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Shelley Cooper

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I got out on the Lady today around 12pm…


It wasn’t easy with this crappy arm of mine, a hand auger and my skidoo still in the repair shop.. but I made it out, with no fear… The ice condition was great for walking, skidoo'ers and ATV's.. we never did get that rain that was forcasted.. except a sprinkle here and there... the snow is going down and there are still slush spots, but not near as bad as they were....


I Walked as far as I could.. Augured me a hole (in about half hour).. lol damn, only 41ft.. but oh’well, I was exhausted and I’d fish anyway.… dropped my ol’faithful down and within 10 mins.. fish on.. YEAH… dang.. lost it after a few pulls.. but this is good, it had more power to it then a perch lol

.. so I kept fishing.. in the next half hour.. got me 1 little perch.. back down he went. I packed up and moved out deeper.. I knew it was gonna be hard on the arm to drill another hole with that damn Hand auger.. so I tried a hole that had froze over.. nope.. couldn’t get thro.. but opened enough for my fish finder.. heheheh as I was drilling the other hole.. 2 young fellows came along and offered to drill me some holes.. THANK YOU :thumbsup_anim:


All set up again in 63ft of water and down goes the ol’faithful… within 15min.. Fish on again., this feels so good, the adrenaline is just pumping and I’m so excited to see my first fish on Simcoe of 2011.. I knew it wasn’t a perch.. and there it is..right at the hole... MY FIRST whitey of 2011.. YEAH.. Excitement builds… then the let down.. dang thing knocked the lure out of its mouth right at the hole and I could only watch it swim away.. <_<


Oh well.. days still young.. so down ol’faithful goes again.. marking lots of fish, but no takers.. switch to a bad boyz type lure.. still no takers.. switch to a NEW Williams half n half and not long after.. FISH ON again.. damn what a fight.. never did see that fish.. but I feel it was either a laker, or a whitey by the arse… hehehe it was still fun and exciting anyway… :clapping:


Back at it with ol’faithful and fish on again.. but one pull and you knew you had a pesky perch.. Reeled up slow and released.. Another fish on.. again a whitey.. I’m thinking, this would be great for dinner tonight.. but this one too, knocks the lure off right at the hole… and I watch it swim away :wallbash:


Fished until about 6pm, now getting dark and I start to pack up.. Those two nice young men come by again and stop to ask how things went… as I was reeling up to put it all to rest for the night.. FISH ON.. yeah.. and I’m thinking, maybe these guys can help me get this fish on the ice…. Lol But, I did it myself.. only this time, it was a nice sized trout.. good for the table if you like trout.. It was exciting, but I didn’t want the trout and offered it to the young fellows.. as I did, they looked at each other.. and didn’t answer me.. so I said.. ok, back down the hole she goes… and they both leaped to catch the fish..lol they took it home for dinner… it was great.. one of them even pulled my fish trap to shore for me.. again.. thank you young’n’s.. :thumbsup_anim:lol


Now on shore.. about to leave.. in came the fire rescue crew.. launching the air boat.. for training purposes.. So I stayed to watch the excitement.. wow, is that thing noisy.. but it was fun to watch…


As I’m driving home.. I get a call from the skidoo repair man.. YEAH.. my skidoo is ready and I can pick her up tomorrow… :thumbsup_anim:


Surely was a great day on the Lady…and a great finish to my day… . I'll be zooming around this weekend as long as the weather holds up...

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That's awesome Shelley. I'm so glad you finally got out, got some fish on, and even iced one, and that your sled will be ready for the weekend. Yup, sounds like a good day to me.


Maybe well see you out there this weekend :thumbsup_anim:

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Great account of a good day,awesome to get help when you really need it.


always right at the hole eh? I often have that split second argument in my head whether or not the fish is worth a wet sleeve...lol...dry sleeve usually wins the argument these days.


Good to hear your gonna be mobile again...sucks having to haul yer gear by hand!


BTW....gonna share what 'olefaithful' is? :whistling:;)

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Thanks for the comments. Sure was hoping to be out there today, but not with this crazy wind... grrr



Nice report!


Sounds like you had some decent action.


I'll be out Sunday and Monday. Fire me a PM if your going out. I'll stop by for a chat.


Not the best action for 6 hours of fishing.. but at least there was some action and the blood got pumpin.. lol


Most deffenitely will be out Sunday.. Not sure if I'm gonna chose to work Monday (Family Day n my 50th) or take another day fishing...



That a girl.Great report Shel.

Im heading out monday.Give a shout if you guys are too.


Will Do Brian.. Where are you going out from???

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