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NO BANANAS!!!!!!!!



Definately no bananas in this guys boat....


But that's not a myth... It's a superstition....


Myth... You need to use large lures to catch musky... Not true... It helps... But I catch plenty of musky while walleye fishing with 3-5 inch cranks...Big ones too...


Myth... You can't catch walleye at high noon with bluebird skies in "shallow" water...Nonsense... I don't start catching fish untill around 10-11am... And they bite the rest of the day and into the night without slowing down at all...and I fish less then 20 FOW in very clear water...


Myth... Walleye stop feeding for a period of time at dark... Nope... They consistently bite right through sunset and into the night... They are however on the move for a period of time... You just have to intercept them...



These are my opinions based on experience... I have nothing other then experience to back them up...


And i can vouch for your experience Budclapping.gif

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The more patches you have on your shirt and advertising on your boat makes you a better fisherman. :good::jerry::rofl2: :rofl2: :w00t:


I think you have the best one so far Dave. Popsicle suits, lovely. :D

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Using small muskie baits in the spring because the forage is small. Wrong ..... forage at that time of year is at its largest as most havnt spawned yet. Smaller lures work better most likely because the fish are in neutral to negative moods recovering from the spawn.

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I'm having fun with it...

Recently I built an 8ft crank bait rod for Curtis, using chrome frame guides, blue thread and silver accents. One morning I was untangling the pup's leash when a small Bluejay feather fell out of the tree we were standing under...I started to walk away, then though that the colour of the feather matched the thread on the rod.


I attached the quill with a couple of turns of silver thread, used colour preserver and a small brush to smooth and anchor the feather in a pleasing shape...Once the CP was dry, a coat of Threadmaster permanently imbedded the feather on the rod. Since then I have successfully inlaid a real baby maple leaf on another rod.


Right now I have some birch-bark soaking to limber up. I have a hand full of Buzzard feathers from a road kill. They are too dark to show up very well on a charcoal blank...The birch bark will provide a nice natural (and light) background. A little thread work at both ends and wallah! A totally unique butt wrap. Of coarse if it doesn't work out, I will simply wash it all off with alcohol and do a regular thread winding...grin.



The learning curve and process has no limits Garry, but it can be both exciting and at times frustrating!

If I can be of any assistance you know where to reach me. ;)


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Bass Become Dormant in Cold Water

caught many bass ice fishing


Bass Strike Red Hooks Because They Resemble Blood

just too funny to reply


Big Baits Catch Big Bass

caught many BIG GUYS on little baits , caught many little guys on huge baits lol


just a few I have disproved ..

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^^^KVD swears by this.


Right or wrong, you can't argue with the man's ability to catch bass.

And you sure CANT argue with his ability to SELL PRODUCT , if you dont buy my cranks at least change up our hooks for mine .. seams to me I have read (red) up on light Spectrums seams red light dissappears first in water .. maybe red makes the hooks harder to see or even invisable , but like blood .. ya right .. like fish know whAT BLOOD IS ,SMART BASS YOU FISHING THERE do you have shades maybe ab postive or 0 negative brings on stronger bites .. THEY ARE FISH DUDE NOT PHDS . KVD sAYS YOU WASH HIS BOAT OUT FOR THREE WEEKS YOU WILL CATCH MORE FISH , GO FOR IT ...

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Biggets myth in boats in the world... that a boat can go faster than theoretical top speed..... Gear ratio, RPM's and Prop pitch


(RPM's * Prop Pitch) / (1056 * Gear ratio) = Theoretical Top Speed



a prop is like a screw in the water a boat can't go faster then the speed the water is coming out of the screw...




17 pitch prop

5200 rpms

1.93 gear ratio


(5200*17)/(1056*1.93) = Theoretical Top Speed


88400 / 2038.08 = 43.37 MPH


Now of course this is if you were flying in space with no friction or gravity.


These factors that slow you down are referred to as prop slip. Its the ratio of the theoretical max speed and the actual speed. A big heavy Cuddy will have a higher prop slip than say a tunnel hull speed boat...


Typically boats should be able to get a prop slip of less than 15%, bass boats often better in the 5% range is not entirely out of the question for a really fast hull and good setup.

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And you sure CANT argue with his ability to SELL PRODUCT , if you dont buy my cranks at least change up our hooks for mine .. seams to me I have read (red) up on light Spectrums seams red light dissappears first in water .. maybe red makes the hooks harder to see or even invisable , but like blood .. ya right .. like fish know whAT BLOOD IS ,SMART BASS YOU FISHING THERE do you have shades maybe ab postive or 0 negative brings on stronger bites .. THEY ARE FISH DUDE NOT PHDS . KVD sAYS YOU WASH HIS BOAT OUT FOR THREE WEEKS YOU WILL CATCH MORE FISH , GO FOR IT ...


i also heard the red hook theory from Gord Pyzer at the musky seminar at the spring fishing show.


maybe there's something to it other then selling products.


Unless they all have shares in red hooks :dunno:

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Over react much?


You in league with my wife ..lol .. The red hook thing , red is the hardest color to see under water ( look it up ) so if you make your hooks inviseable or at least hard to see MAYBE , yes maybe your bait will look more natural ??? But to think a FISH can put color together with BLOOD , not a chance ,fish DO NOT KNOW WHAT BLOOD IS by sight. You and me go shark fishing .. I give you a can of BRIGHT RED PAINT,PICK YOUR BRAND and shade, I get a bucket of real blood colored any color you want blue green yellow you name it .. we pour it over the side .. WHO WINS >>> Dude IM not KVD but I have fed my family 5 kids all thru colledge by fishing , many here know me , you clean my boat for two weeks , and I guar·an·tee you will learn how to clean a boat .. lmao .. all in fun , but red hooks if it makes you feel more confundent will put more fish in the live well but not because KVD SAID SO , OR gord (YOU SURE OF THIS i WILL BE TALKING TO HIM LOL )but because you had confundence in the bait and thu this you worked the bait in a way that made it act real .. Sorry guys but colors are just that colors , SOME show up better in some waters and at some depths thats all , pink worms dude purple worms etc. etc.what do they look like ?????? at certain depths in certain stained waters some colors show better than others THATS ALL , once,you got the fishes attention with a color that they can see in the water you are fishing , you have TO MAKE the bait REAL >> enough for today .. hope some one got my point , and my boat needs cleaning ...

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Bass Strike Red Hooks Because They Resemble Blood

just too funny to reply


I know guys that have tested the red hook theory by putting one on the front of their cranks and one on the back of the other persons cranks... They swear It changed how the fish hit... If it was on the back the fish were lightly hooked by the back hook most of the time.... And the cranks with the red hook on the front... The walleye would take in the whole bait or T-bone it...


But I dont think it more fish in the boat them using black hooks... Just changed how the fish hit the bait... But that's in shallow crystal clear water...


I just use black hooks...

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I know guys that have tested the red hook theory by putting one on the front of their cranks and one on the back of the other persons cranks... They swear It changed how the fish hit... If it was on the back the fish were lightly hooked by the back hook most of the time.... And the cranks with the red hook on the front... The walleye would take in the whole bait or T-bone it...


But I dont think it more fish in the boat them using black hooks... Just changed how the fish hit the bait... But that's in shallow crystal clear water...


I just use black hooks...

Again in that water they did NOT SEE THE HOOK IN THE FRONT AND BECAUSE of this they slammed it , ouch fish i bet that hurt .. As I said red hooks become allmost invisable , but the back hook trailing behind even tho hard to see was still easy to tell it was there .. JUST LIKE I SAID >>

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Most bass fishing in done in 10 FOW or less. Red is still very much visible.



But I have won over 20 Tournaments in southern Ontario fishing mostly PURPLE worms in the last ten years ,seven with allpink ??? many more with mix and match , damn How many could I have won with red hooks ... Sinclair I am not trying to make this a who has the biggest pole thing and I know Gary ,who allso can fish the crap out of so many here, was not trying to start anything , just hopeing to help out some guys to see that alot of the hype is just that hype .. Fish are Fish go catch them and have the time of your lifedoing it .. SO SORRY GARY A GREAT THREAD HOPE I DID NOT SPOIL IT > (AS an aside good to see you back in the great white north again Gary , wish I could go down were its warm all winter , I will be calling you as I have friend in need of a guide and Im busy fishing salmon )Its fishing guys not catching , tight lines ..



Code red !!!weed bed five , calling doctor bass we have a bleeder in weed bed five ,pike on their way , CAN ANYONE HELP !!!RED ALL OVER THE PLACE MUSKIES ON THE MOVE < HELp HELP WE GOT RED >>> LMAO >>> DUDE

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Red jigs turn black under water after so many feet down.......



Sorry out of thread but you turned me on to that red neck thing "hatfields and maccoys " , only got to see the last one but it was so full of killing and just red neck drinking and messed up back ward Religious stuff ,I loved it ,keep up the red neck thing Billy ... OK but back to the thread ...BILLY if red jigs turn black,YOUR NECK must look very dark in the shower , not that I would waNT TO SEE BILLY TAKING A SHOWER... lol

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Sorry out of thread but you turned me on to that red neck thing "hatfields and maccoys " , only got to see the last one but it was so full of killing and just red neck drinking and messed up back ward Religious stuff ,I loved it keep up the red neck thing Billy ... OK back to the thread ...BILLY

YOUR NECK must look very BLACK in the shower , not that I would waNT TO SEE BILLY TAKING A SHOWER




BTW I believe you can go on the History Channel website and watch the other 2 episodes you missed.



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So you're not a natural blonde, Paul?


I wonder if redheads catch more fish than brunettes...


Now I have got you !!!!!! I have gone a fly in to a great if not the greatest Spec lake in Ontario. WE allways before the trip (and many here all ready know this ) make , tie .. what ever ,flys from our wifes Pubic hair . My wife a RED HEADED IRISH BEAUTY , Has won the prize 5 years in a row ....Hope this helps your question (THIS IS A TRUE STORY ) B

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Now I have got you !!!!!! I have gone a fly in to a great if not the greatest Spec lake in Ontario. WE allways before the trip (and many here all ready know this ) make , tie .. what ever ,flys from our wifes Pubic hair . My wife a RED HEADED IRISH BEAUTY , Has won the prize 5 years in a row ....Hope this helps your question (THIS IS A TRUE STORY ) B

wow, did HH know this and never tell? :mellow:

I can go some many ways on this C.B. but wont do so, this time... :devil:

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