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Wal-Mart donates 36 Million to Anti-Fishing Groups


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I read the article...the headline is a little misleading. No mention of in land lakes, and the big concern seems to be in preventing overharvesting of in shore ocean resources. Having said that it seems like targeting anglers and preventing them from fishing is not addressing what is causing the depletion of the oceans resources.

My only issue with this article is that it is not news...it is a news release intended to be propaganda and as so is quite biased.

It definitely will make me look into these organizations, but will not really effect my tackle buying as I cannot remember the last time I made a purchase from walmart.

I just looked at the website and am not sure what side I stand on. How much water is off limits to anglers? We have similar programs in ontario concerning aurora trout waters.

Obviously this is a politicized issue and the article you linked to has a very confrontational agenda. I just wish that every now and then organizations with opposing views would try to work with each other instead of spreading propaganda. What's wrong with saying you have a valid point, let's work together to find a solution.

Edited by fishgreg
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Some believe in a movement in big business communities, to privatize marine resources and then lease back fishing rights for their profit and control of the fisheries management.


I'm not sure I would go that far but they are not exactly donating 36 million to organizations that support anglers and our rights.

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I think big picture = food will become a major, major issue down the road. how far down ? no idea, but sourcing food is something governments are going to have to deal with sooner or later and food from the seas are an important part of that. I don't see a wholesale shutdown of offshore sport fishing, perhaps selective sensitive areas. If we don't 'manage' things now. there may not be much left to hook.


I'll look up Ocean Conservancy later and see if this letter is indeed scare mongering and go from there. and if the Walmart people are smart, they'd best nip this in the bud.

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If they're that hurtin' for a write off why don't they start with giving all of their lower waged employee's a raise...



Exactly. It has to be one of the worst companies, just ahead of underground sex trafficking and right behind black market organ sales. They pay their employees low wages (or $2 more an hour if you're friends with whoever hires you), they treat their employees like crap, it's a joke. When Belleville's store went to a supercenter, they payed for renovations by cutting into their employee's profit sharing cheques (going from around $1500 a year before, to $400) and would do so for the next 10 years, but they didn't cut into the profit sharing cheques of the managers, who get a bonus of tens of thousands of dollars.


I can't believe I wasted a year of my life working there while I was going to college.

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I could care less what Wal-Mart does. I typically don't shop there as I prefer to support small business owners, especially for fishing gear. Though after reading this article I wouldn't be deterred from buying merchandise from Wal-Mart as I support conservation initiatives and the protection of our environment. I chuckled when reading the article because it was pretty anti-anti-fishing... I'll form my own opinions.

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not that i have any love for one of the worst green-washing, near-slave-labouring (domestically and abroad) cutthroat big boxes in the game, but this is a dumb article written by dumb people. the world needs many, many times more protected marine habitats. the entire scientific/conservation community is painfully aware of this. nothing about this donation even approaches anti-angling support. read critically.

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