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Painting exterior concrete


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Our front porch is poured concrete and my wife would like it painted but I'm leery about doing it as I doubt there's anything that'll work well. I know there's products advertised for the job but I'm wondering if any of you have done it and how did it stand the test of time. I'm sure it'll look good for a year or 2 but then it could start looking pretty ratty after awhile.


The concrete has a brushed finish so it's slightly rough to prevent slipping.

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Heres a link to a product my neighbour used a couple of years ago. worked great. I'm thinking about do this on my concrete porch this year.




Its not a paint, more like a paste, about the same consistancy as a thin oatmeal.


Let me know if you go for it and how it works for you, I'll so the same.



Edited by dracokaos
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That granite stuff is absolute crap. Had a good friend and neighbour use it on this front covered deck and stairs. One winter later and he was scrapping it off as it was coming off and created a slipping hazard. It did not withstand the winter elements and the instructions were followed to a tee...


Beware of this product



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That granite stuff is absolute crap. Had a good friend and neighbour use it on this front covered deck and stairs. One winter later and he was scrapping it off as it was coming off and created a slipping hazard. It did not withstand the winter elements and the instructions were followed to a tee...


Beware of this product



Thats weird, my neighbour has had it for a couple of years and no issues at all...guess you just have to do your research and make the best decision you can...

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Lew definitely do not paint it or use the `granite look`coating. Has the surface been sealed. Google acid staining concrete and you will get an idea of what can be done and how it looks. Other option is to have tile, brick or flagstone put over the top. Did I say don`t paint it....lol.

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I used a paste (stone/granite) like product from home depot. Not sure if they still sell it. You applied a primer to the concrete and them you trowel the stuff on like you would finishing a cement surface. It's been about 5 or 6 yrs since I applied it and it's been solid. Not chipping of craking. Very impressed. The only thing I notice is the shine has gotten duller looking. I guess that is due to dirt build up. I might give it a pressure was this year and see if that gets some of the dirt off. I would recommend it.

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I've had the granite stuff on my stairs for 4-5 years now I'm guessing (they were previously painted) and still looks as good as when I did it. No issues with this product at all, just have to apply a sealer coat every couple of years. I throw rock salt on them in the winter too and have held up very well. A buddy went the route putting stone over the concert and it's just a mess now. Water must have gotten under the stones and froze, expanded and popped them free. I've seen it with tiles as well and I wouldn't go that route myself. That acid staining looks cool though. A neighbour used this company and the product has held up well and looks good too.



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Exterior concrete on grade should not be painted/coated as it'll trap the moisture resulting in the coating flaking off.


Coating concrete is much like painting in that properly preparing the surface is the most important and labor intensive part of the job. You'll need to pressure wash every inch of the surface, use a floor brush to scrub with a strong mix of TSP and water, and pressure wash again to remove any residue. While etching isn't really required on broom finish, it'll make the paint adhere better as etching actually takes off a thin layer of the surface exposing a fresh surface for the paint. Finish off with a couple coats of premium concrete paint. Painting is not a good idea on rough broom finishes (like the majority of crappy city sidewalks) as there will be too many ridges where the paint will be worn off before the rest.


If it's a rough broom job you'd be far better off using an acid wash to color the concrete as it won't wear off the ridges like paint will.


Tile or stone is also an option and will last forever if done properly. As with coating, surface prep is very important to ensure the mud bonds to the concrete.




It's too bad i'm not doing the highrise restoration anymore. I could have given you some Vulkem 350/351 waterproofing membrane to coat your porch. It's a two coat system with silica sand for traction that they use on balconies and parking garages. I'm not sure if they well it in gallon cans or not. It's worth looking into if you want to do the job once and never have to worry about it again...

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Thanks for the ideas guys, but just hearing suggestions that it doesn't always work is enough to convince me to leave things as they are.


99% of the jobs that fail are due to human error by not preparing the surface properly, not applying the coating/topping exactly how the manufacturer says it must be done, or trying to coat concrete that is not sound. If you're willing to do the job properly it will definitely last a long time no matter what you choose to coat or top it with.

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Lew, take the power washer to it to clean it up nice. Do not paint exterior concrete, you will be farting around with it every 2-3 years. And since you are saving at least a hundred bucks or so, I think you need a couple new lures and you need to take the missus out for a nice lunch.

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you need to take the missus out for a nice lunch.


We were out for dinner with friends this evening and just got home 30 minutes ago Bruce, so I'm in the good books for awhile longer LOL

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Concrete should never be covered/painted unless its below grade.(foundations)

The problem with concrete is the its like a sponge it loves water and it never stops curing it fails with age and this causes cracks witch lets in moisture and the dreaded freeze thaw cycle .


If it is not cracked then you may want to look into a stain colour and that would still allow the concrete to breath.


ch312 is on the rite track surface prep is extremely important as well as understanding what your looking at.


Just keep this in mind .

If its old concrete /cracked than nothing will provide you with a long term solution..





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If you want to redo your concrete the best way is with Jewel Stone http://www.durock.ca/jewelstone.html


A pro can do amazing things with this product and it's harder than the concrete you're putting it on.


It's not a DIY product though.


A bunch of pics showing what can be done with it. https://www.google.ca/search?q=jewel+stone&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=WO9yU8raHNW0yAT1oYGIDg&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=620#q=jewel%20stone%20cement&revid=1291855110&tbm=isch&imgdii=_

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I'm in agreement with BigBuck----takin her out for dinner--is cheaper and easier




Not necessarily, we go out for dinner every Friday night and sometimes mid-week too, and believe me, it's not always cheap, specially when the ole girl gets looking at the wine list :lol:

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25 years of construction experience here. If the concrete is clean and sound "DONT DO IT!" leave it alone, it will stay looking

good for years to come. If you mess with it you will likely regret it! Now if its in poor condition then stone is the best and longest lasting solution. Make sure you hire a stone guy to install. There are different products for the various aspects of the install that when used will add years to the install but realize no product is forever.

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If the concrete is clean and sound "DONT DO IT!" leave it alone




Yeah, I've pretty well decided to leave it alone. It's only 12 years old and looks great as is. I liked that product Drifter linked to but think I'll just pass.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

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Yeah, I've pretty well decided to leave it alone. It's only 12 years old and looks great as is. I liked that product Drifter linked to but think I'll just pass.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions.


I've seen it used a few times on Mike Holmes show and it really is pretty neat stuff.

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