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Chara under criminal investigation


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So we all now accept that everyone has different opinions of the hit being dirty, or clean, or suspension valid or not... but now that there is a criminal investigation...



I don't know how much weight this will hold though. In bertuzi's case it was an obvious punch to the head.

This is so fine edged of a normal run of the mill hockey play its gonna be hard to say what will happen here. Do you guys think the police will lay charges? Right now its an investigation no charges yet. I think there is enough outrage and public outcry that charges will be laid.

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I am really on the fence about the whole thing. one minute I think it was not too bad of a hit the next minute I think it was bad. I dunno. I just think when you have as many people outraged including the victim, something has to happen. Did you guys read what pacioretty said to bob mackenzie? it was pretty flaming.

Not too sure of all the procedure involved though. Does anyone recall how long it took before charges were laid from when the police started the investigation on Bertuzi?


did some googling...

March 8th 2004 was the bertuzi punch, he was charged on June 24th... another article said it was a 4 month investigation.


ummm wait a minute. the bertuzi punch was on March 8th and the Chara hit was on March 8th.... very weird

Edited by jedimaster
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I don`t want to get into the Chara thing here again as most know my feelings so I will make one comment and leave it at that.


I generally donot think a crimminal investigation of these types of things are warranted but they do happen in hockey from time to time and this will probably just go by the way side.

Now if an investigation does go forward all the investigators have to do is find some evidence perhaps a e-mail or two or a text message indicating some aggression or intent then an investigation may have some merit.


In closing I will say this if I was MP and the doctors tell me I will not play again I call a lawyer and name the league the Montreal Canadiens and Chara in a law suit.


I have said my piece! :)

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This thread isn't so much about the hit and the incident, but more of the whole crimnal charges in the NHL... And no diverging into the crazy coincidence of the Mertuzzi/Moore stuff. I just find it amazing that the stories are so remarkably similar. Here is an article from Tuesday morning its was a vancouver article so probably almost at the same time or shortly before the Chara incident.





Remember the moore Saga? bad hit on naslund, not much redemption the game after. then the third game after bam... Moore with a fractured vertibae.


Still no trial yet on the bertuzzi moore saga. this one coul dtake equally as long I would guess.

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What a crock. Criminal charges for a hockey hit in a game that hitting is illegal. People realize he didn't McSorley the guy and two hand him across the head right?


It was a LEGAL hit! Habs fans really just need to put the soother back in and stop whining.

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I don't believe for a second Chara had no clue that there was a turnbuckle coming up .... he used it to his advantage ....


front page of the the Sun today has a close up of Chara's arm driving MP's head into the turnbuckle .... cmon people ... do you think these guys play nice ? ... give me a break... if they can get away with this they will


If this was your kid or relative in the NHL I am sue we would have a different opinion. What really confuses me is that the NHLPA never seems to stand up for their players. Where is the union ?, why do they not stand up for the players welfare?


When a spectator got hit by a puck several years ago, every NHL arena put up screens behind the net within weeks, I understand that is because it was a spectator , but they need to take the same swift action for there players to fix these turnbuckles before it kills someone.

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Guest gbfisher

Coming from a guy who has never watched a game of Hockey on TV. :lol:

To charge a guy for hitting in a game where anyone could be hurt at any time.


That's out right Ludacrous. :rolleyes:

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I don't believe for a second Chara had no clue that there was a turnbuckle coming up .... he used it to his advantage ....


front page of the the Sun today has a close up of Chara's arm driving MP's head into the turnbuckle .... cmon people ... do you think these guys play nice ? ... give me a break... if they can get away with this they will


If this was your kid or relative in the NHL I am sue we would have a different opinion. What really confuses me is that the NHLPA never seems to stand up for their players. Where is the union ?, why do they not stand up for the players welfare?


When a spectator got hit by a puck several years ago, every NHL arena put up screens behind the net within weeks, I understand that is because it was a spectator , but they need to take the same swift action for there players to fix these turnbuckles before it kills someone.


There are only 4 other arenas in the league that have similar setups like this. They definitely need a design change so this doesn't happen again.

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When a spectator got hit by a puck several years ago, every NHL arena put up screens behind the net within weeks, I understand that is because it was a spectator , but they need to take the same swift action for there players to fix these turnbuckles before it kills someone.


The turnbuckles are there because the top of the players benches are open so players can jump the boards on a line change. Solid glass across the front would eliminate this type of injury 100%...problem solved. No more turnbuckles...players have to go out through the door like we did in tyke before we where big enough to jump the boards.


Having said that....it will never happen

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That glass is only there to protect the likes of magire and healy.. I always thought it was stupid having them there is the first place. Send them back up to the press box where they belong. Loose that section of glass and this never happens again. As for the criminal charges I think GBFISHER said it best. :thumbsup_anim: investigators must be habs fans too. These habs fans have always been a source of enertainment for me. They destroy thier own city when they win and moan and cry when they loose. Player or a game..What else is new..Blow Habs Bolw

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Regaurdless the NHL is taking alot of heat on this one, Air Canada may be pulling out, ouch. It hurts when there trying to build professional hockey and a large corprate sponsor bails out. The violence in the game is out of control, Crosby gone, Savard done and now this.The NHL can say good-bye to any huge TV deals the way this league is going.

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Regaurdless the NHL is taking alot of heat on this one, Air Canada may be pulling out, ouch. It hurts when there trying to build professional hockey and a large corprate sponsor bails out. The violence in the game is out of control, Crosby gone, Savard done and now this.The NHL can say good-bye to any huge TV deals the way this league is going.


Are you kidding me? I'll guarantee you the NHL is loving the publicity don't kid yourself.

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It was a LEGAL hit! Habs fans really just need to put the soother back in and stop whining.


Agreed, seems like Habs fans have a telepathic 6th sense, they can all clearly read Chara's mind as they claim "he knew exactly what he was doing". I'm just surprised it wasn't Subban who got drilled.


The violence in the game is out of control,


Ever heard of ringette? Sounds like you would really like it. Or if that is too violent for you, there is always CIS Women's University hockey. Go Lions.

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Air Canada???


Now there is a company that has made nothing but sound business decisions through out its existence.


Too bad there is already a long line of grand standers fighting for their face-time. Any politician pursuing this would have four words from me: GET BACK TO WORK!

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