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Jails and Nursing Homes


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Jails and Nursing Homes


Here's the way it should be:


Let's put the seniors in jail and the criminals in nursing homes.


This would correct two things in one motion:


Seniors would have access to showers, hobbies and walks.


They would receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical

Treatment, wheel chairs, etc.


They would receive money instead of having to pay it out.


They would have constant video monitoring, so they would be helped instantly... If they fell or needed assistance.


Bedding would be washed twice a week and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.


A guard would check on them every 20 minutes.


All meals and snacks would be brought to them.


They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.

They would have access to a library, weight/fitness room, spiritual counseling, a pool and education...and free admission to in-house concerts by nationally recognized entertainment artists.


Simple clothing - i.e. Shoes, slippers, pj's - and legal aid would be free, upon request.


There would be private, secure rooms provided for all with an outdoor exercise yard complete with gardens.


Each senior would have a P.C., T.V., phone and radio in their room at no cost.


They would receive daily phone calls.


There would be a board of directors to hear any complaints and the political Parties would fight for their rights and protection..


The guards would have a code of conduct to be strictly adhered to, with attorneys available, at no charge to protect the seniors and their families from abuse or neglect.


As for the criminals:


They would receive cold food.


They would be left alone and unsupervised.


They would receive showers once a week.


They would live in tiny rooms, for which they would have to pay $5,000 per month.


They would have no hope of ever getting out.


"Sounds like justice to me!"


:clapping: :clapping:




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HAHAHA that's a good thought but our government is so messed being a criminal is a better way to go almost lol. Our Judicial system sticks up for these clowns. They get money after getting out of jail from the government but when I was off for a few months for heart surgery I couldn't get any sort of assistance lol amkes me sick.

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hmmmm? what i would like to know is why would would amy one put thier beloved seniors or let them go? they raised us and sacraficed for us. cant we do the same???? as for criminnals / punnishment should fit the crime(eye for an eye) no! but investing in finding out what why they committed a crime and fixing that dissorder makes more scence than giving them a free ride. ??? not to say that all crimminals can can be brought back to sociaty. some deserve to never see another sunrise or sunset. in general no free rides. we dont get it why should they?

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For YEARS we had a old rundown county nursing home that was in need of updating that had no air conditioning....the county always said there was no money for it....then right across the street the county built a state of the art air conditioned low security prison.... :wallbash:


Lesson learned.....if you have to go to a nursing home, first take a trip to your local bank and hold it up with a squirt gun, then give yourself up... ;)

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in university I did a paper on the history of crime/punishment/prisons in England. If we could get conditions half as bad as they were a few hundred years ago there would be a lot less crime (because lots of the crooks died in jail!)

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hmmmm? what i would like to know is why would would amy one put thier beloved seniors or let them go? they raised us and sacraficed for us. cant we do the same????


Perhaps I can explain it: I'm a senior, in fairly good health with two wonderful kids, grand kids, and even a couple of great grand kids. I have worked hard all my life to take care of my family, I'm very proud of them as they have done well for themselves. They now work hard to take care of their families.


If and when the time comes that I can no longer take care of myself properly I would hope that (and they know this) they make sure that I am in a place where I get the care I need.


To expect them to have to take on the burden of caring for me 24/7 while they have to work and care for their children just wouldn't be fair, in fact I think it would be selfish.


Not only that but why would you think you would get better care at home than you could in a place with a whole staff to take care of you?


Not all retirement homes are bad places, you should see the one they just built here in Lindsay. $2800.00 a month includes everything; beautiful accomodations (and I mean beautiful), support staff 24/7/365, 24/7 coffee shop, meals, a dinning room that is easily as beautiful as any fine dining restaurant I have ever been in with a menu and staff that exceeded most. House cleaning, laundry, a salt water pool, Phisio centre, nursing station, DR., theater, phone, TV.... Well, the list is huge and as I said, all inclusive! Oh, and that's for a single, double is only slightly more.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

good point randy.

unfortunately jailing criminals is big business and the federal conservatives are fixin' to impose minimum mandatory sentencing, including on petty crimes like marijuana possession. you can tell a lot about a country by how their seniors are treated, and after watching my grandmother have a stroke two years ago, i see how people her age get treated weekly.

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I work in a city run Long Term Care facility, ( and have for 29 years), not just seniors live there but anyone that needs constant care . We have many people in their 20s and 30s , that live there. I take offence that you think that they are not treated with Respect and Dignaty.

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The first thing we have to do is get the politicians to refocus their efforts on doing worthwhile things instead of wasting all their resources trying to destroy each other. But I'm not naive enough to think the major parties will ever give up the partisan wars as long as we suckers continue to vote for them thereby encouraging them to think that we care more about the party than the country. Good luck in ever getting rid of the partisan control in our different levels of government if we haven't the will to do it. Until we correct that we have no hope of squaring the inequities that exist in all things controlled by the pols.


I agree with Cliff that there are some decent seniors' facilities. We checked out a bunch for my father in law a few years back and he and we were satisfied with what we found. He was very happy in the place we eventually decided on.


But there for sure is something very wrong in the way we coddle criminals. The bleeding hearts need to step back and get a new perspective just like the politicians do.


We've let our western society turn into a mess but what do we do to fix it now? There was a huge lesson learned (hopefully) some years ago when we gave the NDP their shot. That's not a knock on the NDP. They just tried to do it within the partisan structure and that has become so thoroughly tainted that we need something else. We need an entirely new structure for social success. Unfortunately it involves integrity, selflessness, objectivity and responsibility, none of which are found in the typical political agenda.



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I work in a city run Long Term Care facility, ( and have for 29 years), not just seniors live there but anyone that needs constant care . We have many people in their 20s and 30s , that live there. I take offence that you think that they are not treated with Respect and Dignaty.


I worked in LTC as well as a front line RPN

( I now work for Community Living), I know that the staff

(in most cases) treat all residents with Dignity and Respect..

I think that my first post is directed to our Government.




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I worked in LTC as well as a front line RPN

( I now work for Community Living), I know that the staff

(in most cases) treat all residents with Dignity and Respect..

I think that my first post is directed to our Government.




Thank-you. I too work on the front lines as an adjuvant/recreation sevice assistant. I provide all the "fun" things to do in a home with 250 residents. Bingo, bowling , sing-a-long, toe tapping tea time, hymn sing,bake groups, craft groups and any other group that we can put together. You can be as active as you want to be or not at all. The nursing and food are first class, and all this is provided to people of any age and need , in a city run facility by , here it comes , CUPE workers!!!!! I am proud of the work we do with our long term care residents.

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