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Lake Temagami - March 9/10/11/12 2007


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With nothing more than quick naps Thursday evening Ron and his nephew Jon headed out from Coburg at midnight as did Dano from his place in Orangeville. Ron picked Keith up in Toronto and headed North. Lloyd Daume (U and Me charters) was supposed to come as well..but he got the flu 6 hours prior to blast off. Dano swung by my place...we pulled his trailer off his van, threw it on my F150 and headed North as well. Worked out well..with us ending up about 4 minutes apart hitting Timmies..across from Fanny's..in North Bay. Out of there by 6AM and sitting waiting for Jim to open Dad's outfitters at 7:02. Couple bags of minnows, some rod holders and misc gear and off we went up the lake to my place.

The boys ready to go ..


Thank god I have a neighbour 4 cottages past my place with nothing better to do...nice plowed ice road using his little 1940's dozer and even leveled the slush for us so it would freeze up and give us a parking spot.


I brought Ron so he could show me how it was done, but instead they asked me were we should go. I said "I noticed a 12 foot hump in 60 to 80 FOW last summer" and off we went. Ron and Keith blasted about 30 holes and we found 35 FOW up to 8FOW. Not more than 10 minutes later....FISH ON...Dan with a nice respectible Laker


10 minutes after that....my Cherry was popped by this little guy. First fish through the ice and I let him go..figuring at this rate we'd have lots to choose from...


Ron's nice set up..Arctic Cat and Quick Flip


Tell me Dan's not havin fun!


Dan taking a snooze after no sleep for a day and a half


Ron tryin to coax a hit on the night bite. We marked LOTS of fish, but not all cooperated


Fridays Sun set.



Friday night we went to town for Chinese Food. Roughin it you bet! LOL


Got up early Saturday AM and headed back to our Friday spot. All them holes we drilled turned that into a real mess and we nick named my 250 Bravo "Slushfinder 1" later that day. Thank god Ron had that big Arctic Cat to play tow truck.

Ron having a smoke and trying to coax them again, to no avail.


This one shows all too well what swiss cheesing the ice does for slush


Tip ups and scenery


Keith caught a small Laker and released it early on, but nothing for a good time period afterwards so we moved in out of the slush mound, after a quick visit by the CO and OPP checking out licenses and having a good chat. Tried a bay that I'd found last year with millions of schooling red dace minnows. Thought we might get into some Pike or Eyes...but Nadda..other than lots of laughs


Ron's nephew Jon in his trap out of the wind.


Feet up in the stirups and relax..LOL...Dan gettin comfy!


Ron Nappin


Ron...cooking up a storm....Perch and Walleye he brought along. Optimistic eh! LOL


Keith Ready to watch the hockey game on Saturday night. Darn leafs even snuck in a win.


Sunday/Monday in next post

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Sunday AM came and Ron, Keith and Jon had to go home...but Dan and I convinced them to get out for a few hours. Ron drilled a bunch of holes and then we had an elder local yokel come ripping out on a sled helmut-less and yell at him "Hey buddy how many holes are you going to drill...we're fishing here." Yah....in frozen over holes with lines still down in the water from last night.


Shortly after setting up shop I pulled this guy up and kept him for a meal that I'm gonna have tonight.


Nice shot looking towards east and my cottage being the white one up on the hill ...hidden up behind the pine thing on the ice


Keith enjoying himself in the sunshine.


Jon doing the same..


Ron givin her a go...still fishless.


Boys packed up and ready to head home about 3pm on Sunday


Mine and Dan's sleds with my cottage as the back drop. We went in..had some lunch and a break and then headed back out about 4 pm


Decided to try a new spot and we just motored down the North East arm for about 7 miles. Stopped and said to Dan I always notice a hump here when I swing around from the channel to a back bay in the summer. We drilled about 10 holes finding from 9 to 30 FOW. Not 5 minutes later I have a hit and when I think Dan is referring to me and questioning fish? ..I look over and no he is stating FISH ON!


and what a beaut it was. 25 inches and FAT.


He no sooner released it back down the hole and wamm..fish on. He cleaned that one right then and there...and my minnow was still alive in it's stomach and I put it back on my lure!


Dan trying the nite bite in the shallower holes to no avail on Sunday night


Sunday Sunset


Dan's idea of a light meal...LOL


We gave it a go again on Monday, back in the same spot we picked Sunday afternoon. Nadda. Moved out into 50 FOW for an hour or so and then back in shallow for another half hour..but nothing. Back to the cottage to clean up, do 4 days of dishes and pack back up. Turned off the power after re-winterizing all the drains and I'll see the place in about 60 days!


Dano ready to go home and summing the weekend up in one thumb!



Dan also had something huge nail, snap his line and take his jig at one point in the weekend. Ron missed a few..as did Jon. but both came up empty unfortunately. Don't think they were overly disappointed though. We all had a riot and I'd fish with any of these guys in a heart beat if you get the chance.

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Thanks everyone! Was so great to fish with these guys and to share a lot of laughs!


Also wonderful to see that natural reproduction is alive and well on the lake, that I've selected as a summer hiding place for my wife and I. The various Laker sizes show some good yearly spawning is going on.

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Awesome report Wayne.Love the sunset pics.Looks like you enjoyed all that fat free food.Who's the little Tike who likes to drown that delicious food with lots of Ketchup?I can apreciate all those pics.I made a post with 30 pics Saturday and that takes alot of time.My first report was detaled like yours .I was thirty minutes into making the first report half way done and the dam computer froze.Lost every thing and had to start over.The second one got really short I was too tired.You do all this on dial up man you are patient.Check my report with Roy.Lac St.Louis.Little kid caught a sturgeon.


What a way to end the weekend Suzie homemaker and the 3 Betty Crockers do 4 days of dishes.Lots of dried ketchup on the plates.

Thanks for sharing Wayne.MTP :clapping:

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You put Ketchup on your fries don't ya.....


I learned today the hard way as well Mike..with lost to cyber space posting. Do it in Word first and then copy and paste! If it freezes..you still have it! Even still...it was about 2 hours to down size the pics, upload to my own website using FTP Pro and then doing the report and pasting in the addresses for each picture.


Dano is "Suzie" then...he washed them all. I dried a few and put them away. That Ron guy and the lads didn't do any...they'd left the day before! ( in all fairness....Ron wanted to on Sunday..but I told him not to waste the water and made them fish instead)

Edited by irishfield
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Great report Wayne!


It felt almost as if I was there! Too bad we didn't have any pictures of the "TOW CALLS". :D


There is a lot of interesting water up there for sure, looking forward to the next invite. It is nice to see the different year classes come out of your lake, goes to show it is very healthly. Glad I could prove you don't have to catch a fish to have a great time!


You definately have a nice place to call home, especially for the Summer. I had a blast with all of you guys, nice to meet Dano in person and have a sit down with him too.


I tell ya one thing though, you guys have got to lighten up, don't take life so seriously! LOL It seemed like this was the "CLASS CLOWN REUNION". That about sums it up.

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