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2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF


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Please explain how voting for a party you agree with idealistically, yet certainly won't get any seats is a wasted vote yet voting for the lesser of two asshats since he is more likely to gain office isn't? I'm genuinely puzzled

OK, if I vote Green or some other party that isn't likely to get in that is just allowing one more vote for Whynn to be counted against the other parties. I don't like everything that Hudack has to say, and I don't agree with some of the things he is planning but when I consider that most of these attack adds are coming from Liberals and I know the Liberals are corrupt and liars the only chance I have of stopping them from getting in is to vote PC. Also, I like our local PC candiate, she has a good solid track record and a good history in the area. My reasoning may be flawed but IMHO it is a whole lot better than not voting or runing a ballot then sitting back whining.


One last reason for my choice is that I heard on the radio the other day that we in Ontario are paying close to $30,000,000,000.00 less in taxes today than we did in 2009. Why? Because of tax cuts put in place by the PC party. I like that rational.

Edited by Big Cliff
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One last reason for my choice is that I heard on the radio the other day that we in Ontario are paying close to $30,000,000,000.00 less in taxes today than we did in 2009. Why? Because of tax cuts put in place by the PC party. I like that rational.


They also will balance the budget next year and aren't doing it on their our dime alone, they made some huge changes to their own pension that will change what they get, something just I don't think a Liberal would vote for.


Instead of the current gravy train (" $25 for every dollar from MPs") they changed it to..."bringing parliamentarians’ contributions up to a 50-50 split"


"After the next election, expected in 2015, MPs will also have to wait until age 65 to collect their full pension, instead of the current age of 55. "



"Also, the reforms substantially cut the additional pension plan for prime ministers who serve more than four years, in a move that will almost certainly cost Prime Minister Stephen Harper more than $1 million over the course of his lifetime."



I look forward to a PC gov't in Ontario trying to get us out of this mess and cringe at more years of the Liberals in power! Another doubling the debt? Another 100,000 added to gov't payrolls? A doubling of the subsidized (insider contracts mostly) windmills in Ontario.....

Edited by mosquito
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One last reason for my choice is that I heard on the radio the other day that we in Ontario are paying close to $30,000,000,000.00 less in taxes today than we did in 2009. Why? Because of tax cuts put in place by the PC party. I like that rational.



This number must refer to the Conservative party-(federal)--not PC---30 billion


And there are trade offs for lower taxes---lower wages is one with this group but there's more---temp foreign workers helps keep wages low


If you want to examine the federal Cons---examine it all


Everyone remember the Vikileaks---when then Vic Toews wanted an internet snooping bill passed---being able to access your info-- if your not with us your with the child pornographers


Well it's back---in the form of the back end of the "Cyber-bullying bill"---so we're all holier than thou---yep everyone agrees--internet bullying must be stopped--to protect the kids


But like the fisheries gutting act-or navigable waters act--it's on the back end where nobody will notice---at least they removed the protected status of the humpback whale up front


So according to the privacy commish (federal)---bell--telus --rogers can turn over "YOUR" info to a "Peace" officer without warrant---only suspicion and they're immune to lawsuits




Now according to Ontario's privacy commissioner----This would allow even an "Animal Control" Officer to access your info---hey, even I can't make this Orwellian stuff up--so save the tin hat scenario


But as long as everyone is arguing about partisan politics----who's more crooked-------your being had


Now this campaign is becoming like the federal Cons----I'll just keep Scaring you about the other guy---then you won't examine me too closely


So save all The "Lieberal or Socialist Bob Rae NDP comparisons"---- Remeber you did'nt lose your freedom---you sold it for a tax break or promise there-of


Anybody hear the new "Fair Elections Act"----scholars from around the world are asking what the hell happened to Canada---they used to be the bar on fair elections---they all concur--it's a bad plan----called voter suppression---how's that freedom lookin?


and when you get these shell game tax breaks---is why the Veterans had to sue the federal Gov't---for at least enough money to bury the vets--yup nothing says tax breaks better than a vet's widow begging for money


Cuz a dollar still only goes so far---so when you get a tax break-------what's being cut elsewhere??


Cut the GST------gut EI

Income tax reductions---cut meat inspections---cut scientific research into saving our skins---cut Canada Post---Cut Rail safety---cut National park services


Ya see cherry picking is easy when you just pass along what is fed to the masses---liberals and NDP are going to ruin the economy...booo!!!

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Please vote. At the very least take a look at your local MPs and what they can offer you without worrying about the party leadership. Maybe that will help make a decision.


There will never be the perfect candidate, party or party leader. Besides, half the problems lie within the government itself and your vote has nothing to do with them whatsoever.

Edited by FishLogic
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50 years old and I have never voted. I have always felt a vote is a powerful thing and should be taken seriously. So if you vote you should do everything you possibly can to understand all the politics involved. I also believe there is way too much smoke and mirrors and corruption to ever really understand what if possible, would be the correct vote. So as I feel I can't really make a correct choice or a choice that will really matter I choose not to vote. I truly feel that whatever party gets in, our system as a whole will never be changed to make any kind of a difference.


Having said all that. I never talk about politics as I really don't care and never complain about the way things are ran. Instead Debbe and I have spent 30+ years spending and saving responsibly so we don't have to worry about how much the politicians screw things up.

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Again---I'll flip the coin on Liberal/NDP--to help save OFC member's jobs---so I'm doin something good with my vote



The cuts to public service will be through attrition, so you won't be saving anybody's job by voting against the PC's.




I would love to see a party be truly in the middle. Here is what I would love to see:


-we pay 5 cents for aplastic bag, where does the money go? Why not remit it with HSt and use that to fund CO's an the environment? If it is an environmental tax let's put it to use.



It is not a tax. It is a store policy.


There was a time when Toronto stores were required to charge five cents per bag. That was only in Toronto, it was not a provincial law; and it has since been eliminated. When store in Toronto were required to charge for bags, the five cents was retained by the store. Some stores still choose to charge five cents per bag, but there is no legal requirement for them to do so.



I do not think that changing immigration will make us that much better off;


Immigration is federal issue; this is a provincial election.

Edited by JohnBacon
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Very interesting reads folks. We have heard from those voicing their opinions on who to vote for, who not to vote for, why not to vote at all and the list of opinions goes on. I embarked on this as a small test in sociology. Ask a question on a very volatile topic, usually politics or religion, and see who actually answers the question. The question was,




2 individuals of 33 posts actually answered the question, actually the first 2, as soon as the 3rd thread went off topic everyone else followed suit.

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Very interesting reads folks. We have heard from those voicing their opinions on who to vote for, who not to vote for, why not to vote at all and the list of opinions goes on. I embarked on this as a small test in sociology. Ask a question on a very volatile topic, usually politics or religion, and see who actually answers the question. The question was,




2 individuals of 33 posts actually answered the question, actually the first 2, as soon as the 3rd thread went off topic everyone else followed suit.

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Immigration - yes it is federal but in Hudak's plan he talks about attracting better people through immigration, trying to better utilize federal programs


Public service cuts will not all be attrition - when he cancels full day kindergarten how many teachers and ECE will lose their jobs? When he cancels the amount of programs and projects he has to in order to balance the budget and provide corporate tax cuts that he has planned do you not think that will effect employment somewhere along the lines as well?


5 cent tax - I know in Ottawa most stores I go to still charge it, if they continue to does it not make sense for it to be used towards environmental programs? or ensure all stores cancel it outright.

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What happened there? Sorry another question.


Just get out and vote. Almost every time there is a democratic election here or down south the margin is 2% or less between victory and defeat. The most important vote for these politicos is from the person that doesn't vote by many means, declined ballot, spoiled ballot or not showing up at all. Like I always say a black man won a US election that had a Muslim name and zero political experience compared to both those he beat, not once but twice! How? By getting 2% of those that don't vote to vote for him. There is no way 2% of Republicans suddenly thought it was time for a Black President, and a Democrat at that! It was the 2% made up as first time voters, students and those that felt they were always too stupid, frightened or poor to make a difference.

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Very interesting reads folks. We have heard from those voicing their opinions on who to vote for, who not to vote for, why not to vote at all and the list of opinions goes on. I embarked on this as a small test in sociology. Ask a question on a very volatile topic, usually politics or religion, and see who actually answers the question. The question was,




2 individuals of 33 posts actually answered the question, actually the first 2, as soon as the 3rd thread went off topic everyone else followed suit.

Oh great, the home version of Dr. Phil. Should we start another thread for those of us that actually want to discuss the election?

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Immigration - yes it is federal but in Hudak's plan he talks about attracting better people through immigration, trying to better utilize federal programs


That sounds like a good idea to me. I am not sure what you have against that. He is not claiming that this alone will resolve all of Ontario's problems.



Public service cuts will not all be attrition - when he cancels full day kindergarten how many teachers and ECE will lose their jobs? When he cancels the amount of programs and projects he has to in order to balance the budget and provide corporate tax cuts that he has planned do you not think that will effect employment somewhere along the lines as well?


That does not necessarily require any teachers to be fired. Teachers retire every year; that is why about 2,500 new teachers are hired every year. We also have a number of "retired" teachers who continue to work as supply teachers. The reduction can be achieved by reducing or eliminating new hires for the four implementation of his plan.


Yes, this will impact employment because fewer people will be hired. The ones currently in teacher's college will find it even more difficult to get into teaching. But it does not mean the current teacher need to be fired.





5 cent tax - I know in Ottawa most stores I go to still charge it, if they continue to does it not make sense for it to be used towards environmental programs? or ensure all stores cancel it outright.


No, I do not think it makes sense for the money currently charged by stores to be used for the environment.


As I said, there is not, nor has there ever been a provincial law that requires stores to charge five cents per bag. Toronto did have such a law at one time; but that has since been eliminated. If other cities require a charge per bag, then you need to take that issue up with the city; not the province.


In order to use a per bag charge for provincial government expenditures on the environment, a tax would have to be created, administered, audited, and enforced. This may have some merit. But it would require a bureaucracy to be created to administer the tax. I am not sure how much money would be left over after the administration costs were taken into consideration.


I also do not agree with forcing stores to cancel their policies of charging per bag. Stores have always been allowed to charge for bags it they wanted to. It was common practice for discount stores to charge for bags. I think stores should be allowed to charge for providing bags if they choose to do so. Consumers have the option of shopping at other stores if this bothers them.

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How much does an election cost taxpayers? At least in a two party system you can't force a minority government into another money wasting election. The true beauty of a Harper majority is that we won't have another federal election for 4 years!


To answer the question, no.


If for no other reason I hope it's PC majority so we don't have to endure yet another election in the coming year or two. Add to that the money wasted on the gas plant...it's mindboggling the costs we taxpayers are saddled with. Regardless of the issues, this alone is enough to vote PC.

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Oh great, the home version of Dr. Phil. Should we start another thread for those of us that actually want to discuss the election?

Go ahead, be my guest. Dr. J not Phil.


As far as charging for bags they always have. Also for lights, heat, A/C, labour, the list goes on. Those that don't add it to your bill may be charging for bags you never get and for those that give you a bag there isn't something called free in retail.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Here's the question people need to ask themselves.
If the Liberals were your employees (which they actually are), and were carrying on at your office, store or construction site the way they have been behaving in public administration, what kind of performance review would you give them?
Massive amounts of capital are missing. Infrastructure is falling apart. Debt servicing is outdistancing production. Various department heads are not keeping their sticks on the ice. Credit is downgraded, "customers" are leaving to buy elsewhere. The place is a shambles.
Would you renew their contract or show them the gate, knowing full well there are lots of qualified applicants out there just waiting for a chance to put things right?
Ideally I'd like to see PC or NDP governing with either one being official Opposition. I honestly don't care much which it is, because I think that would strike an excellent balance in the Legislature. I'm not especially partisan, by the way, but nothing would be more gratifying than to see the evil OLP reduced to only a handful of seats in the House.
It would make up for the last ten years of oppression they have perpetrated against visible minorities, newcomers to Canada and those without fat wallets who happen to own dogs.

Edited by Twocoda
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There is a group promoting the idea that people should decline their ballot in this election, someone did the spade work (wish I could find the links) and the guy running the site is a Conservative from way back. New spin on the voter suppression idea? Don't trick 'em, just tell 'em to do it and they will?

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Whatever voters choose we are doomed. $300 Billion debt and climbing. No way out of this one. Serves us right for sitting on our hands and letting these asswipes gut our province for the last decade. Enjoy what you already have cause its all gonna be milked from us.

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One should not look at these items in isolation


It's hypocritical to defend the unemployment rate (save Alberta) on the federal level---Where they say---"the global economy is still very fragile"------where there's more unemployed now than pre-2008 meltdown---and an industry killing high dollar


And then turn around and say---there's no jobs in Ontario because of the liberals---Hudakian logic----it was the same meltdown and same high dollar


Now Hydro rates are an industry deterrent--that's given -


Again a minority coalition keeps the game on track-----checks and balances---it has to work or it will implode---unfortunately if it does not happen-----same thing--different day-

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-I think attrition in gov't is a good thing so long as it does not impact services, 100,000 positions seems steep but maybe 40-50,000



Yes, but the thing is the Liberals created those 100,000 positions that weren't even required in the first place. Also, keep in mind that the "Hudak will fire 100,000 government workers" filth the Liberals keep repeating is totally untrue and it's not like those people will be fired the second the Conservatives win. It will take years for those 100,000 jobs to be cut as the plan is to avoid hiring someone to fill that position after the initial employee retires. They're not going to fire those 100,000 people, they're just not going to hire anyone to fill those positions. Service has not increased since those 100,000 positions were created and services will not be effected as it will take years to phase out those positions.

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Public service cuts will not all be attrition - when he cancels full day kindergarten how many teachers and ECE will lose their jobs? When he cancels the amount of programs and projects he has to in order to balance the budget and provide corporate tax cuts that he has planned do you not think that will effect employment somewhere along the lines as well?




There are already far too many ECE's in Ontario due to the government paying to put so many of them through school when there was a need for more ECE's. So many in fact that school boards (where most ECE's want to work because of $$$ and benefits) often receive hundreds of applications when they post that a job is available. There are so many ECE's out there that daycares can offer to pay low wages ($12/hr) and still have people fighting over the position.




By cutting corporate taxes, the result will be lower operating costs to operate in Ontario which in turn will attract more businesses and create jobs. On the flip side, the liberals have cost Ontario over 300,000 jobs since 2003 and all their green act has done is put the province deeper into debt, made hydro very expensive, and encouraged businesses to leave Ontario.

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