, I really hope the Jays win and shove it his face. How is that guy able to write in the Sports column???



lacking hitting depth?




the best offense in the entire league by a mile, and literally one of the greatest offenses of all time (actual fact) is lacking hitting depth ahahahhaa




by the way I was at the game friday, after the game i literally felt half dead, i had a splitting headache any my nerves were shot. 6 hours of that much stress is painful but worth it.

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The Jays have a much better chance against a lefty and Stroman was likely the better option over Price regardless for game 5. The Jays have found their stroke again and have realized that the don't need to aim for the 500 level with every swing. The Rangers pitching is terrified of them and keep throwing down and away. They look terrified and over-matched.


I was just over on the Sportsnet website and going through the comments I can't believe how much second guessing of the move to bring in Price there was. Listen to Gibby after the game. He explained it perfectly. Slam the door while they're a quarter mile down the road. When the Jays went up 7-0 I said to myself that they should just make a complete joke of this game. Bringing in Price before they could even think about getting something going was the perfect move. And as I said, I have more confidence in Stroman right now anyway.


By the way, I have tickets to tomorrow's game. I feel like a kid on Christmas eve lol.

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enjoy the game netminder! the atmosphere is electric to say the least.


If you dont come home completely horse you arent cheering hard enough.


The whole price move also has to do with ensuring Price isnt sitting for 11 days again. 4 days rest...he throws...then 4 more days and we are in round 2!

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I think the move was more to ensure that Price was sitting and Stroman was starting Game 5...



uh no, Gibbons said the game before, he will use price or stroman out of the bullpen in game 4, whoever comes out of the pen will not get the start in game 5.


now, going back to pitching change, remember, dickey hadn't pitched in 10 days, hes up to 75 pitches, its hot, 35 celcius at game time, and knuckleballs need a dry hand to be effective. could dickey have pitched the one more out, sure, but you have a string of left handed batters coming up. no brett cecil, only other lefty is Loup who wasn't available due to family matters



my thoughts are this, if the guy being pulled isn't pissed off or upset about it, then why should people who aren't in the game be upset about it

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With Cecil injured and Loup away, there were no other lefties to match up with. Wouldn't hurt that Stroman pitches Game 5 either. Rangers seem to have Price dialled in.



Price actually has a horrible post season record. Its nothing against any pitcher, its stopping a Rangers rally and any momentum. look what happened in Houston.

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They probably made up their mid to throw Stroman in game 5 before yesterday's game. I know there are a lot of critics out there but it makes sense what gibby did yesterday. Shut the door on texas with a lefty and leave him in as long as he could until we could throw sanchez in. Maybe Dicky could of gone longer considering the score and inning, but gibby didn't want to get texas going... and with Choo up and lots of game left, he wanted his lefty in. I still hope we have price ready in the pen should we need him in game 5. What a great game though! Such a great feeling seeing the boys light up texas finally, and the smiles and celebrations on the bench. If we were to end up 2-2, I'm kind of glad we won in texas going into game 5 with this momentum. Tomorrow is going to be fun.

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My response to the whole Dickie thing is... Who cares they won. It was do or die, why let them up off the mat? Secondly he had a man on and choo and fielder up and combined they were 4/4 against him. It could have easily been 7-4 in two batters so just leave it be and get ready for game 5! Go jays!

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