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I'm Baaaaaaaaack


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Thought I should check in to explain my absence in case it matters to anyone. :P


A while back I was having trouble with my leg and realized it was treatment time when it swelled up like a sausage and I could bend it any more. Well, that led to 2 weeks in the hospital, mostly cuz they were convinced I had a heart issue which turned out to be nothing. In fact, they decided my heart was in exceedingly great shape after a week of monitoring and ecg's etc.


So that left treatment for the large blood clot in my leg which caused swelling right up into my hip which kept me flat on my back until a week or so back. I'm awash in blood thinner and painkillers (which got me orders from the doc not to drive). At first I was stuck flat on my back due to the leg swelling but recently I've been able to sit up for brief periods to respond to emails. My backlog of business and personal stuff of course took precedence so y'all have been left on the back burner cuz I knew once I started I'd get caught up in the banter and fun again. But don't count on much just yet. I'm still limited in how long I can sit up. Bending the hip is problematic. I'm more comfortable standing up than sitting.


My apologies to those of you I left hanging with real estate questions. If I can still help send away. I'll try to follow up this time.


So that's it for now. My doc says she's happy with the response in my leg and is cutting back the meds but says I won't be out jogging for a few more weeks.




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Nice to hear from you John. I was sure you were out wining and dining your sweetie in the southern hemisphere somewhere. Glad everything is working out for you.


I'm especially glad that your doc is happy with the response in your leg and that she's cutting back in her meds. :D


Be well my friend.

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I've been wondering where the heck you disappeared to John, but now that your back it's good to hear your on the mend.


You add alot to this board and it'll be good when your back on a permanent basis again.

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John, be sure to take care of yourself. Blood clots are major health issues. Follow the instructions of your plumber.


We need to begin easing up on blood thinners as our period comes up. Don't want any of us bleeding to death.


Don't worry TennesseeGuy I think "MANOPAUSE" has taken care of that already!

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Thanks for the best wishes, all.


Solo - you have no idea what real aging is like, you young punk. But yer turn will come. :w00t:


Truly, I've been totally immobilized due to the leg swelling and I'm shocked at how fast the muscle (what there was) has turned to blubber. Feels like my chest/waist measurements have just reversed themselves and my arms and legs look like they belong on a little old man. Hopefully, now that I'm loosening up a bit I can start to at least get some walking in. At least I've gotten past walking like a bowlegged old rodeo reject.


Rick - Thanks for the offer of help when you're in town but I've got lots of family all pestering me for things to do. Other than not being allowed to drive because of the meds I'm quite independent now. It's mostly just a case of getting my body back in some semblance of shape (not that it has ever been that great since my sports days) while we wait for the meds to finish working their magic. Doc warned me to be patient.


As for fishing, not likely gonna happen the rest of this season. I barely have my carpet legs let alone river legs.


'Nuff for now.





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