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Hypothetically, if a union flat out ignores it's employees' grievances, letters about harassment and pictures of violations, that person could sue for their union dues back, could they not? I am paying for a service that apparently isn't working for me.


Just wondering if anyone has had this issue?

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first go above your local union to the main union.




if they are not properly representing you, you have the right to take them to court.

many lawyers don't like fighting unions,,,find one that has a successful record against unions

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It is called failure to represent and is a very serious offence call the labour board, i am involved with our union and know a fair bit about this subject email me if you want any more info


[email protected]


I have never heard of anyone suing to get dues back as you still have the benefits of the union i.e. your collective agreement. As much as you feel they did not look after you in this case they have still done a lot for you that you may not realize. But the labour board will look into it and charges can be laid

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Thanks everyone. After talking to a former steward , I was told much the same as here. Failure to represent is my case. Here comes several weeks of fighting for $100 bucks back, oh and driving to milton to do it.

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Thanks everyone. After talking to a former steward , I was told much the same as here. Failure to represent is my case. Here comes several weeks of fighting for $100 bucks back, oh and driving to milton to do it.


Can't be worth it...you are going to spend more just in gas?

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Let it go? When we let all the small things go is how corruption metastasizes.


For $100 I would not drive around southern Ontario and possibly risk my position at work or with a union. I'd just do my best to avoid the situation being repeated.


However I agree with your statement to a point. Every situation has to be treated with your best interest in mind.

My dad always says "pick your battles". I agree with that statement more and more as I get older.

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Let it go? When we let all the small things go is how corruption metastasizes.


Lost wages due to time off work, travel expenses, etc etc etc. All this for $100? There's a time and place, this doesn't seem to be it.

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The $100 is for the lost work that day. However through union regulation if I take the suspension I'm a step and a half from termination. The call was Bull and I refuse to take it backward so he can fire me two weeks later and satisfy himself.

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Ask a teacher how pleased they are with their union right now. We were lead exactly to where the ministry wanted us to be from the get-go and now we are being told to resume extra-curriculars when nothing has been promised, resolved, or addressed. Watch for the former provincial executive to start working in a sweet Ministry of Ed. gig when they are voted out of office.

The dues however, keep getting paid.

I have to ask though, why someone making $100 a day is paying union dues to start with?

Try to stop doing whatever you did, it will be cheaper.


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Ask a teacher how pleased they are with their union right now. We were lead exactly to where the ministry wanted us to be from the get-go and now we are being told to resume extra-curriculars when nothing has been promised, resolved, or addressed. Watch for the former provincial executive to start working in a sweet Ministry of Ed. gig when they are voted out of office.

The dues however, keep getting paid.

I have to ask though, why someone making $100 a day is paying union dues to start with?

Try to stop doing whatever you did, it will be cheaper.


It doesn't matter how much you you make a day if its a union shop you pay.


To the o/p if i read this right u were suspended for the day for something the union advised you to just take it or the employer can fire you in 2 weeks. If this is the case then wow you really need to talk to some one most c/a have a steps to termination most start with a verbal warning then written warning then suspension then possible termination as long as all the infractions fall with in 2 years and are related.

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My problem is with a manager (non-union) , targetting me, based on a personal grudge, and the lack of help from my union to stop it.


And I'm sorry, I had literally shaved my head the night before, and was told to put on a hairnet. I did, and still got suspended. That is completely personal and ridiculous harassment.


Add to mention witness letters and pictures have been sent of such manager to union/HR, not but the next day, cutting behind my counter with no hairnet or headgear on.


It's a little more than $100. Lol

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Sorry to hear yer having troubles there Rich.

I don't like them either,but I was reminded by my late grandfather 30 years ago .If it wasn't for them we would still be working 7 days a week,12 hour days for crap money.Anyone heard that a time or two growing up?.

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My problem is with a manager (non-union) , targetting me, based on a personal grudge, and the lack of help from my union to stop it.


And I'm sorry, I had literally shaved my head the night before, and was told to put on a hairnet. I did, and still got suspended. That is completely personal and ridiculous harassment.


Add to mention witness letters and pictures have been sent of such manager to union/HR, not but the next day, cutting behind my counter with no hairnet or headgear on.


It's a little more than $100. Lol


What did you actually get suspended for? Was there a dress code you broke by shaving your head?

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"Food Safety Violation"


Richard was witnessed without a hairnet on in the dept.


Three steps inside the dept, and I only WENT in the prep area to put a hairnet on!!

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was told to put on a hairnet. I did, and still got suspended. That is completely personal and ridiculous harassment.



and when you "did".. did you add "are you :whistling: happy now?"




I got three days once , from Consumers Glass in Milton, thanks to one of the line girls telling the packing room foreman to.. well you know.. on my behalf while I faught to get an overflowing moosehead beer bottle inspection line running. He thought I'd yelled it at him over the bottle jingle noise... so I got 3 days for insubordination. Worked out great. It was Tuesday so I took Wed/Thur/Friday with my Saturday to Wednesday @ noon once a month weekend and spent 7 days in the streams from the Forks of the Credit to GBay. Then came back, grieved it with the gal admitting to MY foreman that she told the packing room foreman off and not me and I got all my wages back and had a great week fishing. I bet you went fishing that day too Rick..... now go over your steward. If the union had any use, the manager in question wouldn't be cutting meat. That said... that week of fishing was the last use I ever had for a union and my loss of 5% a week on GROSS wages!

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Here is what u do go to the next guy in charge and say you want to file a complaint under the occupation health and safety act bill 168 violence and harassment in the work place they will have no choice to launch a investigation into this manager then go to union rep as high up as you can and say u want a rep with you and if not uou will take the leader ship of the union to the labour board for failing to represent you. Every member when meeting with management should have a rep with them. We have meetings every week and failure to represent comes up quite often some times the executive members may not agree with the member but we must follow there wishes even if we know its a lost cause

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