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Police question?


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Hey OFC, i had quite the scare today an undercover police officer ran up on me today as i was parked at a little caesars with my buddy having lunch. He suspected us of having drugs and he walked over and before anything was even said there was a glock 9 in my face. We were searched and we were clean and he left after appologizing. Was what he did legal? I am 17 years old.

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Did you see any ID? Thats just crazy..Must have been on the hunt for somone you looked like..Did ya have to go home and change ur shorts? Id report him. The firearm seemed to be taking it a little to far..UNREAL.....

Edit.. are you 100% he was a police Officer?

Edited by tb4me
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well this is why some many people no longer respect the cops


they seem to use max force and aggression no matter the situation


seems coming with the gun drawn was a little much


did other cops show up did he show you his ID

did you get this info


I would be checking to see if he called it in

why didn't he wait for back up

what was his reasoning for gun


seems to me he put you and himself at risk for no reason I would let people know, call the newspaper

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WELL at least he appologized. If you or your vehicule were a close match for a suspect, that might have made him a little jumpy.Cops these days have one heck of a job to do. One that i sure wouldnt want to do. Don't be too hard on him. Like i said, at least he said sorry, he was just doing his job.

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Guest gbfisher

No.. :rolleyes: .They are not supposed to do it that way. Nothing you can do about it though. Hopefully it never happens again to you and hopefully the trigger happy moron doesnt kill someone by mistake. :wallbash: ...but of course it would go down another way than what really happened. <_<

Power tripping idiots that should be tossed out of the force and never allowed to own or handle a firearm again. :)


I tell ya though for the reason he had to draw it is a big reason NOT to be a cop.

There is a thing called back up and he does have a loud speaker. He didnt have to rush the car and put himself as well as everyone around him in danger. Public included. It sure aint worth losing your life over some drug offense. Not like it was a MAJOR bust....they had nothing... :rofl2:

Gettem Danno!!

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that was the point in my post


the only reason to draw a gun is for self protection or protection of the public....waiting for more cops would have solved the need to draw a weapon


the situation doesn't seem to fit the action

it's true that we do not have all the details, but that guy should not be a cop


his instincts are not very good to draw a gun only to have no charges laid ......it's one thing to find out he didn't need that much force

but it turns out he needed no force and totally misread the situation........he might be more suited to handing out parking tickets or carts at walmart

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I would file a complaint, or better yet have your parents file a complaint. Situation sure didn't sound like it warranted have a weapon drawn, unless of course you were doing something to warrant it. Only you know that. If I was leaning up against my car minding my own business and had a gun pulled on me I would file a complaint the instant he turned around.

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little late but if you're ever in a similar situation ask for full name and badge number and then if you believe he/she engaged inappropriate action you can file a complaint


A Toronto Police Officer:


-will provide his or her name and badge number upon request.

-who is not in uniform will present proper identification; you may ask to examine the badge and photo identification so that you are satisfied the person is a police officer.

-will tell you why you are being stopped.

-will only use the force allowed by law (for example, to stop an offence, effect the arrest of a suspect or maintain custody of a prisoner).

-will generally arrest a person for a crime committed in the officer's presence, or when the officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person has already committed or is about to commit a crime.


Things To Do When Stopped


Again, officers are trained to place a great deal of emphasis on their safety and yours so they can do the job of safeguarding the public. Many of these guidelines conform to safety procedures, based on long experience, that officers are trained to follow.


Keep your hands where the officer can see them. Don't put your hands in your pocket or clothing.

Stay put and stay calm. Don't walk or run from police. Don't touch any police officer.

Cooperate with the officer. Don't get into an argument.



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If you do not agree with the officer's conduct or actions during the stop, keep track of all pertinent information, including the officer's name and badge number. You have the right to complain at any police station of this Service, to the Professional Standards – Investigative Unit, or the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services. Officers are unable to handle your complaint on the scene.

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Guest gbfisher

hmm, so throwing him a sucker punch in the gut is a no no?


JK of course. Although I pay very close attention to obeying the law I have long since lost almost all respect for the police. This is another example of why.

After the G20 its no wonder.... :rolleyes:

Rights?........ :rofl2: you have none!!!!

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If it was all on the up and up he now has a bunch of paperwork to file because his side arm left it's holster. If he did not put this in his report he will be reprimanded by his superiors. Drawing your side arm is serious business and it definately sounds like it was not warranted in this instance and very likely he wil be reprimanded if it is reported.

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the officer apologized and then sounds like he left pretty quickly?


he knew he was in the wrong...every time their gun is drawn paper work is involved...if he didn't provide id and show his badge, then it sounds like he was avoiding paper work and ridicule back at the station


i do genuinely acknowledge that our officers have a tough job as I do have several friends who became cops...but I've encountered enough bad cops at the same time...like to say I've gained wisdom through trial and error...LOL


"blind trust" perhaps but let the police do their jobs and make damn sure you know your rights and know what to do if you're involved in an incident and protect yourself from manipulation

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the officer apologized and then sounds like he left pretty quickly?


he knew he was in the wrong...every time their gun is drawn paper work is involved...if he didn't provide id and show his badge, then it sounds like he was avoiding paper work and ridicule back at the station


i do genuinely acknowledge that our officers have a tough job as I do have several friends who became cops...but I've encountered enough bad cops at the same time...like to say I've gained wisdom through trial and error...LOL


"blind trust" perhaps but let the police do their jobs and make damn sure you know your rights and know what to do if you're involved in an incident and protect yourself from manipulation


When a moron has a gun pointed at you you have no rights




even if it's a stupid cop that's the moron

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When a moron has a gun pointed at you you have no rightseven if it's a stupid cop that's the moron


nah, not at all, you might not feel you have rights at that exact moment in time and it's best to cooperate and just let the incident end...but you still have rights afterwards and don't let a cop intimidate you from taking action afterwards


sounds like the kid ehre did the right thing and cooperate and the incident ended quickly...but don't let it just be water under the bridge...file a complaint, even without a bad number or name there is still a record of where they were while on duty...there may not be enough evidence to merit any sort of consequence to the cop but maybe he'll think twice next time...hell, who knows, maybe a security cam at little caesars or neighbouring business caught the whole scene???

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remember there are 3 sides of the story...yours...his....and the truth


I wasn't there and I don't know what happened, but most likely, at least the times i've been involved, the plain/old clothes detectives have their badges around their necks and you or your car match the suspect vehicle in a violent occurance.


I know many good and bad guys and having a gun in your face for a little weed is more than excessive, even for the heavy handed guys


keep in mind that there are many people running around pretending to be cops so you might have met up with the wrong guys....who knows, but if you have issue with what happened then go with your parents to the HQ and speak with the officer in charge

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I'm sorry but it really bothers me when guys call cops morons and the like. Perhaps I'm just lucky but I have never in my 65 years had a bad incident with a police officer, in fact just the opposite! I have always been treated fairly and in fact many many times I have had them go out of their way to help me. Sure I have had a few tickets over the years but never any that I didn't deserve and even then they were often reduced. Officer Cliff Tate here in Lindsay deserves a commendation for the way he helped me when I found my brother-in-law had passed away. I'll never forget him for what he did for me.


Sure there are some bad apples just like there are some bad fisher (persons) but don't tar them all with the same brush. The reason I never tried to become a police officer is because I'd have probably made Dirty Harry look like a little girl by comparison.


You guys can think what you want but I have nothing but respect for them! If you can't stand behind them; try standing in front of them!

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You know what I ment!


I really think people don't sometimes. I know when I'm in serious trouble there is one number I'll call first. We have right's and we live them everyday, yes he might...might of made a mistake but sometimes when they think they have right right house...or the right car, the gun comes out or the door get's blown down. They do there job and if somebody was hurt then this is when it matters.


I have thought about going into the OPP after college...but my goal in life is to be a Conservation Officer here in Ontario or gladly in another province. These are things I learn of every day, respect these guys...I don't need to say why.

Edited by MikeTheBassFisher
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