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Sept 5th Muskie Report


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Does anyone believe in Karma????


In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.'


My wife came back from walking the dogs along the beach this morning and told me that she met an elderly woman who was in her housecoat, crying and "shaking like a leaf" looking out at the water... ......the woman (in her late 80's) was distraught because her husband's sailboat had somehow broke away from the anchor and drifted away more than likely from the heavy winds yesterday/last night.. .... :(


I went out with the binoculars and low and behold, I see a sailboat that managed to drift up upon a shoal in the middle of the river...BINGO, I've found her boat. :thumbsup_anim: We gave her a call and told her the good news and she said that she would try to get ahold of her son to come give me a hand...within an hour, we went out with my boat and managed to get the boat off of the shoal and back to it's home!!! ....The poor woman must have thanked me 30 times...


So....now that the cover's off my boat, I decide to head out for a mid morning Muskie hunt...as I'm heading out the door, my wife gives me a huge hug and kiss and tells me that I'm going to catch a Muskie because of "Karma" .....


Within an hour of trolling a deep water crankbait, I jumped out of my seat to a screaming reel...YES!!!!....This gal came to the top of the water immediately and started doing flying acrobats.. she came out of the water 3 times!!....I kept thinking I was going to lose her but somehow managed to coax her to the side of the boat and into the Big Kahuna net.....




48" x 20" of a shear beauty ....




The release was quick and easier then I thought it was going to be....the water temp has dropped significantly since Friday....it went from 77F on Friday to 72F this morning...


I decided to call it a day because it was starting to rain......I got the boat unloaded and as I get up to the house the sun peaks out while it's still drizzling rain...I turn around and look out at the river to see this...





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Atta boy Steve, being a good guy definetely payed off in spades for you today.


That's one gorgeous fish for sure and certainly well deserved my friend !!


I also think that's one of the best fishing tales I've read this year :thumbsup_anim:

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My wife came back from walking the dogs along the beach this morning and told me that she met an elderly woman who was in her housecoat

What the heck was the elderly woman doing wearing you wife's housecoat? ;)

Good on ya for finding and returning the sailboat and a nice fish too!

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