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Bird ID and some other pics


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This guy landed in the tree out the back. These are terrible shots as they are through a screen and window. I'm torn between hawk or falcon. Most probably a hawk though. Can anyone confirm what kind?










Went for a walk after supper and they had redone the park down the street. To my delight, this was the new kids playground mascot. Thought they did a really good job of it.










Then just played with the camera settings and took a few random shots down the path.
















Thanks for looking,



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Hard to tell about the bird without something for a size reference, but it's either a cooper's hawk or a sharp-shinned hawk, both in the accipiter group, and with almost identical plumage. It doesn't look like the correct profile for a goshawk, another accipiter which is much larger. Plus it appears as though the streaking on the breast is reddish, common to both smaller species, the much larger goshawk has grey streaking. As in most falconiformes the females are bigger than the males, and the female sharp-shinned is about the same size as a male cooper's.

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Hard to tell about the bird without something for a size reference, but it's either a cooper's hawk or a sharp-shinned hawk, both in the accipiter group, and with almost identical plumage. It doesn't look like the correct profile for a goshawk, another accipiter which is much larger. Plus it appears as though the streaking on the breast is reddish, common to both smaller species, the much larger goshawk has grey streaking. As in most falconiformes the females are bigger than the males, and the female sharp-shinned is about the same size as a male cooper's.


Exactly, there is always one round here that thinks my bird feeder is its own private smorgasboard :wallbash:

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Nice pictures, I like the ones of the water running over the rocks did you slow the shutter speed down for them?


Yes, I did, and it was the first time I've ever tried it. You have to be really motionless :)






Terry, I dare ya :lol:

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cool shots



you know someone is going to steal the fish


most likely tonight



between 1 and 2




if traffic is good




Will that Jeep of yours pull my 32' deck trailer Terry... or do you need my truck as well?

Edited by irishfield
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well there was nothing in her photo to give me perspective ...


was it at the top of a ladder (3 ft)or was it over the entire play equipment (30ft)


and it's 40 ft long


Edited by Terry®
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Thanks all, I'm finally starting to learn this camera. Alot more to it than I realized :o


The hawk confused me I guess because it was so grey. The ones I usually see are so brown. Guess I need to do some hawk research.




Terry, here's some perspective, that is a child's head at the bottom, he/she is on a bicycle.





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