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Shame shame on you!


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what Fantino has done to our vets is totally inexcuseable.These are the people that offer up their lives to protect all of of ours and this great country of ours.This is the ultimate sacrifice anyone can make. All while his boss gallavants around the world handing out millions of our tax $ to other countries and groups.This is disgraceful and shameful. Had to get this rant out of me

Edited by wkrp
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Typical politician get your picture taken for years with a group saying you are with them. Then when it comes time to man up and show courage, Fantino was no where to be found. He always was a useless thug in his cop days and now more people are getting to see just what an out of touch bully he really is. Notice how he tried to blame the unions for causing all the trouble? Seriously, he needs to go and the sooner the better.


Of course the spineless wimp who is his boss will lie cheat and steal to protect him.... Unfortunately, nothing new to see there.


Sending people into harms way means you look after them, for the risks they take where there. A country owes them that, and we should HAPPILY, and WILLINGLY do it FOREVER no matter the cost, it isn't really that hard a concept to grasp. I hope people who get that pay very close attention to how their MP's respond to this issue and vote accordingly next chance we get.


Anyone on here could find the money to keep those offices open in about 10 minutes so why the party of fiscal conservatism can't is beyond me...

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The offices being closed are having their services relocated to nearby Service Canada offices. The vets shuttled to the meeting were used by the UNION that will be affected by the office closures. Both sides of the story have not been told. There is no service cut, only relocation. Fantino is not one to put up with screaming yelling and finger pointing which is exactly what happened. I would rather have pols like him then spineless slime like ol Dalton. I read an article this morning on it. Either the star, globe or sun. I don't remember which. Fantino did not handle it great but he won't allow himself to get bullied either which is what was happening. Our government has a long history of mistreating and mishandling veteran's affairs that transcends political parties. It is sad that our vets are being used by a special interest group that doesn't want to lose income from the closing of unnecessary offices that duplicate service. I'm tired of the corruption of our system by politicians out to make a score and special interest groups that want to milk it to death.

Edited by bigbuck
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The offices being closed are having their services relocated to nearby Service Canada offices. The vets shuttled to the meeting were used by the UNION that will be affected by the office closures. Both sides of the story have not been told. There is no service cut, only relocation. Fantino is not one to put up with screaming yelling and finger pointing which is exactly what happened. I would rather have pols like him then spineless slime like ol Dalton. I read an article this morning on it. Either the star, globe or sun. I don't remember which. Fantino did not handle it great but he won't allow himself to get bullied either which is what was happening. Our government has a long history of mistreating and mishandling veteran's affairs that transcends political parties. It is sad that our vets are being used by a special interest group that doesn't want to lose income from the closing of unnecessary offices that duplicate service. I'm tired of the corruption of our system by politicians out to make a score and special interest groups that want to milk it to death.


Sure the services are being moved to different offices and DIFFERENT people. Why should vets who have had to build trust with their current support workers now have to bare their souls to other people who don't yet have the training and probably won't? This is according to Fantino's own admission of silence when asked that very question by the vet who was pointing his finger. Fantino's dislike of having a finger pointed at him, by someone who has been there and done that just shows he is and always a bully in my opinion. Whatever happened to respect your elders? Fantino has never demonstrated that while always willing to cash a pay cheque as a PUBLIC SERVANT that he is in fact one. Remember when he insisted we needed a helicopter fleet for the OPP? Maybe if the conservatives had not wasted tax dollars on running commercials about the jobs program that doesn't exist they could afford to keep the offices open.


But you and the conservatives are right, lets bust that union then move on to the next one they can eliminate... Meanwhile the vets who can't get out to get services at the new offices, not to worry they can use an app on their smartphone to get the help they need. That is if they can afford one after the way the conservatives have cut their benefits. It is very telling that the neo cons don't have the money in the largest FEDERAL budgets in the history of Canada to pay what we promised the vets, but their lawyer friends made millions off the last court case about benefits, which they lost btw. Again that money could have probably been spent just keeping the offices open.

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Sadly Canada's history of veteran services has been rather pathetic over the past 40 years. It starts with Trudeau and has raised a shameful face with every new political generation in office.

Our government asks our citizens to put their life on the line, give their all, and die, and once they are no longer needed they are discarded like a used snot rag.

They signed up to defend Canada against her enemies. Our government, in turn sends them off to die in god forsaken holes like Cyprus, the Golan, Somalia, Serbia, and now Afghanistan. I am so tired of hearing of Canadians losing their lives for the sake of some dirtbag politician's agenda. Once they are no longer useful/ spent/ broken, the government casts them off, tries to cut obligations, and pretend they don't exist.

I watched enough friends come back in boxes, not a single government representative at the funeral. Little or no support for their families. The veterans of this nation have every right to be angry


I pray my nieces and nephews in uniform do not have their lives so poorly used.

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Do we expect any different from people that don't have to work for a living. Fed with a golden spoon. Only one politician i respect and she will be leaving us. Thanks hazel for the great work.

Hazel has a lot of fans that is for sure but she is hardly squeaky clean, convicted in 1982 of a conflict of interest she should have been tossed then, and the deal with her son another conflicted and I believe she recently dodged another conflict of interest involving her son.Seems to be a pattern of conflict involving real estate and her son!!!

Best she retires to focus on trying to keep her less than honest son out of jail!!!

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Without God's Word our politics will continue to deteriorate. Look back in history - during their successful periods as nations, countries worshipped and obeyed God. When left to his own, man is not capable of running a nation. Let us pray earnestly on this issue, as only God Himself can turn us around......

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Sure the services are being moved to different offices and DIFFERENT people. Why should vets who have had to build trust with their current support workers now have to bare their souls to other people who don't yet have the training and probably won't? This is according to Fantino's own admission of silence when asked that very question by the vet who was pointing his finger. Fantino's dislike of having a finger pointed at him, by someone who has been there and done that just shows he is and always a bully in my opinion. Whatever happened to respect your elders? Fantino has never demonstrated that while always willing to cash a pay cheque as a PUBLIC SERVANT that he is in fact one. Remember when he insisted we needed a helicopter fleet for the OPP? Maybe if the conservatives had not wasted tax dollars on running commercials about the jobs program that doesn't exist they could afford to keep the offices open.


But you and the conservatives are right, lets bust that union then move on to the next one they can eliminate... Meanwhile the vets who can't get out to get services at the new offices, not to worry they can use an app on their smartphone to get the help they need. That is if they can afford one after the way the conservatives have cut their benefits. It is very telling that the neo cons don't have the money in the largest FEDERAL budgets in the history of Canada to pay what we promised the vets, but their lawyer friends made millions off the last court case about benefits, which they lost btw. Again that money could have probably been spent just keeping the offices open.

Please don`t make this about the conservatives as others have mentioned the other party has a horrible record on national defense and veterans affairs do a little research on Chretiens record on the issue...I am not saying things are perfect now but they are ten times better now than when the Liberals were in power!!!

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Sure the services are being moved to different offices and DIFFERENT people. Why should vets who have had to build trust with their current support workers now have to bare their souls to other people who don't yet have the training and probably won't? This is according to Fantino's own admission of silence when asked that very question by the vet who was pointing his finger. Fantino's dislike of having a finger pointed at him, by someone who has been there and done that just shows he is and always a bully in my opinion. Whatever happened to respect your elders? Fantino has never demonstrated that while always willing to cash a pay cheque as a PUBLIC SERVANT that he is in fact one. Remember when he insisted we needed a helicopter fleet for the OPP? Maybe if the conservatives had not wasted tax dollars on running commercials about the jobs program that doesn't exist they could afford to keep the offices open.


But you and the conservatives are right, lets bust that union then move on to the next one they can eliminate... Meanwhile the vets who can't get out to get services at the new offices, not to worry they can use an app on their smartphone to get the help they need. That is if they can afford one after the way the conservatives have cut their benefits. It is very telling that the neo cons don't have the money in the largest FEDERAL budgets in the history of Canada to pay what we promised the vets, but their lawyer friends made millions off the last court case about benefits, which they lost btw. Again that money could have probably been spent just keeping the offices open.


When you see the world through that sort of broken and biased lens you might as well not write anything more than "im a liberal", your opinions will be jsut as clear. These are minor cuts, the services will still be available, and being a veteran does not make you immune to changes in government. Not to mention of course the reason this made the news is becuase PSAC paid for veteran protestors, used them. Not that you seem to mind.

Edited by blarg
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Please don`t make this about the conservatives as others have mentioned the other party has a horrible record on national defense and veterans affairs do a little research on Chretiens record on the issue...I am not saying things are perfect now but they are ten times better now than when the Liberals were in power!!!


You are absolutely right about the Liberals record being just as disgusting at the neo con Harper government with respect to Veterans rights... Neither party has demonstrated they are willing to keep the promises they made over the long term. That is why I suggested as individual voters we need to note how our MP's react to this issue and vote accordingly, if we care about this issue that is.

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Without God's Word our politics will continue to deteriorate. Look back in history - during their successful periods as nations, countries worshipped and obeyed God. When left to his own, man is not capable of running a nation. Let us pray earnestly on this issue, as only God Himself can turn us around......


Whoa. :wacko:

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When you see the world through that sort of broken and biased lens you might as well not write anything more than "im a liberal", your opinions will be jsut as clear. These are minor cuts, the services will still be available, and being a veteran does not make you immune to changes in government. Not to mention of course the reason this made the news is becuase PSAC paid for veteran protestors, used them. Not that you seem to mind.


I am a liberal in many ways and not one bit ashamed of it. Sorry if that offends you. The truth is the conservatives in this case have dropped the ball and are trying to shift the blame from what they are doing on to the union.... Typical these days when politicians of any stripe do anything the public disagrees with. Don't stand by your principles find a distraction, this is the type of leadership we always get from the harperites. Don't we deserve better leadership? Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a politician say this is good for you and here is why, and then go on to show us without trying to bash some other group?


So, I might buy their kool aid like you have in this case, if they had the testicular fortitude to stand by what they say is good without trying to scapegoat such an obvious target as a union. C'mon that is like shooting ducks while they are still sitting on the pond. I don't care who setup the meeting, because Fantino agreed to be there and didn't show up, on time. In my experience it is always people who just assume they are better than anyone else who show up whenever they feel like it. Being late is a classic sign, that you just don't care enough about the situation to organize yourself to be on time. The interesting thing is his only excuse was I was working on something BUT I can't tell you about now LOL. Really and the dog ate his talking points too I guess.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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