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Sick dogs @ Lakair g2g


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I got back late yesterday afternoon after 6 days at Lakair for our annual g2g and as always, it was a fantastic week with all the usual great people plus a few new ones to the gathering. I didn't take any pictures myself this year so it's good to see so many others posting their's.


There's one thing I want to clear up though...


As quite a few of you know, my little dog Marvin got very sick up there on Sunday afternoon, infact so sick that had there been a vet's office open in the area I would have taken him in to see what was going on.


He was very healthy & playful and was having a ball with all the other dogs all week long with the swimming and constant playing. He's 15 years old now and slowing down somewhat, but still did his best to keep up with the bigger and younger dogs.


He was feeling much better on Monday and by Tuesday he was 100% again, infact he was feeling so good that when he fell off the end of the dock on Tuesday he never even flinched and used it as another excuse to keep on swimming :thumbsup_anim:


We think his problem was too much sun and possibly a bit of heat stroke and are very thankful that he's better now.


It was suggested up there on Sunday, and again in another post here yesterday that a member of our group was intentionally feeding something to our dogs for the sole purpose of making them sick.


The person who supposedly did this asked me last week if my dog could have one of the treats and I said yes because it's something my dog eats on a regular basis and never has a problem with them.


Most of the dogs at the g2g were at my cottage Sunday morning and all were in great spirits and having a blast playing with each other, including my dog. Most of them went home on Sunday so I'm not sure when they got sick but they were all fine the last time I saw them.


I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that the treats that were given out by the member in no way had anything to do with Marvin becoming sick.


Accusations have been made but not proven, and I don't think we've heard the end of this yet but I want it known that I personally don't believe what's been said and want to completely distance myself from any further problems that may arise from this.

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Guest gbfisher

somethin coulda been put on the treats....to make them eat it....just sayin..... :jerry:

I wasnt there and this is the first I have read about it. :dunno::)

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Wasn't there, but for spitballin' purposes:


Could there be a pit or ditch that had some nasty water?


Were all the dogs in the lake?


Could there be a parasite in the water?


Just wondering what the sick dogs could have had in common beyond the other theories.


Not sure how I would react if I thought someone had done intentional harm to my dog? :angry:


Glad to hear they are on the road to recovery.

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Wasn't there, but for spitballin' purposes:


Could there be a pit or ditch that had some nasty water?


Were all the dogs in the lake?


Could there be a parasite in the water?


Just wondering what the sick dogs could have had in common beyond the other theories.


Not sure how I would react if I thought someone had done intentional harm to my dog? :angry:


Glad to hear they are on the road to recovery.


You nailed it Rob, coulda been any of the above.

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Marvin was a sick little puppy for a couple of days there. Sure was a relief to us when we saw him up and running around like normal. Not sure what was going on, but a number of the pups got sick from something. We're kinda glad now that we didn't bring our two along this time.


Any number of reasons and various rumors flying around. Like Lew, I don't want to spread any of them around. I know our lab cannot tolerate 'people' food, so we really have to be careful with handouts or anything else that may accidently fall from the table or someone's plate. But, she just loves the water like all the rest.


Oh yes ... It's raining up here and supposed to rain the rest of the week. :wallbash:

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Lets get real here. There was know one person who was going around intentionally overfeeding our dogs to make them sick. That is down right absurd....

I was even approached and asked if Sam could have some treats and I gave those persons permission and every time I looked around to find Sam he was always munching on something he found in the grass or was offered up. If I wanted this not to happen I would of put him on a leash but he has an iron clad stomach lining as most of you know after last year eating a pound and a half of beef jerky at Lakair and not skipping a beat.

Everyone there was part of our OFC group or affiliated in some way through Lakair and I could not for the life of me imagine anyone wanting intentionally overfeed any of the dogs to get them sick. Sam was right in the midst of this hole thing and he was fine so what does that tell you ??

Sometimes our dogs get upset tummies especially after a visit to Grandma's house cause she sneaks treats when we are not looking but never with the intention of harming. I'm pretty sure this was the case on Saturday...We will learn from this and do things a little different next year.

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Marvin was a sick little puppy for a couple of days there. Sure was a relief to us when we saw him up and running around like normal.


We appreciated both yours & Patsy's concern the last couple days Rich and you'll be happy to know the little guy is bouncing around here now like a little puppy. Guess he's making up for the couple days he lost when he was sick.


And for what it's worth Rich, when we left camp yesterday morning we only travelled north about 1000' and there was a moose standing just 50' off to the side of the road. We were able to pull over for a bit to watch her but unfortunately my camera was still in the boat.

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Lets get real here. There was know one person who was going around intentionally overfeeding our dogs to make them sick. That is down right absurd....

I was even approached and asked if Sam could have some treats and I gave those persons permission and every time I looked around to find Sam he was always munching on something he found in the grass or was offered up. If I wanted this not to happen I would of put him on a leash but he has an iron clad stomach lining as most of you know after last year eating a pound and a half of beef jerky at Lakair and not skipping a beat.

Everyone there was part of our OFC group or affiliated in some way through Lakair and I could not for the life of me imagine anyone wanting intentionally overfeed any of the dogs to get them sick. Sam was right in the midst of this hole thing and he was fine so what does that tell you ??

Sometimes our dogs get upset tummies especially after a visit to Grandma's house cause she sneaks treats when we are not looking but never with the intention of harming. I'm pretty sure this was the case on Saturday...We will learn from this and do things a little different next year.


I wasn't there and don't know anything of the rumors that "might" be floating around but I have to totally agree with ChrisK on this one. That ANY OFNr would intentionally harm anothers "ANYTHING" well, you'd have to hand me proof positive and then guarantee it. My old buddy Andy would find all sorts of stuff to get into. Toads, frogs, dead things, brackish water, too much sun, heat, "or people food which he would devour if given the chance". "he even ate a whole 5" spec one time in one swallow much to my grandaughters dismay" Slurp, gone!


I am really glad to hear that Marvin is OK, and that no other dogs suffered anything that wasn't temporary but I wouldn't buy for a second that anyone here would intentionally harm any of our pets.

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Glad to hear Marvin is back up to snuff, he a pretty amazing little guy for 15.


Moosy really just had an upset tummy Saturday night and a bad case of the runs on Sunday. My guess is she got a few too many droppings during the pot-luck and I did catch her licking some paper plates clean in the firepit afterwards. I don't blame anyone but myself for not keeping a closer eye on her when the food was around. I was watching during dinner and certainly didn't see her begging or anyone feeding her from their plates.


She's all good now except for the hot spots on her head and even they are starting to heal nicely.

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Lets get real here. There was know one person who was going around intentionally overfeeding our dogs to make them sick. That is down right absurd....

I was even approached and asked if Sam could have some treats and I gave those persons permission and every time I looked around to find Sam he was always munching on something he found in the grass or was offered up. If I wanted this not to happen I would of put him on a leash but he has an iron clad stomach lining as most of you know after last year eating a pound and a half of beef jerky at Lakair and not skipping a beat.

Everyone there was part of our OFC group or affiliated in some way through Lakair and I could not for the life of me imagine anyone wanting intentionally overfeed any of the dogs to get them sick. Sam was right in the midst of this hole thing and he was fine so what does that tell you ??

Sometimes our dogs get upset tummies especially after a visit to Grandma's house cause she sneaks treats when we are not looking but never with the intention of harming. I'm pretty sure this was the case on Saturday...We will learn from this and do things a little different next year.

Newt is fine too, but I didn't let him eat anything. Dogs are such scroungers!! LOL

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Just to clarify my original post, we left Marvin in the cottage while we went up for the feast, and he didn't go back up after dinner, so whatever came over him definetely DIDN'T have anything to do with the food we all ate.

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Just to clarify my original post, we left Marvin in the cottage while we went up for the feast, and he didn't go back up after dinner, so whatever came over him definetely DIDN'T have anything to do with the food we all ate.


Lew,while I was at my trailer couple weeks ago my 16 year old weiner dog got a mild sun stroke and ended up vomiting for a couple hours. To us the sun didn't seem so hot but to Arnie it must of been to much. He's fine now and in the future we will keep him out of the direct sun.

I'm so glad to here Marv is back to his old self. He is quite the little trooper and man does he ever swim well.

I think all in all we can chalk this one up as a learning even.

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I did notice the dogs feeling ill after Chris K went swimming...maybe a bit of ring around the lake?Just sayin'.I dont think anyone would try to get anyones pooch sick on purpose..


Thanks Joe <_<


I'm thinking those crafty pooches got into the venison chili when we weren't lookin...

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Dogs will be dogs. I have 2 and i have to watch them all the time. They will put the most disgusting things in thier mouths and eat itmellow.gif

I cant believe someone would actually accuse a member of trying to poison your dogswallbash.gif Not only does it show poor judgement, but a lack of respect.

I hope whom ever made the accusations, regrets his or her actions.

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