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Grammer police!


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For not being a good speller, you don't have any misspelled words that I can see and you used capital letters at the beginning of every sentence and even separated your thoughts into paragraphs. Now please tell me what's easier to read...the above posting of Cliff or this doctored one below.


i can't sing i can't dance i can't play a musical instrument and i can't spell the music side of it is simple i have no sense or rythum and can't tell the differance between a C sharp and a D flat god just didn't give my those abilities as for the spelling well it just isn't logical words that sound the same but are spelled differently words that are spelled the same but mean different things depending on the context they are used in too many rules with too many exceptions and I have a problem with things that aren't logical give me a motor that isn't running right something that needs to be built or fixed anything that requires a mechanical aptitude or logical reasioning and I have no problem working that out algebra trigonometry geometry were all a breeze for me in college as were physics and science i also type at about 12 words a minute so very often when replying to a post on here I spend a lot of time composing my responses i suppose i could cut and paste and do the spell check thing, but for the most part I think people can understand what I am trying to get across even if there are a few grammer or spelling mistakes i do have a solution though, if my spelling punctuation or grammer are that much of a problem just don't bother reading my posts

Believe it not I have read many posts like these and basically give up on them.


But to each his own.....


Like I have said before...just make a honest effort. :)

look again and you will see the difference for logical reasoning may not work. Canadian grammar may be different then the rest of the world

Edited by Terry
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I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't play a musical instrument and I can't spell. The music side of it is simple, I have no sense or rythum and can't tell the differance between a C sharp and a D flat. God just didn't give my those abilities.


As for the spelling, well it just isn't logical. Words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Words that are spelled the same but mean different things depending on the context they are used in. Too many rules with too many exceptions and I have a problem with things that aren't logical.


Give me a motor that isn't running right, something that needs to be built or fixed, anything that requires a mechanical aptitude or logical reasioning and I have no problem working that out. Algebra, trigonometry, geometry, were all a breeze for me in college as were physics and science.


I also type at about 12 words a minute, so very often when replying to a post on here I spend a lot of time composing my responses. I suppose I could cut and paste and do the spell check thing, but for the most part I think people can understand what I am trying to get across even if there are a few grammer or spelling mistakes.


I do have a solution though, if my spelling, punctuation, or grammer are that much of a problem just don't bother reading my posts! :whistling:


You have more musical ability than you think Cliff....if you can't tell the difference between c sharp and d flat, you are good because it's the same note. Lol. Looking forward to a day on the water with you next Sunday! :thumbsup_anim:


What's this thread about again?

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I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't play a musical instrument and I can't spell. The music side of it is simple, I have no sense or rythum and can't tell the differance between a C sharp and a D flat. God just didn't give my those abilities.


As for the spelling, well it just isn't logical. Words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Words that are spelled the same but mean different things depending on the context they are used in. Too many rules with too many exceptions and I have a problem with things that aren't logical.


Give me a motor that isn't running right, something that needs to be built or fixed, anything that requires a mechanical aptitude or logical reasioning and I have no problem working that out. Algebra, trigonometry, geometry, were all a breeze for me in college as were physics and science.


I also type at about 12 words a minute, so very often when replying to a post on here I spend a lot of time composing my responses. I suppose I could cut and paste and do the spell check thing, but for the most part I think people can understand what I am trying to get across even if there are a few grammer or spelling mistakes.


I do have a solution though, if my spelling, punctuation, or grammer are that much of a problem just don't bother reading my posts! :whistling:

x2 im with ya on this one..I too do my best but at times I could also care less..Just gettin my point across is all that matters..When I left highschool, I also gave my english teacher the bird...lol

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x2 im with ya on this one..I too do my best but at times I could also care less..Just gettin my point across is all that matters..When I left highschool, I also gave my english teacher the bird...lol


It's too bad. Maybe you should have stayed for one more class to learn the difference between "I could care less" and "I couldn't care less". :D

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You have more musical ability than you think Cliff....if you can't tell the difference between c sharp and d flat, you are good because it's the same note. Lol. Looking forward to a day on the water with you next Sunday! :thumbsup_anim:


What's this thread about again?


You are good and the only one to catch that! I still couldn't carry a tune in a pail if it had a lid on it LOL.


Looking forward to it too Cliff!

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I'm a bit Bias,


Unfortunately for me I am both dyslexic and deal with dysgraphia...(no joke)

Both are learning disorders that I struggled with through grade school and countless hours of remedial therapy and classes. Even today 35 years later I struggle to comprehend what I read.

When I'm posting here I have to think hard…type…think…type…edit….think…edit….spell check etc.

Not occasionally, but Every single time I post something of any calibre.

In truth I probably work a little harder then most when putting a post together not because I take it more serious then others, but because I know I have to or it’ll come out as gibberish.

A post like this can take me 30 minutes LOL...sad but true


This is a recreational outlet for me, so if I don’t make sense, or my punctuation/spelling is off key I apologize.

But turning the table I’d appreciate it if the spelling police were respectful.

I'm here for fun, not to be judged...


I often type as I would speak, forgetting grammar…its easy, fast and I’d like to think the point gets across.

I’d hope if I am not making sense someone would ask a clarifying question, as opposed to poking fun at me...


Anyway not to make it heavy,

I’ll give my best effort to make sense, if ya’ll give your best effort to tolerate a disability in recreational environment. Sounds fair to me


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That, I guess could be the point here. If you take the time and try very hard then what is preventing someone without the same challenges from just taking a moment?


It does not have to be perfect, none of us are. I feel that some of the posters are not even trying and some posts are incomprehensible.


I love the English language and I feel that it makes perfect sense. It is our job to keep our language in good shape for generations to come. We do not want to be handing down some twisted version of 'Newspeak'. If we cheapen our language in this manner then we are cheapening the way in which we think.

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Well for me, English is my second language and try my best to write properly when posting.... not always perfect sometimes but give it my best :blush:


28 years ago, couldn't speak a word of it, even if my life depended on it :wallbash: But learned it slowly as I got my first job in down town Ottawa back in 1981 B)


From then on, it was a learning experience and to date, still is :blush:

Thank God for emoticons.... cause without them, couldn't really express myself when posting ;)


Tight Lines



Omitted and edited to say: I sometimes get carried away with them emoticons :lol:

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"If we cheapen our language in this manner then we are cheapening the way in which we think."


I think some effort is always required to make a point and also think that "most" put in an effort be understood. In saying that...it shouldn't have to be more then a quick proof read to ensure your point is in the body of the statement IMO.


In saying that,

Emoticons, slang and informal speak is totally acceptable in this environment if your asking me.

I would not be expected to use proper language in a bar, or at the rink when speaking the language however It would be the expectation at work...so there's a time and a place for each.

For this reason alone I'd say here in the "winternet" season among friends on a message board I'd say We should be exempt from the spelling/grammar police.

Different strokes for different folks ;)

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I am in no way the grammar police and would have not brought the subject up but since the discussion was happening I chose to add my two cents.


Your point is well made and I agree. The only posts that really bother me are the long ramblings with no punctuation and no sentence structure. Slang, emoticons and all that stuff do not bother me any way, shape, or form. Another pet peeve I suppose would be thread titles with simple words like `most` spelled `moost` for example and the OP does not bother to change it.


Cookslav, I do not know much about dyslexia. I am guessing that it would be easier for you to disipher a well typed out statement than one that was poorly done. I would have also figured that since you take the time and determination to type your thoughts out in a very comprehensible manner, you would be a little more inclined to think that others should as well.


Anyways, I certainly appreciate and to be frank, admire the way you challenge yourself to use proper grammar and sentence structure. Thumbs up.


As for me, I just try my best and am often far from perfect but I hope I am always understood.


Edited to add: Sorry, I guess the thread was pretty much done. Cheers!!

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Whether we Punctuate in the proper sequence, or TYPE IN CAPITALS,whether we spell correctly, use big words, or abreviate everything to save time.We come from all walks of life, and represent every stage in educational developement. We are mankind in a nutshell.

Show me some pictures, show me your passion for fishing, and thats all i really need.Let your excitement express itself however it wantsclapping.gif and dont be afraid to make mistakes.



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I often type as I would speak, forgetting grammar…its easy, fast and I’d like to think the point gets across.


I find myself doing the same thing. Even as I type this,Im doing it.






Two B's in rubbish me brudder. Jess like yor initials. Sorry Brian, it was just too obvious.



Well Roy, if one is a rube it could be said that he is "rubish" though it's yet to be defined.


You guys are much more edumacated then me. :rofl2: :rofl2:



If spelling and grammer is so inportant in a fishing/hunting and NF post,you have more issues then I. :jerry:

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Oh, Pen -- See, Sun

Open, see son?

Open Season.


My older brother has dislexia and hates writing - but we live in time zones 6 hours apart and sometimes making that phone call to connect is very difficult. I read his emails, interpret and understand. He reads mine. I think we both invest the same effort. Cookslav - I know your struggles - an excellent point, succintley put. You made an outstanding effort in your post. I belive HH's point is, it would be of benefit to all if some would expend about 10% of what you did. I will use Word for Posts I start......but if responding and the fingers trip a little - no harm dun..... but if gibberish "come sout" I may edit it....


Definitely between seasons .....

No Winternet.JPG

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