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Been watching this gas price site NF

davey buoy

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Started this morning while waiting for the ice to freeze lol.. This morning stations in my area were between $1.23 and $1.27 a litre.These prices and locations are based on people like you and I giving feed back on good pricing of gas while on there travels.So my CT I frequent was $1.23 at about 10am this morning.Had to go to the store anyway.11am,$1.27.Oh well a couple other stations on the golden mile were still at $1.23,so I topped up.

Check this site out at around 2:30,back down to $1.23 .The Ct I was at not 3 1/2 hours earlier lowered their price back down 4 cents a litre.I know there is not much we can do,but was very interesting to see how that same in ground tank of fuel went up 4cents ,than back down in a very short time. Quite the racket they have going.Hard to believe it's legal??.

Just thought I'd mention it.Kinda peeved me off.lol. Plus this week is a 14x multiplier?hmmmmm!

Edited by davey buoy
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The old method of how gas was sold was price of the fuel paid plus X was the price till the tank was resupplied. Now it is sold just like the stock market. A purchase of fuel by the dealer could net large profits in troubled times. The price is broadcast to the individual dealers from corporate. This is why two of the same dealers separated by just a few miles can have prices that vary up to a couple cents per litre. Not much you can do except buy stock in the companies and use the profits to offset the prices.





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Not much you can do except buy stock in the companies and use the profits to offset the prices.





Chances are most of us already have some kind of stock in these blue-chip companies through RSP's, mutual funds, pensions...most people don't know what their fund managers are buying/holding.


The other option is to become less gas dependent with efficient vehicles, furnaces etc.


The other option is to complain on the internet about it hahaha, just kidding Dave, this grinds my gears too.

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A work mate has been one of those guys who always looks for the cheapest gas. He was the one who told me about the sites to check for the cheapest gas. He has also told me to never buy gas in the morning. He claims most places start the day at there highest price and drop prices as the day goes by. Get your gas in the evening...or if you have a Costco nearby...get a membership. They always have the cheapest gas prices....here in Oshawa anyway.

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We are lucky here in Lindsay and we usually have gas prices at least 3-4 cents a liter than surrounding areas. Gas this morning was $1.209/L at the Ultramar on Hwy. 36.

Same here, it seems the FARTHER you are from the hubs, the cheaper the gas is. Strange, as it should cost more to deliver it where I live. Funny that!

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Started this morning while waiting for the ice to freeze lol.. This morning stations in my area were between $1.23 and $1.27 a litre.These prices and locations are based on people like you and I giving feed back on good pricing of gas while on there travels.So my CT I frequent was $1.23 at about 10am this morning.Had to go to the store anyway.11am,$1.27.Oh well a couple other stations on the golden mile were still at $1.23,so I topped up.

Check this site out at around 2:30,back down to $1.23 .The Ct I was at not 3 1/2 hours earlier lowered their price back down 4 cents a litre.I know there is not much we can do,but was very interesting to see how that same in ground tank of fuel went up 4cents ,than back down in a very short time. Quite the racket they have going.Hard to believe it's legal??.

Just thought I'd mention it.Kinda peeved me off.lol. Plus this week is a 14x multiplier?hmmmmm!


Since the data on these sites are user driven the price may not have actually changed all day... Just someone screwing with everyone... Or typo... Etc...

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Whenever I am around Buckhorn or Keene area I will drop into Curve Lake or Hiawatha first nations. If its $1.25/L in Peterborough, its $1.15/L out there.

And its the first place I've ever seen that if your a smoker and want to buy cigarettes, they have a drive through window dedicated to the sale of

cigarettes. It is always about 10 cents a L cheaper out there.

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No you are correct the city hubs are priced higher by corporate. It is also priced higher in places where there is less competition. We have 3 shell stations local and the cheapest one always is the one that has a sheetz across the street. Now sheetz waits for them to post there price and then drops it a penny or two. As far as being less gas dependant that sounds like a great idea and we all can help to some extent. I have a huge carbon footprint due to the van and the pickup truck I drive. While both have the most economical motors I could find that will tow the boats and haul my plumbing supplies it still is a hunk out of my wallet. I can't even comment on my boats sheesh they get about 1.5 miles to the gallon due to there size and the waters I fish. O well the price we pay to have fun fishing with friends and family.....




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For the 4 years that I was working for one company we'd pass by a Pioneer east of Brantford. Literally every day the price was $0.03 - $0.05 higher in the morning from 6-9 am than it was at 3 - 7 pm when we'd be heading home. They know people could care less how much the gas costs as they need it to get to work.


The same thing happens every long weekend where they raise prices simply because they know people will pay it with many filling their tanks before heading off for vacation.



It'll never change, unless we can somehow get everyone to say F U gas companies and start boycotting them. Gas should be under a buck a liter.

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Remember a barrel of gas was $100 a barrel,maybe 8 plus years ago.Price at the pump was $1 a litre,We haven't seen any breakdown like that since.Now at under $100 a barrel,were paying at least here $1,27 a litre.Talk about gouging.


I'm sure overall cost from the barrel to your car has increased in 8 years...


If we slow down and think a little... It makes sense... It sucks... But makes sense...

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