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It was a great day on Quinte!


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It seems like forever (especially since Frank has been fishing from a boat already this year), but for me, this was my first adventure on the (soft) water in 2012! Only because Frank's awesome, and he gave me two seats on a U & Me fishing charter for my birthday (YEAH- thank you, Frank!!), and my favorite guide Lloyd kindly donated the day to the Fishing for Tyler event that I was lucky enough for my first trip to be this one (THANK YOU, LLOYD!)!




Picton is such a cute little town, and it's always a treat for me to enjoy this view of the harbour, complete with Lloyd's bat-light from further up the channel!



And while I loathe anything earlier than 6:30, I can always make exception for outings like this- there is a certain magic at a very early hour...





Needless to say, I was pumped to get out 1) with Frankie on a boat to fish, 2) to get out with Lloyd to fish, and 3) to get out with buds Dan & Vince to fish!




But down to the meat of things... the hurry up and wait moment we all live to experience. It was a beautiful morning, but certainly not ideal for our target species of walleye- sunny, clear, calm and warm.



Being the birthday girl and all (29 every year is such a blast!!), I was fortunate to go first. For those of you who have fished with me (c'mon, Rick & G, I know it's on your mind!), you may be familiar with my LONG, drawn out time required to catch just the right fish. Yesterday was no exception (sorry, guys!)!! 2 hours and 35 minutes later, the fish gods rewarded me with this bruiser for my patience (gee, thanks!!). NO, guys- it wasn't the enormous one I promised that I would hunt and catch... and Mother N herself played a sick joke when I felt such pressure to outperform my better half. ARGH! Here's my little beast who decided to hit on the troll, and who likely didn't get the memo that something larger was destined to strike! (Dave Mercer has a part at the beginning of Facts of Fishing with the bird's nest that perfectly describes my reaction to the little perchie!)




Nevertheless, everyone was relieved that Curse Of The Long Wait Of Juli had expired... or had it?!!


Not long after, Dan was rewarded with a hammer on the line as he reeled in this bruiser! He was beaten and worn, and deseved another day in Quinte, so back he went- all 8.5 lbs of him!! (what's your trick, Dan?! Was it that lucky rub on the line?!)




Hehehehe.. now, the guys have confidence (or did they?!)- Juli's cursed wait is over (or was it?!), Dan's 35 minute wait had expired- the ball was rolling now! Yeah, rolling, all right.... as we practised that art of patience FOR ANOTHER 2 HOURS AND 45 minutes (sure, blame it on our paring, and thus he inherited my LONG waits times!!)- at which point, Frank was rewarded with a surprise! This beautiful little brown trout gave a nice tug on the retrieve, and a few splashes to get all of us excited! (beat on chest, grunt, run in circles... !)




We had left the dock at 5:30 am promptly... we were now nearing lunch hour and while it was slow, our enthusiasm had us still coarsing with excitement. So, we hurried up and waited some more (scroll through the next few pics as we waited, patiently!).


















As always, we were rewarded with Ginsu-Lloyd taking care of tonight's much anticipated meal. I know that while this is a treat for me to know that we have a delicious meal ahead, but it's an even bigger one for Frank, since it's the only time he doesn't have to filet a fish!




Did you keep count, and notice that only THREE of us caught fish so far?! Yes, well, apparently it WASN'T me who was the only challenged to catch a fish in notable time- Me (2:30 hr), Dan (:30 minutes), Frankie (2:45 hr), and my poor friend Vince.. well, he had a hot date with Pepe. Le Peu. We simply ran out of time, as did the other 4 charter boats in the vicinity. It was a VERY tough day of fishing, wiith every trick in the book being pulled. Vince wasn't meant to catch a fish this time, but he kept smiling and only swore a wee bit to the givers-of-fish-in-our-bellies.


And while Frank earned the Largest Fish of Our Twosome award this trip (yep, he did!!)... I do hope to get some fighters this year! I was happy to have the opportunity to get out with Frank, the boys, Lloyd, and U & Me charters, and enjoy the spectacular day of fishing, fish-tv, some verbal tourettes (we are all purged of any tendencies now, I can guarantee!) and just a great day to hang on the water!!


It was a great day.. and I wouldn't trade it for a different one (thanks for the adventure to my one and only Frankie, and boys!).

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Fantastic report Juli! You really have camera talent. The Picton harbour pics are superb! Glad you all had a good time...any time on Lloyd's boat is a good time and the bonus is that it went to a great cause! Thanks for sharing.

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Great company, amazing weather, it truly was a fantastic day! Yeah, the fishing was tough in that area of the Bay (5 charter boats, not one landed more than one walleye) but, it truly was a day where the fish were just a bonus.

Great group of friends to share laughs with!!

The money went to a great cause, and, looks like I succeeded in giving my "fishergirl" a great birthday gift.

Always a pleasure fishing with buddies Dan, Vince and Lloyd!!!!

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The smiles say it all - lloks like a great time on the water. And it is very gracious of Frank not to mention that now your catches count, his was biggerwhistling.gif

Juli - I gotta say - your camera eye always capture the most memorable moments we didnt realise we noticed. Love that night and early am shots. We have to make a lake date soon.

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Thanks for all the feedback, guys!! Rick- I certainly hope we can get a fishing trip in there soon! Yeah, Frankie got the biggie, and I may have to step down from team 10 if this luck doesn't change, tho!! Dan- you said it right about the best moments... They were pretty CHEESY!! Ooooooo- Vince- i didn't congratulate you on your choice of pretty lures, but thank you!!!

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Here is a quick vid that I threw together. Hopefully it works (trying to do it on my phone)




Just got back from the drive-in. Video turned out pretty darn good Dan! Hitting the sack, off to work for a late morning start tomorrow.

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Thanks for sharing your trip Juli.


I had no idea Lloyd could put people onto fish!!! :sarcasm:


Been out with him several times and my friends still talk fondly about the absolutely awesome times we've had with Lloyd. Will never forget the two 20lb plus Chinooks we boated and the fights that ensued.

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