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Mashkinonje West Arm Report (PICS NOW)

Rich Clemens

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Typically, Patsy and I head to Lakair for the June musky opener this year, however WORK made that impossible this year. May have worked out in the long run though as the winter was long and hard. The normally abundant cabbage beds were virtually non-existent in June. All the normal fishing areas are basically void of weed of any type. With Lakair not opening this year due to health concerns (which we certainly can understand), we had to make other arrangements. So, we and some other OFC'rs starting looking around for another camp in the area that could hold all of us for a week. Leslie recommended a couple places and we settled on Mashkinonje Camp - which is the former Lucky Strike Camp and under new ownership.

Lucky Strike is under new ownership this year and the owners, Regen and Goldie, have already started remodelling the cottages and have a lot of plans for more upgrades as time goes on. We had a great week and Regan and Goldie were great hosts and took care of all our needs. Although Mashkinonje is a longer run to our normal fishing grounds, this gave many of us an opportunity to search out new areas and some exploring. Lots of channels and side lakes to explore and check out. We all really liked the camp and most of us are already booked there for the June Musky opener next year.

With the Skyway bridge in Burlington closed heading to Toronto and expected HEAVY traffic on Saturday, we actually left home around 11:00pm Friday night and drove straight through. Great driving as the detour around the bridge was a breeze and the traffic on the 407 and 400 was excellent. We arrived in camp around 9:30am, well ahead of check-in time, but we were able to tour the camp and get the boat launched. Goldie finished the one cabin she was already started and moved directly into getting ours ready so we could move in. We explained why we were so early and that they did not have to change their plans just to get us in the cottage, but they did anyway.

Typically, Patsy and I typically fish different areas out in the West Bay, so we headed out Sunday morning. The weeds were still no where near what they have been in past years. Although they were coming up, very very few were up to the surface. The vast majority were still some 5 feet down, so we wondered if this would be enough structure to hold the fish yet. We started out drifting across what weeds were there and it wasn't too long until I had a good hit and what seemed to be a nice fish. Ended up being a nice 33" northern. Great way to start the week. Just a short time later I had another big hit and I could tell this was a much bigger fish. Got a good look at here and it was a nice sized musky. With a great net lady, we had her in the next and the hooks flew out - NICE. She measured in at 44". The pic was not the greatest, as sahe flopped around a bit. So, we got a couple pics that we could and back in the water. She took of imediately after hitting the water.



Musky: (I gotta work on my holds for better pics).

So, we thought this would be a great week with two nice sized fish right off the bat, but as time went on, that would be it for the week. EXCEPT for the Walleye Patsy hit later in the week. We were fishing out along the North Shore and Patsy had a spinner bait on with a 6" twister tail and hit a nice fish, which we first thought was a most likely a pike. As Patsy got the fish closer she asked "What kind of fish is that ?" Here it was a nice sized Walleye, so we quickly grabbed the net and got her. She measured in at a respectable 25" and made a great addition to our fish fry at the end of the week. OK - so I admit she is a better Walleye fisher-person than I am.


Patsy also picked up a few pike that we added to the pile for the fish fry, nothing big, but made for some good eats.

It ended up being a VERY slow week of fishing. We made several trips out to the West Bay that week, but only managed one other follow and she was not interested at all. We also tried some new territory going out to some side channels and lakes back near camp, but didn't catch anything. Tried a few places along Pike Alley and around Warren Bay, but nothing was found. I had one fair size musky hit the lure along Pike Alley, but she didn't get the hooks. Went back a few other times, but didn't see her again. So, this was a very hard week of fishing and not much action, but we'll have weeks like that. We're back home now and preparing for our two week trip on the Lower French next month.

But, we think the highlight of the entire trip was spending the week with some great friends and OFC'rs and meeting the new owners. Once I got back and sifted through the pics we took, I realized I didn't get all the ones I should have. Anyway, I'll attach some pics from around the camp and those with whom shared our week together - some of whom we hadn't seen for a year or more. We had a great time - fish or not.

My little girl Kia:

Emma all tuckered out after a day of fishing .... or just plain tired of relaxing ... or maybe just plain relaxing after a long day of sleeping. Who knows.

Regan and Goldie, the new owners of Mashkinonje. They surprised us by hosting a Barbeque for the OFC crew. So, we al chipped in with various other dishes and had a great feast. A very special thank you to Regen and Goldie for this.

John and Barb:

Lew and Di pulled in Thursday to spend a couple days with us. Good to see you both again.

Roy and J spent the week and J, as usual, prepared some DELICIOUS snacks along the way.

Leslie even stopped by for a bit one evening. Seems they have a group of Mennonites in to help replace roofs and other general maintenance at Lakair.

Paul and Joey. Of course, Paul had to land the biggest musky from the OFC group - but I'll let them make the presentation. :clapping:

We had a lot of dog-sitting help among the crew - which Patsy and I really appreciated - looks like Paul was just one of them.

Seriously though - John and Barb took care of our girls while we were making the long trips out to the West Bay - we tried to recipricate as well.



And, of course, our red-necks from Virginia. Thanks Art for tuning my new baitcaster (Yes - I finally got one) - the casting was much better and really cut down on the bird nests I was getting. And of course, the use of your map for a day of exploring new waters - since we don't have the updated Navionics map that has the West Arm mapped. But, I will be getting that taken care of for next year. Thanks for all the help guys - really appreciated.

TJ and his family stopped in Sunday evening for a cap picnic. Of course, a lot o pondering on how to get through the child-proof cap on John's drink. (I wonder if they ever got it opened ????? )




We only had rain one day the entire week, so the weather was great. We had a couple storms roll through on Wednesday and really pounded the rain down for a short period of time. Just across the bay, and other places nearby, got hit with Hail. Another surprise was that Sudbury area got hit with a minor earthquake, but I don't think any of us even felt it.

Storm Clouds:

Many a nice sunsets to end our days.

Well, that basicallky wraps it up. I think we had more fun just sitting around shooting the breeze with our good friends than we did fishing, We are already looking forward to geting together again next year at Mashkinonje. Now - I have to go get ready for our two-week French RIver Trip. Hopefully, we'll have more to share after that. Again a very big thank you to Regen and Goldie for having us.

Rich and Patsy

Edited by Rich Clemens
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I saw no photos at all and tried calling them in but it didn't work as they had no HTML code for the pics so I just left it alone.


I know. I can't even seem to get them uploaded into the thread. SUCCESS ... IT'S ABOUT TIME.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Thanks to all of our friends who made it worth the 13 hour drive up and then for a safe 13 hours back to Virginia. Another year into the books while the fishing was not the best the accommodations were first rate. The Host Regan and Goldie did not miss a chance to make all of us feel like old friends from our arrival to the hard and sad time when we left. I had a minor incident with my transducer and had to mount it on the back of the boat this would have been impossible job except for Regan lending a hand and a few tools to get me back on the water quickly. A guide named Dan (sorry I didn't catch your last name) was nice enough to share his knowledge on the water and pointed us in the direction in our search for tall green cabbage Thanks Dan! It was hit and miss for the pike but we managed enough to make it fun every day. For anyone who is looking for a nice friendly place to stay while they fish here is the link to where we were






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Super report Rich. I'm still working on my pictures (sigh) and should have a report up either late tonight or in the morning.


Had a great time all and can't wait to see you all again. It was a fantastic time.

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Great report Rich.


Nice to see friends and fish come together with you and Patsy this week. Despite it being slow for yas, the good weather and good times surely made up for it.


It is a weird year for sure, and even up on Nipigon last week the cabbage beds that would normally be 4 to 6 feet high or more, were 1/2 to 1 foot. Found fish in transition but not too set-up in any one place, and certainly fussy in shallows. Anyways, nice muskie for your efforts.

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Great report Rich.


Nice to see friends and fish come together with you and Patsy this week. Despite it being slow for yas, the good weather and good times surely made up for it.


It is a weird year for sure, and even up on Nipigon last week the cabbage beds that would normally be 4 to 6 feet high or more, were 1/2 to 1 foot. Found fish in transition but not too set-up in any one place, and certainly fussy in shallows. Anyways, nice muskie for your efforts.

Just got back from Nipigon yesterday, lots of healthy weeds...enough to choke down my 150! Heading to the West Arm in a few weeks and hope the weed growth recovers.


Thanks for the report Rich and Patsy; we'll be staying at Mashkinonje for the first time too. It's a long haul to the familiar fishing grounds when we would stay at Lakair but we had some good luck around Musky Island last year so I am looking forward to exploring! Patsy, great walleye you have there!

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Just got back from Nipigon yesterday, lots of healthy weeds...enough to choke down my 150! Heading to the West Arm in a few weeks and hope the weed growth recovers.


Thanks for the report Rich and Patsy; we'll be staying at Mashkinonje for the first time too. It's a long haul to the familiar fishing grounds when we would stay at Lakair but we had some good luck around Musky Island last year so I am looking forward to exploring! Patsy, great walleye you have there!


Hey Brian: We want ot see a report when you get back. I think you'll find Regen and Goldie wonderful people that will do all tehy can to make your stay an enjoyable one. Be sure to give them out best regards and that we too had a great time there.

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Good to hear everyone got home safely Rich and as always it was great seeing the gang again. Diane and I have booked into Mashkinonje for the musky opener again next June and again for 2 more weeks next August, tentatively the 1st 2 weeks


We moved over to Memquisit Lodge for another 2 weeks after you guys all left on Saturday but so far haven't found the big muskies yet but still looking hard.

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Good to hear everyone got home safely Rich and as always it was great seeing the gang again. Diane and I have booked into Mashkinonje for the musky opener again next June and again for 2 more weeks next August, tentatively the 1st 2 weeks


We moved over to Memquisit Lodge for another 2 weeks after you guys all left on Saturday but so far haven't found the big muskies yet but still looking hard.

We're booked at Mashkinonje for the opener next year as well. Not sure what August will hold for us. It worked out this year as I had to cancel our June trip due to work. I'll be ready net year, when I get my GPS updated to the version that has West of 64 mapped. I think the Navionics Gold chip has it. Keep on looking Lew, she's out there somewhere. I'll be holding my breath to see the picture.


We're heading back up to the French here in a few weeks, so I'll have two more weeks to track down the 50.

Good luck.

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Good to hear everyone got home safely Rich and as always it was great seeing the gang again. Diane and I have booked into Mashkinonje for the musky opener again next June and again for 2 more weeks next August, tentatively the 1st 2 weeks


We moved over to Memquisit Lodge for another 2 weeks after you guys all left on Saturday but so far haven't found the big muskies yet but still looking hard.

Hope you find her on Cross Lew. Let me know how it fishes.......

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