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lopsided deer


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I live on the edge of some heavy woods that are loaded with deer during the winter months. A couple times a day some of them wander out into my yard and there's anywhere from 6-10 each time. Mostly doe's and a couple younguns, but the odd buck wanders out too and that's always great to see.


The last couple days I've had a large buck in the yard with only one antler, so I assume that one will be falling off soon too.


Anyhoo, I decided to take a couple pics of them today. These were taken from about 150' away but you should be able to see the missing antler.


Here's a couple doe's




And here's the buck






Maybe it's just me, but I like this kinda stuff. :lol:

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Saw a herd of about a dozen deer wander out of our back roadway onto our main road last Friday evening, then half of them wandered down to the backyard of my neighbor across the road and the rest bolted back down to where they came from...too dark to get pictures this time...they never seen to amaze me...

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Always nice to see Deer in the backyard Lew. Nice shots. Lopsiders are cool and are only around for a couple weeks and at the right time of the year. Here's a favorite of mine from last year.



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They are beautiful animals Lew. We don't see them too often. The snow is so deep here this month and I think they are staying deeper in the woods. I have not seen any Turkeys in a while either. I would much rather see turkey's off in the distance. My Buddy feeds them in his yard and they are dirty beasts. lol

The deer come around in the spring to devour the tulips! Can't say I mind though. They were here first! My Wife wants a vegetable garden, but I'm afraid that would be a loosing battle! We have a rabbit around the house these days and I'm sure it would do a number on a vegetable garden.

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Thanks folks, glad you enjoyed the pictures and thanks for adding some more pictures too Bill & Dan.

My Wife wants a vegetable garden, but I'm afraid that would be a loosing battle!

We've got a vegetable garden at the back of the yard Brian, right at the edge of the woods, and have never had a problem with critters, not even rabbits.


Actually, once the snow is gone so are the deer and we almost never see them during the summer, but when the snow returns in December, so do the deer.

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Nice looking neighbors you have Lew


My Wife wants a vegetable garden, but I'm afraid that would be a loosing battle! We have a rabbit around the house these days and I'm sure it would do a number on a vegetable garden.


I life in the city and rabbits have always been a problem but they only eat my peas and beans when they are small plants they have never eaten anything else. I just stake up a 2 foot high chicken wire fence around them until the plants are in flower. For some reason once they have grown that much the rabbits will leave them alone.

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I looked out the kitchen window 15 minutes ago to see a big ole owl sitting in the tree just above where those deer pictures were taken.


Don't see too many owls so it's always good when one shows up....to me anyways :lol:





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I life in the city and rabbits have always been a problem but they only eat my peas and beans when they are small plants they have never eaten anything else. I just stake up a 2 foot high chicken wire fence around them until the plants are in flower. For some reason once they have grown that much the rabbits will leave them alone.

MMMMMMMmmmmmmm...Rabbit stew with fresh peas and beans... :good: :rofl2:

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