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To All Ofn'ers South Of The Border


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Just wanted to wish all the Southern OFC'ers a Happy & Safe Thanksgiving!




Have a great weekend everyone! I'm planning some duck/goose hunting with my son & grandpa tomorrow morning, and then it's a Thanksgiving Lunch & Supper....oh, and some football!





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All the best to our Southern neighbours for the Thanksgiving Holiday!!! Now back away from the table slooowly. Any of you guys doing the deep fried bird thing?





No 1leg it's gonna be traditional at our house. I can cook a lot of different things but I've tried the turkey frying twice and both times it wasn't pretty.



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Actually Rick its pretty much "greasless" if there is such a word. We did one for Canadian Thanksgiving and it turned out wonderful. Eighteen pounder from raw on the counter to cooked on the plate in 50 minutes. Just need to be safety concious and stay away from the wobblies until after it is cooked. Fifteen litres of oil (recycled to use again). Anyone wants a set of printed directions and safety tips, let me know.


The results are magnificent. Perfectly cooked, crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside.



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Will be crossing the border tomorrow to help our American friends celebrate.

The wife is all pumped for Black Friday. Are we nuts :blink::unsure:B)

The plan though is to go somewhere for a relaxing breakfast while the idiots beat up on each other for the Door Crashers and hopefully pick up a few bargoons later in the day.

We haven't been away together since spring, so I can't complain given all the fishing I did all year.

All the best to our American OFNers!!

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Thanks Guys,lookin forward to some real good eating.art and I usually fry a turkey and tradtionally cook one turkey.Gonna skip the frying this year cause we dont have as many people as usual people coming over and its supposed to rain.Rain and hot oil do not mix and I wont fry one anywhere other than the gravel driveway.


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