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Declined an invite to fish lakers with Joey and Paul,so I could hone on my fly fishing skills. There was call for rain last night,which I was hoping for,but never happen. Oh well,I was still happy to swing away. I did about a km or so of the stretch of creek. I tried this rull cast.Not as easy as it looked in the vid,but I was getting not bad at it.Lots of practice,it will come.


My first run I noticed this bug in the water,and it seemed there were little ones,like maybe they were the babies.




I nothing that looked like that in my limited fly box.


I just kept flicking my little fly,that kinda looked like a shrimp.


I finally get my first, on a fly. Got to start some where.LOL




One spot I was standing,I noticed this cool action going on. It,s a creek chub,showing a lot of aggression.Almost looked like it was spawning,or pertecting it,s young behind it.Thought I would share it.


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1234.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fff417%2Fbrianb64%2F002-13.mp4">


Good stuff me brudder. Got yourself a good little creek there! I think J&P were going for whitefish.

Posted (edited)

I meant to ask,even when I get river chubb on the fly,are most caught with the hook in the lower part of the mouth like in the trout?



Good stuff me brudder. Got yourself a good little creek there! I think J&P were going for whitefish.



Im sure they are trying bud,but something tells me,Paul wants to feel the bigg,ns.LOL

Edited by Misfish

Cool deal Brian the bugs we call them water sliders and I haven't seen fish eat them... I ate one once and it was bitter so I guess they would to. I had the flyrod out today because of you and managed a few bass from the pond X.





Congrats on the brown. The bug, like mention is a water strider and fish don't eat them. Keep up the good work, soon it will be smallmouth time and they are a hoot to catch on the flyrod and aren't as persnickety as trout.


Brian, switch those mornings for evenings and you'll have a way better chance at getting them on top :) You can get hatches in the morning, but it's a rarity. After a nice sunny day the bugs will be going well before dark.


Thanks all. Trying something new is so exciting.


but to turn down lake trout...damn


It was hard to say no,but I had my mind set to fly bud.


Fishing small streams is the way my grandfather taught me how to fish


I was never shown this type of fishing.Glad you have something to remember.


nice colours on that little specimen


Little??? My hands are 20 inches wide. :rofl2: TY


I had the flyrod out today because of you and managed a few bass from the pond X.


Thanks Art,what did you use for them,,,,,,,Mice :w00t: Fake of course. :lol:


Keep up the good work, soon it will be smallmouth time


Looking forward to that time.I,m seeing some upgrading coming in the near future. :good:



Brian, switch those mornings for evenings


Thanks Bill. That would explain when I drove by,your car was in the drive at 5am. :D


Well at least you got something. We jigged for whitefish for Team 1 all day, even tho Paul brought the riggers and I knew was itching to use them, he stuck it out with me. We ended up with a few follows but no takers, so skunked for the day, cept for a few zebra mussels.


Nobody else jigging caught any whities around us either!!


Ralphie was great in the boat tho and is a pooped little puppy right now :thumbsup_anim:

Posted (edited)
  On 5/27/2012 at 8:15 PM, Joey said:

Well at least you got something. We jigged for whitefish for Team 1 all day, even tho Paul brought the riggers and I knew was itching to use them, he stuck it out with me. We ended up with a few follows but no takers, so skunked for the day, cept for a few zebra mussels.


Nobody else jigging caught any whities around us either!!


Ralphie was great in the boat tho and is a pooped little puppy right now :thumbsup_anim:


Thats to bad J. Atleast you guys got out.Ralphie Im sure had fun out in the boat.


Paul,lets fix that itch next Saturday. :dunno:;):D

Edited by Misfish

Nice, that little bug looks like a water skater, never observed a trout eating one and apparently they don't. Nice little tout you got, caught one out of the humber today a little smaller than yours.


Funny you should say that I was tossing a live target mouse and frog also. The mouse bait has an excellent action that they went nuts for. It walks the dog better than a zara spook and hookups were solid. If you can't find them up North give a holler I'll send you one...they are that good.





Nice, that little bug looks like a water skater, never observed a trout eating one and apparently they don't.


But he did.



Lookin' good Brian. So. What are you doing tonight??


Sorry Dan,didnt mean to blank ya.Just busy planning a DJR Victory party. :lol:


Thanks bud. :good:

Posted (edited)
  On 5/27/2012 at 10:06 PM, Richmond Hill fisher said:

Strange, maybe a few hackle stems tied as legs?


Are you "stalking" these fish?lol,I think any fish will eat any bug if hungry or not,maybe not normal ,but food is food.Right?.

Edited by davey buoy

That's the idea with trout, and the fly I came up with for the record probably wouldn't work. Trout can be very picky and you should try to match the hatch as closely as possible, today fishing I have a small soft hackle wet fly dead drifting with no results, scoop a pile of silt up and find a dragonfly larvae, tie on a nymph that closely resembles it and I caught 3 fish!

  On 5/27/2012 at 10:22 PM, Misfish said:

Dont get yer feathers ruffled Dave. Like water off a ducks back. ;)

Is the pool ready? :lol:


If I was a duck maybe,a hole in the cover over the winter made the water bad. Worst in ten plus years. 80% emptied,just starting to refill.What a mess.Two days of filling ahead. Glad you had a couple good days!,I think my river days for now are almost nil. Hard enough to get out in the boat as it is.:(

  On 5/27/2012 at 11:05 PM, shasta said:

small fish are better then no fish ! still trying to catch my first on a fly setup!wallbash.gif


I'm interested in fly myself,but yet to catch a decent fish on a float yet.I sure have some homework to do. Your right a small fish is far better than no fish at all.This fall I hope things will change.:lol:

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