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3 MONTHS!!!!!


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Hi All,


posting to let y'all know ive been a non smoker for 3 months now!



To everyone who offered support and advice...thanks...i owe some of my success to you :thumbsup_anim:



I would like to recommend trying the patches to anyone considering quitting. I had been a smoker for over 30 years and had never even tried quitting before. The main reason i had not attempted to quit was the fear of feeling the withdrawals. I am happy to say that the withdrawals were nowhere near as difficult as i had anticipated and the patch definitely works. The whole reuction course of patches is 10 weeks and i'm now 2 weeks without even the patches.


The first patch free week was tough.....but having 2 1/2 months of practicing not smoking was a definite help too.



If you do try the patch....i also recommend taking it off at night....and also try taking it off early in the day when you are feeling strong....this helped me in the transitions to lower strength patches.


I start my fitness blitz next Monday....because i am putting on weight.

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I had been a smoker for over 30 years


Absolutely fantastic Simon and congrats to you !! :clapping:


I also was addicted to those filthy stinkin things for 30 years but have been off them for 20 years now and before you know it, you'll be saying the same thing :lol:

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Awesome Simon, as I said in my PM, you are definitely a non-smoker and that's amazing. Stay with it and you and your family will never regret it. If you ever feel like you need some more encouragement just PM and I would be happy to chat there or on the phone. J...

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That a boy Simon. I've been off the butts for 25 years now. Helped my wife quit cold turkey about 20 years ago. Do yourself a favor and keep cut veggies in the fridge like carrot sticks,celery and collie flower. Makes for great munchies when you get the uncontrollable urge to eat just for the sake of eating.

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Good job another three months and you are in clear sailing. Also I've been almost six months and 1/3 your years of smoking. The biggest mistake was to take fla few drags of foreign smokes.... You know what I found out? I did not enjoy it and I didn't miss it either, but for two weeks I was really irritated and got upset very easily. Also please don't be smug about it. I really hate these ex smokers and they put down or feel sorry for them smokers and it really pathetic. The only thing I find annoying is those that say they want to quit or going to quit but make no efforts at all!!!!

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Absolutely fantastic Simon and congrats to you !! :clapping:


I also was addicted to those filthy stinkin things for 30 years but have been off them for 20 years now and before you know it, you'll be saying the same thing :lol:


Congrats to you...lol...wish i'd done it 20 years ago though!




Keep it up and resist temptation.

And if you find yourself eating more (try good for you lo-cal stuff!!! (wish I had thought of that when I quit. LOL))


Thanks Dave...yup the weight is doing to be an issue...i've spent my whole life eating pretty much whatever and how much i like without it being an issue...another long term habit to overcome.



By fitness blitz you mean intense arm workouts right? All those Walleye must have given you disproportionately large biceps!


Congrats on quitting!


LOL.....pnly on my right arm :whistling:


Congrats Simon.clapping.gif

I bought a box of step 1 patches in January, and like you, the fear of the withdrawl kept me from making a real attempt to quit.After your success, i may give them a go,who knows dunno.gif


Paul...get on with it man....lol...you have a new boat to pay for remember? :whistling:


Awesome Simon, as I said in my PM, you are definitely a non-smoker and that's amazing. Stay with it and you and your family will never regret it. If you ever feel like you need some more encouragement just PM and I would be happy to chat there or on the phone. J...


Thanks John...you are one of the people who's support has been fantastic...thank you.



Well done. A year and a half for me.


Get on Grimace...awesome job!

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Awesome stuff man....you can see that you're not only improving your life, but are inspiring others to do the same! WAY TO GO!!!! thumbsup_anim.gif


Thanks JB. Actually 2 girls at work have now quit too. They said to me they thought i was a hopeless case for giving up smoking....but when they saw me being successful thought if i could do it anyone could.....lol...i think i'll take it as a compliment...not sure though...lol.



Congrats Simonclapping.gif Thats all behind you now!. What you gonna do with all that money you got now - a new boat?cool.gif


Pay a certain plumber :wallbash::mellow:


Keep up the good work Simon. You and your family will benefit EVERYDAY from this unselfish decision you have made :thumbsup_anim:


Thanks cph.



That a boy Simon. I've been off the butts for 25 years now. Helped my wife quit cold turkey about 20 years ago. Do yourself a favor and keep cut veggies in the fridge like carrot sticks,celery and collie flower. Makes for great munchies when you get the uncontrollable urge to eat just for the sake of eating.


LOL...you hit the nail on the head Chris....it is totally eating for the sake of eating .


WTG Simon :clapping:


I wish they had the patch back when I quit!


Come on dude...they did not even have electricity back then!



Good job another three months and you are in clear sailing. Also I've been almost six months and 1/3 your years of smoking. The biggest mistake was to take fla few drags of foreign smokes.... You know what I found out? I did not enjoy it and I didn't miss it either, but for two weeks I was really irritated and got upset very easily. Also please don't be smug about it. I really hate these ex smokers and they put down or feel sorry for them smokers and it really pathetic. The only thing I find annoying is those that say they want to quit or going to quit but make no efforts at all!!!!


Thanks retodd.



Jack will love you for it Simon... did I say that before?? :D


did you?...i dont remember :whistling:



Congrats,the only way you will ever smoke again is if you light one up.You got this beat,cause I dont think anyone else will do that to you.Good job.




Thanks man.....and thanks for the advice/insights on my plumber thread.



WAY TO GO MAN!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:


KEEP IT UP :worthy::worthy::worthy:



Thanks man!


Congrats Simon!!


Thanks dude.

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