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Rogers service / products suck


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I buy a rogers prepaid rocket stick for my kids laptop


there is a Rogers Plus store in Bradford


they only have one left and the sales women tells me she had opened it to show a customer but it has never been hooked up


well what the heck I will take it..she can find the sim card so she gives me a different one


I get home only to find the sim card is already in it..


stick it in and find out there is already an active account for it..oh well I have the other sim card she gave me


well it didn't work


I take it back......oh you need the special prepaid sim card and we don't have anymore


she called around and said they have some in Newmarket at the Upper Canada Mall


off I go.........stand in line...get one ...go home...life is good...WRONG




I could not get it to work


ok... bold is them talking......plain is me talking.... underlined ...is me thinking out loud



I call rogers 1800 number.................none of the departments seemed to be right as they said you need to know your account nuber to get service and I have been unable to set it up, so I hit the number for Other Inquiries..


yes sir I will transfer you to the right department


yes I need help getting my prepaid rogers rocket stick working


sorry sir you are in the wrong department I will transfer you but sir please make sure you go to the right department next time you call


excuse me...I was transferred here but another one of your service people, correct them not me....


they didn't say anything and just transferred me


yes I need help getting my prepaid rogers rocket stick working


sorry sir you are in the wrong department I will transfer you but sir please make sure you go to the right department next time you call


are you people a comic routine .....this is the third time I have been transferred and it's getting pretty lame


well sir I can assure you I will send you to the right department


next one


Hello and how can I be helping you



yes I need help getting my prepaid rogers rocket stick working


1...ok lets see what we can do.. yada yada yada.. sir it looks like you have the wrong sim card it needs to be a prepaid sim


1a...it was a sealed package when I got it

1b....that doesn't matter it's the wrong sim.....just take the stick and the computer you are trying to activate to the store you bought it and they will get it working


thank you

Like I need to run back down there


the roger stick will not work, the guy from your service department said just take the stick and the computer you are trying to activate to the store you bought it and they will get it working




why would he say that we don't do that


don't ask me he's part of your company, he has nothing to do with me...do you people ever communicate with one another..seems no one knows what the next guy is doing or saying


well it doesn't seem to want to work


after you read this next part go back up and reread 1 1a and 1 b

1 ...yeah it's seems it's the wrong sim card


1aaa.....well that's silly it comes in a sealed package from the factory


1bbb.......god, this is a comedy routine..I just repeated what your service department said

can you just try another sim card


well sir we can't do that do you have the receipt


well no I don't have it on me, your service dept. assured me you would be able to make this work


well all I can do is send it away to be repaired without a receipt


Just give me the friggen thing, you people suck...I'LL be back....


zip home and get the receipt... third trip to the store


here is the receipt give me my money back



we don't seem to have your name on file we need it to give you a refund


sir we can exchange it for another one


are you kidding I don't want anything to do you people, your service and product suck now as I asked give me my money back


thank you sir, have a nice day

go to hell




so now when you do business with a company and at the end of it your buttock is sore...it's called you've been "ROGERED"





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Well I didn't read all the way through your rant because I have heard it all before about EVERY one of the telecommunication companies, everyone of them are so crooked.... They always promise everything when you buy something but then they over bill you and under deliver on services... Thanks to the useless clowns who run the CRTC they own us and the governments.


I did want to point though that by mentioning Rogers guess who's ad got top billing on your thread? YEP the company you complained about at least you tried to warn anybody wanting to try the special deal their are offering LOL.

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agreed, worst company ever! horrible products, even worse customer service, complete crooks! i cant even repeat most of my conversations ive had with them..... there would be too many holes in the text for removed profanity. lol

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Call them, I had my bill reduced from 204 to 124, for at least a year(it does take an hour or so to get it done) Rogers are crooks just complain and they will reduce your payments for at least a year. There are options and they will comply when pushed.


Ted died, but they still live well with our payments!

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If we were all smart we'd go back to the rotary dial phone! They are what they are... a FOR PROFIT business. I try to give them as little as I can. I've had a total of THREE cell phones since 1985. The first one cost me $1799.99 + tax in 1985. I retired it.. or should I say the rain that leaked thru the motorhome windshield at Lakair in 2006 put it out of commission. Replaced with a 10 cent hersheybar phone off ebay and then Rogers went GSM and gave me a free phone that I'm still using.

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Call them, I had my bill reduced from 204 to 124, for at least a year(it does take an hour or so to get it done) Rogers are crooks just complain and they will reduce your payments for at least a year. There are options and they will comply when pushed.


Ted died, but they still live well with our payments!


Yup, had mine reduced after telling them i was leaving,reduced by 100 two yrs ago snd they started slinking it up at the end of the yr,called em,they reduced it 150 for a year,which is up in nov. squeaky wheel gets the grease.

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I have had Rogers and Cogeco for combined services and I would take Rogers 10 out of 10 times if I had the choice. (I am currently being screwed by Cogeco again) I have also had Rogers, Bell and Telus for cell service, and again would pick Rogers every time.


Why you ask? No, I do not have any ties to Rogers in anyway. It is simply because they all suck, BUT Rogers will give you stuff for being so bad. No one at Bell speaks English, Telus didn't care if I left, so I did, and Rogers will reduce your bill or give you services for free for being so horrible.


I would love to try a DSL provider like Tekksavy, but they are not available where I currently live. All I know is Cogeco is almost twice as expensive as Rogers for the same services (Phone/Cable/Internet) and their customer service is non-existent. Literally, I am not sure if they have a clue what even bad service is, I can not even get far enough on the phone with them to consider it bad. It ends as soon as I call.


I feel like my last 20 posts have all had negative undertones. Not sure why. Sorry, I just dont think any one of these providers is better then the other for services, only how bad their customer services is.

Edited by MuskyMike
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Kinda sounds like the same thing my wife went through with KUDO if I had the time and skill to make it wound as great as you did Terry I would add her story but lets just say my daughter now has a nice phone that will not call anywhere out of screaming distance. But it does take good pictures LOL.

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We had bell home phone until the 25th. Over the last 5 years we have called bell to get them to repair the lines coming in from the highway many times. The repair guys have told us that from the highway to our house (less than 1 KM) the line has been spliced 22 times, and that they will not replace it. Bell did try to get us to stay with them, but did not offer us any incentives.


I had rogers cell phone also for about 5 years. I had great reception, but lousy service and prices too high. Again, was not offered any incentive to stay with them.


Now I have Koodo for cell (3 of them actually mine, my daughter's and my boyfriend). We have had it for about 4 months. No complaints as of yet for quality for calls or text, it takes great pictures. Prices are very reasonable for what we wanted. Grateful for the unlimited text as my daughter has used over 15 000 in the last 30 days.


Internet, we were stuck on dial-up here and only connecting at 21 - 24 kbps since 2006. We finally bit the bullet about 2 months ago and went with netspectrum for high speed wireless. As of this moment, we can not be happier with it.

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Terry, sorry that you have had this much cow manure to deal with... perhaps next time you go into a Rogers store, you might want to borrow my pink gloves as they would help make the insertion much less messy and the clean up that much easier! :w00t:


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