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Your thoughts on DND giving police forces military fighting vehicles

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Can't remember if the london police used theirs a few years back on the "st.patricks day riot" or not. There sure was some interesting footage though. It sure opened a can of worms on society and police procedure and protocol. IMO police can't stop people if we don't want

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Can't remember if the london police used theirs a few years back on the "st.patricks day riot" or not. There sure was some interesting footage though. It sure opened a can of worms on society and police procedure and protocol. IMO police can't stop people if we don't want

your last sentence is a very important part of our rights to defend tyranny within the government
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When are the zombies showing up? I'd like to stock up on tinfoil beforehand if possible.



9 shots for holding a 3" blade. Cops need training, not an armoured car.

Edited by moxie
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Defend tyranny, lol. I'd be more worried about zombies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"our" government sold us out along time ago. Glad you think its a joke, good luck to you and yours. You don't need tinfoil, you need to remove your blindfold. Edited by manitoubass2
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some of you people need to be a little more grateful of the law enforcement in this country, Any one that risks there life every single day, well i give my hat off to them. if you want to see a more sensitive type of policing, then you should walk a day in there shoes. My close friends and neighbours are police officers and they get death threats, guns and knifes pulled on them, and have to deal with the feeling of never knowing what your walking into when you approach that car with blacked out windows or are dealing with people with no regard for human life. This is the best country in the entire world and we are all so blessed to live here.

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"our" government sold us out along time ago. Glad you think its a joke, good luck to you and yours. You don't need tinfoil, you need to remove your blindfold.


I do think it's a joke, give me a reason why I should worry about waking up one day and being under siege from our own government, lol. You watch too many movies.

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some of you people need to be a little more grateful of the law enforcement in this country, Any one that risks there life every single day, well i give my hat off to them. if you want to see a more sensitive type of policing, then you should walk a day in there shoes. My close friends and neighbours are police officers and they get death threats, guns and knifes pulled on them, and have to deal with the feeling of never knowing what your walking into when you approach that car with blacked out windows or are dealing with people with no regard for human life. This is the best country in the entire world and we are all so blessed to live here.

thats not just cops. I was threatened yesterday. I dealt with it accordingly. Cops can be great, cops can be horrible. Just as every other human.
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X2 but there are more good cops than bad in my experience.


I have run in to bad people in every walk of life

yes absolutely agree. But you'll watch that change as political interests change. It may not effect you directly, but you'll see the effect sooner or later. It takes time, time to condition. Imo, canada should thrive as a country. We have everything to prosper and disperse wealth equally. Sadly, that's not the case. We bend over to sell our resources outside out country only to comply with NATO and other four letter fiscal thieves. If we were united as a country, people and resource, we "would" be the greatest country on earth, possibly

Edited by aplumma
Stop with the mock cussing please
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yeah...our cops are amazing until one of them freaks out and empties his Glock's magazine into a guy on a bus holding a pocket knife :wallbash: the whole thing might have gone a lot better if he had an RPG or call in air support :tease:


Don't try to high jack a bus and this most likely won't happen. But keep blaming the police officers for all of this, lol.

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yeah...our cops are amazing until one of them freaks out and empties his Glock's magazine into a guy on a bus holding a pocket knife :wallbash: the whole thing might have gone a lot better if he had an RPG or call in air support :tease:

The truth is that, despite all the training and practice, one never knows how a person will react in a given violent encounter. Especially a first time weapons encounter. Will the shooter make one calculated and controlled shot, or will he lose control, let the adrenaline take over, and empty the magazine. In the moment it is all too easy to let the "rush" take over. I had small arms instructors with experience from both WW II and Korea who admitted they themselves had, in the heat of a fight, fire blindly in the direction of a target rather than pick a target (also known as the American method).

Although this may explain the behavior, it does not excuse it. In my opinion the officer in question failed miserably

Edited by bigugli
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