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My Boq Report


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Well BOQ came through for me again this year.........


Which means I didn't catch SQUAT!!!


But not for lack of trying.


We arrived around 3:00 p.m. on Friday to see DouG lounging on the porch at the "Minnow Motel."


He and Emil had just gotten back from their first few hours of fishing. The wind was terrible as noted in other reports and I got this shot of the bay as we headed over the bridge on the way to Picton.




It was pretty nippy out so 4 or 5 layers later, this was my look, a fashion statement I must say.




We fished from about 3:30 to 9:30 at night with one fish on for a few seconds and a few nibbles at the lures but other than that, no luck. By the time we got back Shelley had arrived and we sat around the campfire with everyone until Roy showed up around 10:30. Everyone had a great time and I snapped a few pictures (I'll post them at the end).


Saturday was much nicer and less windy. Team Crack O' Noon managed to stay with the program and I believe we hit the water around 12:10 p.m. The amount of boats by the ferry were ridiculous to say the least and tempers flared as boats crossed paths and planer boards came within inches of each other.


We saw one fish boated while out and of course nada for us. I did get a hit on the planer board rod but it was gone just as fast at it came. DouG and Roy gave us a nice little guitar singing compilation for about an hour, that was "special." Thanks guys.


Sam from Carra showed up with his lovely wife and stood around the campfire with us for awhile. then everyone hung out by the campfire again but alot of people made it to bed earlier on Saturday night (Friday night was a little harder to recoup from for some more than others :lol:


Sunday we took Shelley out with us and gave it another couple of hours but the results were the same! :( But the company was great and we enjoyed the beautiful day.


I won't mention what others caught so they can tell you in their own threads.


Never give up as they say and I'll be back again next year.


I'll post the pics on the next page as this one says its full?


























































Edited by Joey
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BOQ, she's a fickle lady, that's for sure. Other boards mentioned that planers were the way to go with flat lining producing no fish. But who knows, the combos between colours and lures can be endless if the walleye bite is off. :(


There's always next year right?

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Great report Joey.


the lake sure does look a little unsettling in that one pic, and you are definately layered in the other one, lol.


LOL, I will not ask about that 1st pic with Roy and douG.

the 2nd one looks like it was taken under a blacklight, but is probably just flash related. Who are the bookends on each side of Roy?

Wayne looks "uneasy" in the 3rd.

Terry looks happy in the 4th.

Is Wayne asking douG, do you see that light?? in the 5th.

Biteme looks relatively lucid, whozzat beside him? in the 6th.

LOL, Tybo looks just as bad as I do after a fishing trip. Course I don't look all that well before a fishing trip, lol.

OK, who is that crawling on all fours??? in the 8th. I think I know, but am not sure.

Glad Shelley made it there.

Looking awesome as usual Joey, and, ummmm, you too Paul, lol.


Too bad your fishing did not turn into catching, but thats fishing.

LOL, way back when(25+ years ago) we had a guy who went out fishing steelhead that I barely knew. He would always say when asked when are you going fishing, his answer was "crack of dawn". He never made it out before 11 am ever that I know of, but that moniker stuck on him for some time.


I see you added about 4 pics. Who are those 3-4 people??

Edited by tjsa
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Great report Joey.


the lake sure does look a little unsettling in that one pic, and you are definately layered in the other one, lol.


LOL, I will not ask about that 1st pic with Roy and douG.

the 2nd one looks like it was taken under a blacklight, but is probably just flash related. Who are the bookends on each side of Roy?

Wayne looks "uneasy" in the 3rd.

Terry looks happy in the 4th.

Is Wayne asking douG, do you see that light?? in the 5th.

Biteme looks relatively lucid, whozzat beside him? in the 6th.

LOL, Tybo looks just as bad as I do after a fishing trip. Course I don't look all that well before a fishing trip, lol.

OK, who is that crawling on all fours??? in the 8th. I think I know, but am not sure.

Glad Shelley made it there.

Looking awesome as usual Joey, and, ummmm, you too Paul, lol.


Too bad your fishing did not turn into catching, but thats fishing.

LOL, way back when(25+ years ago) we had a guy who went out fishing steelhead that I barely knew. He would always say when asked when are you going fishing, his answer was "crack of dawn". He never made it out before 11 am ever that I know of, but that moniker stuck on him for some time.


I see you added about 4 pics. Who are those 3-4 people??


The "bookends" are Sam and his wife Laura from Carra Outdoors (Laura right?)


"Headhunter" is beside Peter (Biteme)


DouG crawled around on all fours on the "floating" dock that wasn't easy to walk on sober let alone tipsy.


The others are Emil (Ice Fisherman), he's smiling. Biteme's friend (help me here guys), and I believe Percher. Hopefully I didn't forget anyone or leave anyoneout. Please someone correct me if I did.


And yes, my camera leaves alot to be desired. The blacklight effect is from a light over their head and it being dark, so all the weird colours in the pictures are from photoshop making them more visible.



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Percher is probably correct, saw his post.


Why is douG crawling????


Never seen a pic of Sam before, OK, should remember now.


Headhunter, I might remember, but only if half his face is in a pic post, lol.


I still do not wanna know about that pic of Roy and douG, with.................whatever's on Roy's head, on a bed, in a hotel room, with a six string, and cheap bedside lamp, and cheesy painting on the wall, ..................please, do not offer an explanation.


Ba da ding, da, ding, da, ding, da, ding, (imagine a banjo sound) lol.


:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D That's my Buddy!!!



Bites tongue really, really hard.

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Tom...you try walking on those F'n Jet dock blocks! Try adding a morning frost and you'll crawl too. Just glad I didn't buy them for my cottage like I was going too.


LOL, no worries, I am sure douG will "rip me a new one" next time in chat, :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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I really wanted to get over to you guys on Saturday night but crashed a little earlier than planned.... :blush:


Glad to hear you had fun times though.


Oh yeah, IMHO, like him or not, IF Tony the Tiger had made The Chase, he woulda been the Champ, hands down.


Yes, just rubbing it in Joey.....Happy was 5th!!!!

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