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Seniors to Anti UP

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Truth be known, i was born in 1950 and for most of my life there was no fishing licence required for anyone in the province of Ontario, believe they started in 1986 with the licencing and that was at the request of the anglers of the province as a way of injecting more money to the protection and enhancement of the resource.



Its a blank cheque fund. Screw the governments who have mismanaged both the the funds and the office. They want seniors to pay at least 80%? Let them use at least that percentage of funds in the system. There are many of us and we all know at least one angler so send an email and tell them to do the same.

Edited by moxie
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For those that it applies to that said if you can't afford it you shouldn't be fishing in the first place, maybe seniors shouldn't be allowed to have a steak supper now and then either eh? May you have a miserable encounter when your age creeps up on you. May the plug pop out when you're not looking and your other plugs foul up. For those that are getting into that age group or past it didn't have any golden platters in the 50's 60's and 70's and now you want to take what little benefits they get away. I hope you have a bad case of constipation. :wallbash:

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Cliff, Fishing is not a right, the government own all the land and resources on it.


They have the sole right to do with it as they please and you should feel honoured that they allow you to live here

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Cliff, Fishing is not a right, the government own all the land and resources on it.


They have the sole right to do with it as they please and you should feel honoured that they allow you to live here

Dara, they can go (I'm not allowed to say that here). I have paid my dues many times over and they just keep wanting more so they can fill their pockets. It is now a matter of principal for me I do have the right to fish without a license, I earned that right by working and surviving for the last 53 years. What's next, are they going to prevent businesses from offering seniors discounts so they can collect the tax on those too?

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For those that don't have access.


MNR is proposing that those aged 65 and over pay 80 per cent of the cost of a regular fishing licence.


Without licence requirements there are

inequities, gaps in the ministry's information regarding harvest, and the number

of seniors that fish.



how often does the MNR actually collect angler data?


I could support the licensing only for the reporting aspect, but flip those numbers, give them an 80% discount, or make it a one time payable for a "lifer license"...or just requirement to keep their info up to date for survey collections


if the argument is presented that many rely on fishing to put food on the table, I see benefit in asking for those harvest stats, especially on some lakes


if an organization, say OFAH, started a fund for licenses for seniors/anybody on restricted income, I'd donate to that every year

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For those that it applies to that said if you can't afford it you shouldn't be fishing in the first place, maybe seniors shouldn't be allowed to have a steak supper now and then either eh? May you have a miserable encounter when your age creeps up on you. May the plug pop out when you're not looking and your other plugs foul up. For those that are getting into that age group or past it didn't have any golden platters in the 50's 60's and 70's and now you want to take what little benefits they get away. I hope you have a bad case of constipation. :wallbash:

Just maybe, the senior that can't afford a license is giving the food bank a break by eating a few feeds of fish they caught...


Hey Ch312, how can you make a statement like you did about the seniors not fishing because they could not afford a license...


Must be nice to be young and rich...Enjoy it while you can...you too will get old and maybe poor...That is my wish for you...

Edited by Beans
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Another part of their proposal is a 2$ admission fee because it now costs more for the US company to handle our Canadian Information, but this fee will apply to everyone.


It just continues to get worse.

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I wish politicians would read these threads! Oh, I forgot they are too busy trying to figure out how to get that last buck from us.

I hear you Cliff and it's a crying shame that we have to work past retirement to survive. Guess we should have gotten into politics.

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