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I think whatever was purported to be in the glass pipe is a sideshow; something sensational that the media and Ford's adversaries can parade in the spot light - pure politics a year ahead of an election.


It is distracting from larger, more important questions.

- If Lisi is tried and convicted in extortion to get the infamous tape the question must be asked: What is Lisi's material interest in the tape that drove to the extortion allegations? Who has material interest in the tape's contents and are they involved in the alleged extortion plot?

-Has the Mayor used his office or the influence of the office to interfere in a police investigation or pending Court proceeding?

-Is the Mayor purchasing/facilitating the purchase of a controlled illegal substance (i know controlled substances act but still enters through criminal justice system)?

All the other stuff, hanging out in a school parking lot with a known drug dealer (may be considered trespassing - trespass to property act) , having a couple bottles of vodka in a public park that is not a campsite (open liquor in a public place - liquor licesne Act) is not a criminal offense.


Regardless, the Mayor is innocent until proven otherwise, but the deck is being stacked and not in his favour. As citzens we have a right to weigh activites and behaviour of our elected officials when at the ballot box. Until then, our justice system will address the issues if there is standing to do so.

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I think whatever was purported to be in the glass pipe is a sideshow; something sensational that the media and Ford's adversaries can parade in the spot light - pure politics a year ahead of an election.


It is distracting from larger, more important questions.

- If Lisi is tried and convicted in extortion to get the infamous tape the question must be asked: What is Lisi's material interest in the tape that drove to the extortion allegations? Who has material interest in the tape's contents and are they involved in the alleged extortion plot?

-Has the Mayor used his office or the influence of the office to interfere in a police investigation or pending Court proceeding?

-Is the Mayor purchasing/facilitating the purchase of a controlled illegal substance (i know controlled substances act but still enters through criminal justice system)?

All the other stuff, hanging out in a school parking lot with a known drug dealer (may be considered trespassing - trespass to property act) , having a couple bottles of vodka in a public park that is not a campsite (open liquor in a public place - liquor licesne Act) is not a criminal offense.


Regardless, the Mayor is innocent until proven otherwise, but the deck is being stacked and not in his favour. As citzens we have a right to weigh activites and behaviour of our elected officials when at the ballot box. Until then, our justice system will address the issues if there is standing to do so.


wow, great intelligent post. Fully agree.


Rob Ford is a victim of conspiracy by the left wing elite and media. He hasn't been charged with any crime. LOL



Not sure if your joking but the media especially CTV, CP24, etc.... are RIGHT wing owned.


Could care less about politics but this dork is entertaining the city and worldwide. lol, lol, lol


All reported by right wing media like CTV (CP24)


Apparently there are two damning videos. FUN stuff!

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This is someone who has rid himself of close advisors because they privately advised him to get help. These people are (were) part of team Ford, not the "left", not the media (liberal or other wise). These are people, who for some part, knew who/what Rob Ford was and is. And they are saying "holy smokes. Something(s) is/are wrong here.


People can try to paint this as a left/right, lib/con whatever because they can then be the victim(s), which in of itself is absolutely hilarious. This is about a elected mayor of a major North American city who's judgement and behaviour does not suit the office he was elected to.

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Well, I seem to remember a time long ago when the issue was not about the individual, but the position. When we confuse the role with the person, is it any surprise this is the outcome?

Step aside and let the system determine your guilt or innocence. If the finding is guilt then the outcome is clear. Likewise if the outcome is innocence, the outcome is clear. Either way the hounds are satisfied, and justice is provided.

I guess dignity and respect went out while I was busy discussing the merits of integrity?

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Not sure if your joking but the media especially CTV, CP24, etc.... are RIGHT wing owned.


I am joking. I am both sarcastic and cynical. This isn't about political ideology, it's about lying and lack of judgement. Both too common in today's politics.

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I question the truth of 'crack pipe'. Couldn't you smoke anything out of a glass pipe and how would a video tell you what's actually in the pipe? Also, there is no way someone who has a high-pressure job like Mayor could be a crackhead...has the media ever seen a crackhead before??


The current conservative group (feds, prov) is pretty scary for our democracy and Canadian culture imo, but I actually thought it was good to see a more 'normal' person like Rob Ford in politics. There are a lot of odd people/slobs/jerks/etc etc out there and most politicians do not represent the average Joe, Rob Ford is more like you and me that most politicians I can guarantee that.


Either way, I don't really care what happens in Toronto, I can't see how anyone could live there anyway.

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has the man been charged


the chief should not have made the statements and released the photos, he should be fired



what ever happened to due process


lets have a judge say "guilty" then string him up


but for now he is (should be) presumed innocent........dammit



Totally agree with this Terry!!

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Obviously he is not going to get elected again. Get over it! Start covering news again! Sorry but those who mention wanting to know this or that are just adding fuel and obviously like soaps! Those that think its funny is just sad. I understand you can't do anything about it but to actually want to hear more about it? I'm neither a supporter or hater. Your hard earned tax dollars at work!

Get back to getting something done! The world is looking and it isn't pretty....

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He is an elected official.


He has been given more due process then he deserves (and more then most of us would have received).


There is a pattern here that would be a concern in a small town mayor. I'm not talking about legal/illegal. Just straight up behaviour of a mayor of a Canadian city.


The man is supposed to represent the city. Regardless of whether he is convicted of a crime or not does not make his actions and behaviour inappropriate for his choice of profession.


Not to mention all the lying. I think that is the worst part.

Edited by JBailey
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