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I didn't know we (OFC) had our own brand!! Any one try it?


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My experience with any alcohol is that after 2 or 3 drinks it's all good :angel: If I'm gonna sit on the porch after a long days work and just enjoy one drink it would be a good scotch and lotsa ice cubes. If it sociable drinking and I'm not doing any driving....give me the cheapest swill you got...cause that's just a waste of the good stuff IMHO.

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I have the utmost respect for you guys that can tell the difference of a lower end whiskey and a very expensive one.In all fairness not seeing the label.

Could you taste the difference?and tell which one was the lower end one?.

The easiest way to tell the difference between grades of whiskey is simply how it finishes as you drink it. harsh vs. smooth, burn or mellow. The biggest giveaway is whether there is an aftertaste.

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Can't remember what Rye I used to drink with tonic when I was 19. That was about the end of the Canadian whiskey years, as my pops always kept more scotch on the bar downstairs. Funny, but with Christmas coming it was tradition late teens into early twenties, after getting home from friends on Xmas Eve, Dad and I would stay up and watch Alastair Sim in A Christmas Carol, while enjoying a scotch or two.










... to name a few good whiskeys over the years... GlenLivet 15 this week.


No OFC brand scotch available in Canada yet.

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For anyone that enjoys a little baileys in their joe, try Forty Creek Cream. It's way better!


As far as drinking whisk. Start with two or three of the good stuff and then go on clean up duty!


I'm going to have to try that. I've been using Carolans for some time now.. But for some reason as of late, it's been giving my wife and I bad stomach aches..... Not sure what's up with that.



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Yeah, did the Carolans for some time. It is attractively priced, but it isn't quite right....

For those looking for a less exspensive alternative, try Panama Jack. I stayed away as it is wine based, which sounds gross, but it is surprisingly good! And it's tre cheap! Cheap enough for daily use!

Get the forty cream soon as last year most places lcbo's were sold out leading up to holidays. Nothing else comes close....

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bunk, good list bud.


Macallan is my favourite when comparing equal years.


An 18 Glenlivet is such a nice bottle for $100, but an 18 Maccallan can't be beat. Of course the price is $250.


Oban is top notch. Oban 18 is simply beautiful. Scapa - never really loved that one...tasted too much like Rye. Abelour is trouble. I've had their 63% cask strength. Abundah version. trouble in a bottle.


Dalwhinnie and Glengarioch are sure winners when I enjoy those with company.


Don't think i've ever tried Longmorn.


mmmm single malt :)

Edited by Steve
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Rye, Forty Creek

Liqueur, Forty Creek Creme, or Forty Creek Maple

Scotch, Lagavulin! Very smokey and peaty. Not cheap!

Beer, a dark, is my preference. Black Tusk from BC, or Michelob Amberbock, only in the US.

Having written this, I'm on my third Forty Creek and Pepsi. It's all just great stuff!

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X 100 on the forty creek creme. Fanatastic fishing, camping, holiday treat in the coffee

As for beer i always drank canadian till i found a beer on canada day weekend called schnieder weisse. Tap 7. It only comes in 500 ml single bottles at a few lcbo but is worth the look. Very nice flavour with zero aftertaste, and i used to tease all my buddies about their fancy beers from the lc

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In Chilliwack one night, bought 3 Scottsmen a shot of Laphroig and they all pushed it aside. One fella even howled "what in unholy ffffock are ye tryin' ta dooo to me lad," in his disgust. Those seaside whiskeys aren't for everyone... and they're kinda right, Laphroig is an aquired fuel. As for Lagavulin... it must be an aquired taste too, it's OK but plenty go on about it. That's kinda the thing with all booze though... to each their own.


My uncle Les was over when I was 19. It was a week of interesting scotch sampling. Les played saxaphone in a BIG band and travelled across U.K. Many distilleries would host venues that his and such bands would play at. He sampled much on the road over 40 years, but being his home was in the Orkney Islands, Highland Park was a favorite as it was the local scotch I believe. Scapa comes from there as well. We were lucky in Moosonee to get a case of Scapa during it's limited release here... I loved the stuff for a few years ti'll it was gone.


Oban is a western Highland... haven't had it in probably 15 years but remembered loving it then. It was $76 a bottle here then and on a college budget quite a stretch. Think now it's about $120. Too bad. I won't pay anymore than about $75-80 tops for a bottle of booze, but most times with Scotch look for around $50-65... which makes MacCallan perfect. The Oban distillery is one closest to my fathers ancestral blood, MacCallum.


Dalwhinnie, GlenLivet, MacCallan and Aberlour... All around Glenmore Park. All fine scotches. Don't often pay for the Dalwhinnie which leaves the other three. MacCallan and Aberlour are right next door to each other on the Spey, pretty well same water, same land. They're actually quite close in taste, Aberlour is done in sherry, and MacCallan in oak or sherry. Like the lighter oak tastes more but have barely sampled their stuff overall


Anything sweeter and smooth is where I'm best with scotch. Some guys might like the smoke... or whatever.

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damn, I was in the States a couple weeks ago, I was shopping for a big, cheap, bottle of rye to bring back home


they had a bottle called "Canadian Hunter", it had a bearded guy on a dog sled, rifle slung over his shoulder with a grimace on his face, hilarious


I'm so cheap I didn't spend the extra $3 to get it, now I wish I did, it would have been a funny picture to post in this thread, next trip it's mine, when it's empty it's going on the shelf at the cottage

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