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Hey fellow OFCers,


I've been following the forums for a couple of weeks now, and have finally decided to do my introductory post. I apologize in advance for the length, but I felt compelled to try and meet the high standard for posts evident here on OFC. Here goes nothing.


First of all, let me say, I'm absolutely blown away by the number of members, topics, and posts here on OFC! It's not only the quantity of information found here, but also the quality that is truly impressive. I've read some great fishing reports, life stories, and discussions about important issues over the past two weeks, and am now eager to start contributing to this amazing community. I'll start off by telling you guys and gals a little bit about who I am, how I got into fishing, and then finish off with some pictures from the past year because I've been told you people love your pictures thumbsup_anim.gif (I was really just looking for an excuse to use that emoticon).


My name is Steve, I'm 22, and I'm from St. Catharines. I've had a unique passion for the outdoors ever since I was a child; probably stemming from the countless hours my sister, neighbourhood friends, and I would spend exploring the Niagara Escarpment, which happened to be right across the street from our house. As can be expected, I was a huge fan of fishing when I was young. I cherished the times my grandfather and I would walk down his driveway, across the Niagara Parkway, and over to his next-door-neighbour's dock to fish for perch. Unfortunately, as I grew older and into my teenage years, my passion for fishing and the outdoors slowly started to fade. I became a typical hedonistic teenager, acting solely out of self-interest and in the pursuit of pleasure. It's funny looking back on it now; three years of university did little to change that. I was that same teenage boy come the start of last summer (nearly eight years later), which is where my fishing story really begins.


It was the beginning of May and the start of summer. I had just finished my third year of university and was about to start my third summer of full-time employment. Apart from working a full-time job the previous two summers, I'd done nothing but drink and party; the typical kind of stuff a university student does with four months of freedom. One night, as I sat on the swing in my backyard enjoying an unusually warm evening and reminiscing over the prior week's same old summer routine of working and partying, I came to the long-time overdue realization that I wanted more fulfillment out of life. I was perfectly happy (I had a good job and education, great girlfriend, amazing family), yet there was something missing; something little, but oddly enough, at the same time, something big. It was at that moment I decided I would make it my goal to find a hobby for the summer; one that didn't involve shooting a ping-pong ball into a red plastic cup.


At this point in the story, it was a toss up between two possible new hobbies: golf and fishing. I was looking for economically viable options that weren't too far away, and luckily, I live fairly close to a cheap 9-hole golf course, which also happens to be within the vicinity of several fishing ponds locally renowned for the good shore fishing. A good friend of mine, who also decided it was time to pursue a different hobby, accompanied me on virtually every 'fins and skins' adventure I partook in that summer. My friend and I decided we'd start with golf and go from there, so for the next couple of weeks we struggled to hone our skills, but it quickly became apparent neither of us was going to be the next Rory McIlroy. Thankfully, we were only a short drive away from relieving our golfing frustrations at the nearby fishing ponds; and that we did.


It was truly amazing experiencing such a drastic transition in our fishing confidence levels that summer (although, when you start with a negligible amount of something, any gain seems like a lot). In this case, we both started fishing with absolutely no confidence in our ability to actually catch fish. However, slowly but surely, one fish at a time, our confidence started to grow. In the weeks to follow, my friend and I began having multiple fish days, catching an ever-expanding variety of species, and were successful at almost any new spot we tried. Our confidence was growing exponentially. All the while, my golf clubs slowly started to get pushed to the back of the garage, where they eventually disappeared behind all my new fishing gear—now that I think of it, I haven't picked up a club since June.


To say that I blew away my expectations for fishing that summer is, believe it or not, an understatement. We enjoyed success with whomever we fished with, whether it was my sister, my girlfriend, my friend's nephew, or one of my neighbourhood friends I used to explore the Escarpment with when I was a child. Throughout that summer, fishing became more than just a hobby; it became a way of life; a reconnection with the outdoors and nature, family, old friends, and my true self. My entire philosophy about life and outlook on it changed that summer. I began to appreciate the simple things we tend to neglect in our everyday lives—waking up early to see the golden rays of the rising sun penetrate the dark horizon; or sustained and meaningful conversation through no medium other than the fresh summer air. Coincidently, suffering a similar fate as the golf clubs in my garage that summer, the hedonistic and materialistic values that I once held so dearly in highschool and the first three years of university were pushed to the back of my mind's 'garage', and replaced by more simplistic and selfless ones.


The best part of this whole experience is that it's only in its infancy. Fishing, in less than a year, has already had such a profoundly positive impact on my life; I can't help but get excited for what the future has in store.


And now as promised at the beginning of my (I apologize) lengthy introduction; the pictures! I've targeted a wide variety of fresh water species we're so privileged to fish for here in the Niagara region, so It's extremely hard to say (at this point) which species I prefer to fish for. I'm confident the countless years of enjoying this amazing 'hobby' that lie ahead will help reveal a clearer answer. I look forward to the many more posts (and fish) to come!

























Edited by niagarangler
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Welcome Aboard Steve---one heck of an intro !



You'll love this place-we used to have an Anthem posted---maybe the Mod Sqaud and senior management can fire it up again?



Lots of knowledgeable folks willing to share here---the humour is often " off the hook" "off the dock" funny !







" Take A Kid Fishing"



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Best intro ever! I can relate to your timeline very well. Fished a pile as a kid, partied my guts out as a young adult, and reconnected with the outdoors shortly after.


Tightlines dude.

Edited by Grimace
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Welcome Aboard Steve---one heck of an intro !



You'll love this place-we used to have an Anthem posted---maybe the Mod Sqaud and senior management can fire it up again?



Lots of knowledgeable folks willing to share here---the humour is often " off the hook" "off the dock" funny !







" Take A Kid Fishing"




Here's the anthem from our very own Cliff (CCMT) Welcome aboard, wonderful introduction.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BIW590ZLv_Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Great intro Steve, now the whole internet knows all about you! HA HA You'll love it here! I was born & raised in St. Catharines, recently relocated to Sudbury. Your teen years sound similar to my own. Now I wait impatiently for the week end or a day of work in order to wet a line. I'm a little bit older than you, my youngest daughter just turned 36. Niagara has alot to offer in different spots to fish. Hopefully you'll be able to get out in a boat on Lake Erie & enjoy jumbo perch which by the way are hot right now & later in the summer some 7- 10lb walleye.

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Here's the anthem from our very own Cliff (CCMT) Welcome aboard, wonderful introduction.


Impressive response as always Captain



Cliff !--nice backing track--Yes---Billy Joel IS a lurker @ OFC




file note:






Lew O'Clock is on the Time Horizon Roy !---just a simple out-of- doors observation sir!-and nothing More to be read in to this



We got our gardening chores somewhat initiated today around here--had a challanging time harnessing the "youth' component--Real Simple Parenting-Style we practice---Burn some calories on the gardens kidz or....... NO B-B-Q and Bon Fire this evening



Magic---it worked---hahah


Who would have Thunk It ?





Our Personal Best to T. J. and Crew







Appreciate the anthem linkage btw Roy



Cheers All









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Thanks again everyone, I appreciate the warm reception! And thanks for bringing some of those old videos out of the archives. I think I'm going to have the melody of that anthem stuck in my head for a while nowwhistling.gif. Glad to hear some of you can relate to my story/life. That's the great thing about fishing; having one thing in common often brings others 'to the surface'.


@wormdunker...Nice to meet a fellow OFNer who was also born&raised in St. Kitts! Luckily a couple of buddies are boat owners, so chances are good that I'll be able to get out on Erie this summer. Still have to get through this last month of school before I'll be able to get any Niagara fishing in though. Summer can't come soon enough!

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Great intro Steve, now the whole internet knows all about you! HA HA You'll love it here! I was born & raised in St. Catharines, recently relocated to Sudbury. Your teen years sound similar to my own. Now I wait impatiently for the week end or a day of work in order to wet a line. I'm a little bit older than you, my youngest daughter just turned 36. Niagara has alot to offer in different spots to fish. Hopefully you'll be able to get out in a boat on Lake Erie & enjoy jumbo perch which by the way are hot right now & later in the summer some 7- 10lb walleye.



Just think,he,ll be one of us 20-30 years from now. (I remember back when). :worthy:


Then again,theres guys like Beans and big cliff.that were before Christ.LOL

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